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Thread: SEI/ISFp Subtypes Discussion

  1. #161
    eunice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie84 View Post
    fixed the title for you

    back to topic...

    I think, if subtypes are real, Johnny Depp could be an SEI-Si, he's less overtly Fe and could be mistaken for an SLI because of that
    I don't really think Depp is an ISFp. He seems rather intensed as compared to ISFps.

  2. #162
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Sensory subtype Si-ISFp (Si-SEI)

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    Si-SEI Appearance:
    Calm and soft person in interaction. With his presence often pacifies others. Industrious, practical, does everything with a sense of taste. Often engages in fine arts as a hobby. Well-wishing, tactful, unobtrusive. Tries to sympathize, to assist, to provide advice. Loves rest and comfort. Likes talking about his perceptions and sensations. Attentively questions his conversation partner in regard to his or her affairs. Slightly delayed in his behavior and speech, sometimes stretching out words and with difficulty forming clear thoughts. Even if he speaks fast, he doesn't hurry to end the conversation. Able to speak about the same subject with erudition, comprehensively and at great length. Smiles with confidence, nods her or his head as a sign of support. Movements are smooth, stylish, somewhat slow; may appear to waddle and "walk like a duck". Undemonstrative, but clothes and accessories nevertheless attract attention.

    Si-SEI Character:
    Attentive and caring towards other people, considerate of their convenience. Aware of harmony in communication. Inquisitive, collects various information and shares it with others. Critically evaluates what he hears. Does not like exaggeration, hype - needs facts and justifications. He enjoys when someone argues with him a little, enlivening the conversation, but poorly tolerates people who are aggressive and avoids serious quarrels. In business matters prefers to negotiate at an informal level. Knows how to patiently persuade a person to take on a beneficial or profitable project, but doesn't always notice which undertakings are actually promising. Thus, he can be hesitant in starting on new projects, afraid of making mistakes and feeling at fault. Values his peace and knows how to move away from any sources of irritation.

    Tries under any circumstances to not lose his sense of measure. Keeps neutral in debates. Amiable, will try to find a method to find rapport with most. Even when he has to insist on and defend his own opinions, he is able to maintain good relations. Often acts as a peacekeeper, trying to convince other people to agree to a compromise and come to mutual accord. Doesn't find it easy to deny a person's request, to push someone away, thus is often careful at the beginning of a conversation, and dislikes people who are "sticky" and intrusive. With difficulty determines what a person is capable of and what to expect from him, though he appreciates talented and original individuals. Usually does not criticize anyone and dislikes it when other people are criticized in his presence. May be impatient as a listener. Does not like to compete or to coerce others into doing things against their own will. Has difficulties asserting and defending the interest of his business matters if he is unable to find agreement on an informal level.

    Able to describe events in great detail. Has good memory for sensations: sounds, colors, and smells. Loves nature and good aesthetics in any manifestation. Gravitates towards pleasant experiences. Dresses tastefully. Has an inclination for following the latest styles. Loves comfort and aesthetics, various original decorations. Industrious, loves doing something with his hands. Everything that he takes up does with a sense of taste investing his heart and soul. Does not like commitments and giving promises, since he is afraid that he won't be able to fulfill them. On some he can make an impression of a passive and inert person, since he doesn't see the point in empty hassle and pointless expenditure of efforts. Due to this, often acquires the reputation of a talented slouch, who takes up a philosophical, contemplative stance in life. Strives for good quality of life.

    Warm, gentle, charming, seeks to be in accord and harmony with his environment. Pays attention to manners and behavior of others and evaluates them in his mind. Tries not to burden others with his requests, asks for help only in extreme cases. Generally, will not attempt to draw attention to himself when he feels that nobody is interested in him. Dislikes talking about his failures. By nature private, sensitive, and easily wounded. Turns for help only to people who are close to him and who have proven themselves. Hospitable, likes when food is cooked deliciously and served with appeal. If he is to receive important guests or visitors, spends a lot of time and effort on such occasions, and thus rarely agrees to such events.

    Si-SEI Description by Victor Gulenko: This is an appreciator of well-being, wealth and savoir vivre. Comfort for him is of significance. Looks after his appearance. Possess a good aesthetic taste, which can show in his appearance, in the setup of his interior, in activities of applied nature, such as artist who depicts landscapes and still life. A hedonist, enjoys providing pleasure to both himself and to other people. Outwardly usually is more round and pudgy than the initiating subtype.

    Sexual behavior in subtype:

    Ethical subtype Fe-ISFp (Fe-SEI)

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    Fe-SEI Appearance:
    Seems lively, friendly, and unrestrained in conversation; emotionally responsive, easily gives compliments and closes the distance, may even take his conversation partner by his hand; his lack of restraint carries a shade of familiarity. Shyness can alternate with joking remarks; ironic quips easily turn into respectful and serious tone. Often jokes and tells even unpleasant things with a smile as to not offend the other person. Precautionary and careful. From time to time his temper flares up, but he is quickly appeased and is forgiving. Usually optimistic, merry, and upbeat. Likes to give and receive pleasure. Often gives compliments to people and renders various services. Knows how to cheer up or encourage someone. Seems carefree, for he is prone to hide his negative emotions from others. Impatient and restless. Speaks quickly and confidently, with imperative, declaring intonations. Has a quickly moving gaze that notes everything, sometimes cursorily "shooting" side to side, other times deep and meaningful. His movements are assured and graceful but a bit gusty.

    Fe-SEI Character:
    Very appreciative of the joy of human interaction and all the other pleasures of life. Skilled in his ability to do pleasant things and aims to provide enjoyment for himself and for others. As a rule he is helpful, friendly, sympathetic, and considerate. Often the soul of the company. Hospitable, often knows how to cook well. Creates a relaxed, informal, trustful atmosphere of communication. Cares for and attends to others with elegance and ease, readily gives out compliments, uplifting their mood and the general atmosphere. Able to cheer people up with jokes and ruses. If he sees that someone is growing angry, he quickly smooths out the bad impression of a failed joke thus preventing a potential conflict.

    Usually has many acquaintances, but fully relaxes and enjoys himself only in a circle of close friends. Tries not to go where he is not wanted. With unfamiliar people he is somewhat cautious and reserved. Does not like people who are cold and arrogant, with whom he cannot create an atmosphere of intimacy and informality. Becomes anxious when he is dealing with someone who is unpleasant to him; in such cases his speech at times becomes hurried and indistinct. Not prone to insubordination; avoids his superiors and boring strictly business conversations. If he is feeling sick or is in a bad mood, he retreats not wanting to burden others with his problems.

    Trying to lift the mood and vitality of those around him, he assumes a position that he is sincerely indignant at their passivity and inaction. If his cheers and jokes have no effect, he is able to prick with a word such that it finally gets him the desired reaction. Sometimes, in the interest of the matter, he assumes a harsh and severe look. In such cases it is difficult to understand whether he is joking or being serious. Well versed in the nuances of feelings of others and willingly demonstrates his own, due to which he is usually popular among the opposite sex.

    Internally inconsistent and very dependent on his state. Pays attention to problems and tries to resolve them as soon as possible; cannot stand uncertainty and doubt. Impatient, finds it difficult to wait for the natural outcome of events, prefers to speed things up. He is inclined to make hasty decisions and take reckless actions. Clever and resourceful, does not lose himself under any circumstances. Quickly notices weaknesses and deficiencies of a person or a situation and can depict them in a humorous light. Tries to create and cultivate useful ties and contacts, but sometimes doesn't have enough tolerance and diplomacy.

    Plays the role of someone without problems. Sufficiently optimistic. Failures for him seem like they do not deserve attention. Leads an active way of life. When occupied by some business matter, sometimes he fusses and hustles, even though actual business activity lends itself to him with difficulty. Cannot occupy with one thing for a long time. Often changes his hobbies and occupations, tries his hand at various activities. He does not like meticulous sedentary work, but willingly takes on an interesting to him assignment and carries it out with great enthusiasm. However, may also suddenly lose interest and grow cold and not carry it through. Often frustrates other people with his disorganization, but it's difficult to remain angry at him.

    Fe-SEI Description by Victor Gulenko: Ethics of emotions is intensified - emotional, easily comes into contact with people, finds it easy to join any company to the point of appearing to be an extrovert. Artistic, often takes on a role of an inciter and a provocateur. Finds his inspiration in creative amateur artistic activity, can be a musician, an actor, an advertising agent, or a poet. Loves comfortable spacious clothes, of which he is not too demanding, can go around with a shoddy look.


    Si-SEI Description by Victor Gulenko: This is an appreciator of well-being, wealth and savoir vivre. Comfort for him is of significance. Looks after his appearance. Possess a good aesthetic taste, which can show in his appearance, in the setup of his interior, in activities of applied nature, such as artist who depicts landscapes and still life. A hedonist, enjoys providing pleasure to both himself and to other people. Outwardly usually is more round and pudgy than the initiating subtype.

    Meged & Ovcharov: Calm and soft person in interaction. With his presence often pacifies others. Attentive and caring towards other people, considerate of their convenience. Aware of harmony in communication. Slightly delayed in his behavior and speech, sometimes stretching out words .. Movements are smooth, stylish, somewhat slow.

    Dido Armstrong

    Fe-SEI Description by Victor Gulenko: Ethics of emotions is intensified - emotional, easily comes into contact with people, finds it easy to join any company to the point of appearing to be an extrovert. Artistic, often takes on a role of an inciter and a provocateur. Finds his inspiration in creative amateur artistic activity, can be a musician, an actor, an advertising agent, or a poet. Loves comfortable spacious clothes, of which he is not too demanding, can go around with a shoddy look.

    Meged & Ovcharov: Seems lively, friendly, and unrestrained in conversation; emotionally responsive, easily gives compliments and closes the distance ...Speaks quickly and confidently, with imperative, declaring intonations. Has a quickly moving gaze that notes everything, sometimes cursorily "shooting" side to side, other times deep and meaningful. His movements are assured and graceful but a bit gusty.

    Kirsten Dunst
    Last edited by silke; 01-21-2016 at 10:14 PM. Reason: updated

  3. #163
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    How does one think of Depp as Fe, that's weird. Not gonna post an interview because this thread's about Si-ISFp dudes, but just watch interviews of him he oozes Fi. Compare to other Gamma SFs like Guy Pearce or Bob Dylan, then contrast them with the Si/Fe fiends I just posted.

  4. #164
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    This is actually a really good question. Most SEIs I know give off really "soft" vibes. In almost all those videos, barring Cat Stevens, you'll notice all the interviewees are anxious and performing somewhat (look at the tension in their bodies...)

    IRL, Si-SEIs I'd imagine come across as being very soft, chill, even a bit spacey/stoned. In large groups they're likely the wallflowers and might seem to be spacing out or engaged with something outside the events. One-to-one, they'd be more "concerned", and probably give off generally "nice" vibes.

    Fe-SEIs I guess would be more Fe. They'd be more busy, extraverted, wear more vibrant emotions, are more pushy. They're the charmers and jokers.

    This is conjecture though, because I don't really know anyone barring potentially myself that I'd call a Fe-SEI. (I could be said to self-type Si subtype, but I don't really use two-subtypes anymore).
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  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by daffy View Post
    How would these lil dudes act?
    Lisa Mitchell seems like harmonizing ISFp. Somebody mentioned her before in some thread.

  6. #166
    EffyCold The Ineffable's Avatar
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    Interesting, I think this one is spot-on. I used to incline towards a laid back ILE but I think SEI kinda makes complete sense. I guess that's also Ashton's typing on him, right?
    (I'm talking about SEI, not "SEI-Si")
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  7. #167
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    Interesting, I think this one is spot-on. I used to incline towards a laid back ILE but I think SEI kinda makes complete sense. I guess that's also Ashton's typing on him, right?
    (I'm talking about SEI, not "SEI-Si")
    Actually that was shindaiwa21's initially. He fucking loves the guy, lol.

  8. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice View Post
    I don't really think Depp is an ISFp. He seems rather intensed as compared to ISFps.
    I've never noticed him to be intense from what I've seen, he comes across as rather mellow and laid back to me

    Quote Originally Posted by poli View Post
    How does one think of Depp as Fe, that's weird. Not gonna post an interview because this thread's about Si-ISFp dudes, but just watch interviews of him he oozes Fi. Compare to other Gamma SFs like Guy Pearce or Bob Dylan, then contrast them with the Si/Fe fiends I just posted.
    I don't agree with these typings from what I've read and observed, I think Dylan is likely IEI and Pearce SLI
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    Default ISFp subtypes

    Hi everyone, I am new to posting in this forum!
    Can someone help me identify which isfp subtype I am as I can relate to both the Si and Fe subtypes :/
    If you're a little bit of both, what does it mean? does that mean that you'll get along with both subtypes of your dual?
    Thanks so much, appreciate it

  11. #171
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cina View Post
    Hi everyone, I am new to posting in this forum!
    Can someone help me identify which isfp subtype I am as I can relate to both the Si and Fe subtypes :/
    If you're a little bit of both, what does it mean? does that mean that you'll get along with both subtypes of your dual?
    Thanks so much, appreciate it
    I also related to parts of both. I dont think you really need to worry about getting sooooo detailed about which subtype of dual is for you, though. You'll get along with not only both subtypes of your dual, but also with many nondual types. You can also not get along with your dual. Lots of NTR factors involved in human relations, and human relations are not so precise.

    p.s. I picked Fe sub for myself only because i tend to be kind of an extraverted introvert or introverted extravert, but it doesn't really mean a whole lot.
    Last edited by Suz; 02-13-2015 at 12:02 PM.
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  12. #172
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    First off, I think subtypes work sort of like a continuum. I find that at different times I feel like more of one subtype and other times I feel like another. However, unless you're of the bipolar variety, you will be inclined to be one way more often than the other. I personally feel like, more often than not, I have more attributes of and behave more similarly to the Ne subtype. But there are definite times when I can see the Ti subtype being emphasized in myself. There may be some people that are confident that they are one subtype or another, so there's that too.

    I would say being a little bit of both subtypes would be difficult due to the Model A system and the dichotomies and what not. My advice is to do some reflection. Think back to specific events and interactions and think of how you behaved, what you were thinking and feeling, etc. Then compare your "normal" or "natural" states to whichever information matches up best.

    IME, Si-ISFps are more quiet, passive, relaxed, reserved, etc. They are the stereotypical "introvert" that gets their energy drained easily and needs "recharge" time. They are also surprisingly critical in their judgments too. Fe-ISFps are more active, emotional, sociable, spontaneous, etc. Their "batteries" seem to have a much larger capacity than the Si subtype. They enjoy being around people and don't enjoy their alone time as much as the Si type. Not saying that Fe-ISFp doesn't enjoy time alone they just don't require it as often, I guess. Due to their emphasized Fe, they have more energy. I feel like many of the general descriptions of ISFp are slightly biased towards the Fe subtype. Being subtypes of the same type, they both share a lot of similarities, of course. I like both subtypes and we typically get along well, just different experiences, I suppose.

    As for getting along with duals, if your dual is right for you (some are not, as Suz mentioned) then you will typically be able to get along with either subtype. However, some subtype pairings have different "effects," so to speak. This article explains it, if you can decipher the quasi-English.

    Basically, if your subtypes oppose each other (e.g. Ne and Si) then you can have some difficulty with communication due to the opposite information emphases, but if there is common ground and some effort aimed at understanding one another you can relax around each other and have a harmonious emotional atmosphere. If your subtypes are different (e.g. Te and Se) then your communication will be better and it will be a more activity or work conducive type of relationship. One person is good at the beginning and the other good at completing projects and what not.

    Hope that helps

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    haha yeah i shouldn't be worrying too much . Both posts are very informative, thanks!
    I think I relate to Si type more because I am more reserved and shy more often but I am going to look into your article and do some reflecting as well.
    Once again, thank you guys for replying!

  14. #174
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    Stuff Si subtype loves to do. Lots of detail and feeling.

    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by astralsilky View Post
    Probably. I don't like to impose my bad moods on others. So I either withdraw, act silly, or (most often) use "thinking" as a defense - acting cool and striving for logic, to restore some clarity and peaceful order within myself, my environment and for others' sake. Communicating how I feel is rather difficult for me. There can be so much going on inside that it's hard to put it all neatly into words, in a way that others are willing to validate. And expressing negative feelings usually drags me down further anyway rather than fixing the problem(s) inciting them.

    Hope this helps you understand your friend.
    Lol. That's a first. I mark this post as Constructive thinking gee, I can relate - only to find I wrote it years ago. Limh.
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    Quote Originally Posted by bg View Post
    we grow pot when no-one is looking
    I never have even tried it but I have had a tendency to keep a lot of house plants and plant flowers when I have a nice yard to do so with.
    ~* astralsilky

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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    late to this convo. but anyway. My dad is SEI-Fe and a good friend of mine is SEI-Si. They're similar. Here are the differences between the ones I know:

    Si is totally into gardening, camping, hiking
    Fe hates bugs and would rather eat a huge bowl of ice cream (tho they both have a sweet tooth and LOVE to eat)

    Si is less emotionally expressive on the whole. rarely gushes but does enjoy talking
    Fe often gushes, deep gasps of excitement, gets excited about lots of stuff

    Si prefers to be in the background
    Fe likes attention and admiration

    Si has strong opinions about style, dressing, taste
    Fe doesn't seem to care quite as much about that stuff

    Si is an artist and more interested in fine art
    Fe is a musician and more into music (tho they both like and appreciate both)

    Si likes to be funny but not overdo it. more subtle
    Fe practical joker, likes to get a huge rise out of people

    Si will sacrifice everything for emotional comfort
    Fe tolerates more emotional ups and downs

    Si is anal about the house being neat
    Fe is anal about the doors being locked at night. borderline OCD

    I know some of these are more about the individuals here than types (my dad is quirky--he was an overprotected only-child) but maybe it gives a general picture of how two SEIs can be different.
    Hmmm, I could relate to all but especially the Fe a bit more.
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    I have befriended with male SEI , and we are close each other
    He is Si subtype.
    He is calm , reserved , and passive. He speaks really softer than mine >_<
    He is shy too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    I think one of my aunts is Fe-ISFp. She's very easygoing, and she makes people who she's just met feel part of the group by avoiding formalities. She's the type of person that people tend to confide in, because she's genuinely interested and sympathetic. She has an earthy warmth about her that is easy and comfortable, not all-encompassing. Keeping in touch doesn't seem to mean much to her; when she's here, she is caring and interested, and gets along spectacularly well with everyone, but she doesn't keep up correspondence once she's gone. She teases people a lot, but playfully, not in a hurtful way. She's very physically confident when she's moving, but when she's not, she can look a bit shy or unsure of herself. She can talk about people behind their back rather than confront them, but she doesn't act very warm to people she doesn't like. More politely distant. She's obliging and pretty much goes along with what the group wants to do and makes it fun for everyone. She's good at knowing when people are sincere or not. Very artistic - good at woodworking and painting etc.
    My friend is SEI too. But , he is either Si or Fe subtype. But , your aunt descriptions are really fit to him

  20. #180
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    Maybe it's just me, but did anyone else have trouble relating to the alpha descriptions as a Si subtype? Like if I get past the sacchirine feel of it I relate to it, but they make us sound like a bunch of party-loving Facebook moms. Like the main reason I'm ever energized in the sphere of public events is because of the food lol. The group description is especially why I had trouble sticking with SEI as a type. Positive emotional expression, yuck. Not that I want everyone whining instead, but loud jokes and fuzzies are a bit overwhelming for me. I think SEI stereotypes seem a bit geared towards the Fe subtype. I thought I was too emotionally distant for a Fe valuer, but I realized that was the Si subtype talking(and maybe my enneagram). Plus, my idea of comfort isn't flowery walls and baking cookies for everyone, it's video games, piles of food and hiding from humans.

  21. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by robobot14 View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but did anyone else have trouble relating to the alpha descriptions as a Si subtype? Like if I get past the sacchirine feel of it I relate to it, but they make us sound like a bunch of party-loving Facebook moms.
    Strong Si subtype is actually far from that, I suspect. More like a soft-spoken know-it-all culture junkie. The stronger the Si, the softer the person, with all the implications. As you move away from Si in direction no subtype or Fe subtype, the more feisty the person becomes.

    Quote Originally Posted by robobot14 View Post
    The group description is especially why I had trouble sticking with SEI as a type. Positive emotional expression, yuck. Not that I want everyone whining instead, but loud jokes and fuzzies are a bit overwhelming for me.
    I’d link Alpha humor more to the absurd. Positive emotional expression in this context means a relaxed atmosphere and the absence of things like friendly bullying. A ‘yeah, whatever’ attitude.

    Quote Originally Posted by robobot14 View Post
    I think SEI stereotypes seem a bit geared towards the Fe subtype. I thought I was too emotionally distant for a Fe valuer, but I realized that was the Si subtype talking(and maybe my enneagram). Plus, my idea of comfort isn't flowery walls and baking cookies for everyone, it's video games, piles of food and hiding from humans.
    There’s something a little off with those typeS of profiles, for sure. I guess the concept of duality has a lot to do with it and perhaps misreading is involved as Si seems rather difficult to explain. Some SEIs will enjoy cooking (perhaps the strong Si subtype, since they tend to be sybarites) but others’ brand of Si will be circumscribed to the nurturing of the mind: read this book, listen to this album, take that trip, etc.
    Last edited by Rusal; 05-14-2020 at 09:44 PM.

  22. #182


    Quote Originally Posted by robobot14 View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but did anyone else have trouble relating to the alpha descriptions as a Si subtype? Like if I get past the sacchirine feel of it I relate to it, but they make us sound like a bunch of party-loving Facebook moms. Like the main reason I'm ever energized in the sphere of public events is because of the food lol. The group description is especially why I had trouble sticking with SEI as a type. Positive emotional expression, yuck. Not that I want everyone whining instead, but loud jokes and fuzzies are a bit overwhelming for me. I think SEI stereotypes seem a bit geared towards the Fe subtype. I thought I was too emotionally distant for a Fe valuer, but I realized that was the Si subtype talking(and maybe my enneagram). Plus, my idea of comfort isn't flowery walls and baking cookies for everyone, it's video games, piles of food and hiding from humans.
    I'm still mulling over my type (it's between SEI or EII, introverted Ne/Si valuer) but what's put me off previously on really considering SEI as a type is that I don't relate to being an outgoing party loving quiet-er extrovert. I agree that I feel like I'm too emotionally distant to be a Fe valuer; definitely more quiet and subdued. However, in terms of "vibe" I give off, I've been told I appear calm and soft, easy going and composed (even though often I'm a bit of a wreck inside!) I think I'm a 9 in enneagram which may explain why I give off those vibes. When I posted some videos before in another forum, I was told I gave off Si vibes, despite talking a lot about Fi topics (my relationships with my family and why I champion underdogs). And while I do love flowery walls and eating cookies (I don't bake a lot so I can't say if I am a good or bad baker ^__^ ) I prefer mentally retreating into video games, books, music, solo adventures to places familiar and unknown. I used to see that as a sign of intuition (Ni and Ne) but maybe it's Si? When I daydream, it's personal to me, to create a sense of comfort and inspiration within me.

  23. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumpintoillusions View Post
    I'm still mulling over my type (it's between SEI or EII, introverted Ne/Si valuer) but what's put me off previously on really considering SEI as a type is that I don't relate to being an outgoing party loving quiet-er extrovert (...) I prefer mentally retreating into video games, books, music, solo adventures to places familiar and unknown. I used to see that as a sign of intuition (Ni and Ne) but maybe it's Si?
    I would say what I'm quoting has no real significance when determining type, especially the part about the retreating into different media.

  24. #184
    robobot14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumpintoillusions View Post
    I'm still mulling over my type (it's between SEI or EII, introverted Ne/Si valuer) but what's put me off previously on really considering SEI as a type is that I don't relate to being an outgoing party loving quiet-er extrovert. I agree that I feel like I'm too emotionally distant to be a Fe valuer; definitely more quiet and subdued. However, in terms of "vibe" I give off, I've been told I appear calm and soft, easy going and composed (even though often I'm a bit of a wreck inside!) I think I'm a 9 in enneagram which may explain why I give off those vibes. When I posted some videos before in another forum, I was told I gave off Si vibes, despite talking a lot about Fi topics (my relationships with my family and why I champion underdogs). And while I do love flowery walls and eating cookies (I don't bake a lot so I can't say if I am a good or bad baker ^__^ ) I prefer mentally retreating into video games, books, music, solo adventures to places familiar and unknown. I used to see that as a sign of intuition (Ni and Ne) but maybe it's Si? When I daydream, it's personal to me, to create a sense of comfort and inspiration within me.
    I debated between those 2 types for myself, actually. I consider myself emotionally distant as I'm not that fuzzy and I'm private with my emotions. I was told Fe valuing though because of how expressive I can be. I don't even try to be half the time, I just naturally get more animated on video despite being really shy. I think it's cause when I'm doing a questionnaire, I see it as a way to express myself, and I thought that was Fi(but I was going too much off MBTI then). Yeah, I'm not a party lover either, but eh, Si is about comfort and they make me uncomfortable. People I don't know small-talking, the crowds, the in-your-faceness of it all. I think those could be both-I enjoy adventuring too both because I love to explore new cultures(which I'd say is more Ne) and enjoy eating weird foods and admiring the scenery(Si).

  25. #185
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    * The overall impression is that people of this subtype are an imparcial and parsimonious presence that doesn’t suffer from the instability of strong passions.

    * Cautious.

    *They are able to absorb information rather efficiently. An SEI-Si that is interested in socionics, for example, will be able to incorporate the theory faster than an SEI-Fe. Whatever their occupation, SEIs of Si subtype usually have 2 or 3 interests on the side they can talk fairly educatedly about. This probably becomes more evident as they age.

    * Generally, they possess a good deal of general knowledge and many times will use it as a driver in conversation with acquaintances. They might also pose a question on that matter to a person they are fond of to test them, as a kind of game.

    * They show an inclination to pursue a form visual art as a hobby, even if very amateurishly. An SEI-Si without having taken a photography course will be interested in investing in a camera and figuring out the 'right angles' by him/herself as s/he uses it.

    *They like gadgets and even older people of Si subtype can have a decent grasp of technology, which they use in a 'playful' way (e.g.: editing videos), usually to the detriment of other things that need attention (a house that's a mess).

    * They enjoy nature and can admire the ambience of it or any other place (true for both subtypes).

    * Their very mild nature can turn them into objects of abuse if they are sorrounded by the wrong kind of people.


    *They are more likely to worry about their place in the food chain so more inclined to react to perceived offenses. But stil nice as per the type description.

    * Whereas Si subtype incorporate more consistently, Fe's are more likely to show a compulsion to create (independently of personal talent or field or end result). Two SEIs in a literature class: Si subtype follows through with the class plan and incorporates knowledge imperturbably, Fe will at some point be taken over by an idea ignited by a short comment uttered by the professor contrasted to something previously seen, etc. thus generating something new that soon blocks out everything else until it is let the form of a haiku or whatever. Then they have to make up for the time lost.

    * They are more willing to enter arguments. Sometimes they talk in a way that bothers others (this has to do with tone and insistence rather than saying anything offensive).
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

  26. #186
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    * They are more willing to enter arguments. Sometimes they talk in a way that bothers others (this has to do with tone and insistence rather than saying anything offensive).
    I agree with this. I'll add my personal experience of arguing with a person of this type. It felt like she would suddenly arrive at certain convictions and seek out opportunities to evangelize them. She seemed to argue more with force of conviction than with any facts, and the facts seemed to be mutable when they had to be -- if necessary she would suddenly invent facts to support her claim with utmost certainty, often in a way that was difficult or time-consuming to disprove, but I don't think she consciously realized she was doing this, but actually believed what she said -- she knew something was true, so the facts had to support it. Re. tone, she seemed to act as if anyone who disagreed with her was a complete moron, and she seemed to treat anyone who did like a personal enemy for the next half-hour.

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