Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
People should not type other people or themselves based on the quadra descriptions on wikisocion.
Why not?

ENTjs stand out. They're quite capable of pushing their opinions into whatever conversation regardless of what knowledge they have or whatever their personal relation to the issue. Their whole behaviour model is about maintaining central position regarding the group so as to be able to make sure the parts of the group work as they're supposed to. ENTjs are also known for being very inappropriate in a group setting, rowdiness and generally disregarding social norms. When they talk, they talk as if they were addressing the whole of society, not an individual. ENTjs do NOT "try to smile and chuckle when people are telling stories" Such behaviour compromises their social standing, it's not their job to please people but to guide people. So if you are ENTj, there's something strange here and I'd like to find out what

In a way that's correct. I don't mind approaching people and starting conversations with them, but in order for a person to become an actual friend, they usually have to invite me to do something with them. I rarely ask anyone, even someone who I get along with extremely well, do something outside of work or class.

ENTjs don't really have friends more than associates, people to network with. They act in generally correct ways independent of their personal relation with another. If there's a strong personal aspect to your relation with people, that's a definition of Fi. So again, here's a problem..
I answered this part in the other post with this quote.

4. Yes. I'm not lazy, but I do try not to waste my time or effort. There's a lot I aim to accomplish during my lifetime, so I prefer to put my time and energy into the things that have the maximum long term benefit. Direction is important. If I fussed over unnecessary things, it would take me much longer to accomplish my goals. I would probably wouldn't accomplish most of them at all. The saying "Don't work hard, work smart" summarizes my point of view very well.

This defines you as xNxJ. But your choice of words "Don't work hard" is basically the Si-Ne quadra way to state this. When I used Ni, I framed it "It's just smart to take advantage of the works of others." The difference is whether you have a specific idea you plan for (Ne) or whether you maximize your capability to make use of the works of others (Ni).
I do both. I don't see it as taking advantage of the work of others though. I believe that business interactions should be win-win.

I don't really know. Sad Sometimes I just don't feel like talking. I'll still talk to my family, but I don't check my email, voice mail, or make business calls. I even try to avoid going places where I may run into someone I know, but chances are good if I don't feel like talking, I also won't want to go anywhere either, even if I won't have to talk to anyone.

I've tried to explain this to some people, but when I tell them that I sometimes try to avoid leaving the house, talking to people, or doing anything, sometimes they suggest that I might have depression, bipolar, or cyclothymia. I've looked them up, and I don't have any of those conditions.
This again to me makes more sense if you're IJ than if you're EJ but under specific circumstances I could see an EJ do this as well. Just... EJs tend to withdraw due to a specific insurmountable reason. IJs tend to withdraw for the accumulation of a wide variety of reasons.
When I'm like that, it's because I'm too tired to do the things I want to be doing. There are a lot of times when I get a lot done in much less time than it would take most people. Overall I'm doing well for my age, if you look at where I'm at with accomplishing my long term goals.

6. The description of Te in the Te views thread is pretty damn generic. You suggesting you like it is of course evidence towards the idea of you being ENTj, but very very weak.
Do you know of a better description of Te?

7. "most of the people who get to know me say that I'm unusual or strange or something like that. "
People who are in gamma do a lot of work to seem normal and acceptable in the general population. To be 'unusual' or 'strange' would be a significant drawback except when the words are used in an expressly positive context as in extraordinary. Deltas and Alphas tend to deviate from normalcy. So if you are strange and you're gamma, and more to the point if you can accept yourself as strange, there's something... odd ... in the situation.
I didn't get that impression from what I've read so far. When I read the descriptions of Gamma, Delta, Alpha, and Beta it seemed like Delta was the most "normal and acceptable" of any of them.

Of all the talk you've given of your group behaviour I get the idea that you are loud, "extrovert" and social with people with whom you have been able to form a personal connection and otherwise, with stranger, not loud at all, but quiet. If you feel this is accurate, you are more likely to be INFj.

If on the other hand you are generally social with whomever you meet and try to draw attention on yourself and withdraw when either everything is going along as you want it to or there's a specific problem you have to fix, you're more likely to be ENTj.
Neither of these describes me very well.

Okay... so if you find out at some point that you're ENTj I'd really appreciate it if you could clarify these points to me on how and why you said such things, because I'd like to understand it.
I do think I'm ENTj, so far. I could answer some of your questions with more specific details, but I would want to talk in private messages or email for that.