Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
So far I know that classical socionics does NOT work.

I'll just say this: Classical Socionics works, but ONLY if you're typed correctly.

The silly thing is that given the typing methods you use most of the people I call ENTjs here are INFps in your system with Te PoLR because you can't or are unwilling to handle facts.
Facts? That's the issue here... what you consider to be "facts" are subjective logical judgments ("subjective" is a Socionics term in this sentence). What you believe to be Te is Ti + Se. That is why you think the Te types here do not accept "Te". It's because you're not presenting Ti, you're forcefully attempting to enforce (Se) your own structured understanding of a system that you've created (Ti).

(btw, the fact that you structured your system using information provided by Socionists does not make it Te simply because that information came from an "outside source". Almost all information comes from outside sources. Ti types don't just make stuff up. Instead, they take outside information and use it to create a structured understanding of the subject. That is EXACTLY what you've done.)

and you're going to continue playing as if you already knew everything
Know? I don't KNOW anything, and I'm more than willing to reconsider my understanding of anything, if new information is provided. What you provide isn't new information, it's your own Ti.