Quote Originally Posted by Joy
Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
People should not type other people or themselves based on the quadra descriptions on wikisocion.
But people should type themselves based on the Reinin dichotomies? LMFAO

I've only skimmed this thread, but ENTj seems most likely at this point.

Celeste, in understanding a type, it's absolutely essential to understand it's relationship with it's dual. Check out this thread: http://the16types.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=13635
Thank you for posting that link, it was extremely helpful.

The INFj dual description did not sound like something I could do. The Administrator sounded a lot like an friend of mine. We got along really well in high school, but once we were adults we got an apartment together, and almost right away we started arguing a lot. She had a certain way she wanted things and wasn't shy about telling me that I should keep things the way she wanted them, and it really annoyed me. After we weren't living together anymore we got along well again, but I would never want to live with her again. Also, the Humanist sounded much too nice, soft, and sensitive to be me.

Conversely, the ENTj dual description sounded like me, and also my husband too. I laughed a few times when I read it because some of the things it says are so familiar to me.

It sounds like I'm ENTj, but I still need to look at the website that Thunder mentioned.