I've read a little bit about Socionics, but I haven't figured out my type yet. I'll write a description of myself to start with, and I can answer questions, too.

When I was a kid my favorite thing to do was climb trees and just sit up in them and think for a long time. I was shy and quiet around other kids, but overall I've always been really talkative. I was never good at sports, but I played baseball and softball for a couple of seasons and enjoyed it. I liked to ride my bike a lot though, and I did that quite a bit. I also enjoyed cooking as a kid.

As a teenager I was still quiet at school, but around coworkers and friends I'd laugh and play around and talk a lot. For the most part I generally had one good female friend, and I'd hang out with her other friends. I'd also have a few other friends that I'd talk to at school or do stuff with once in a while. Overall though I spent most of my time either at work, in school, or with my boyfriend. I didn't like high school very much because it annoyed me to have to spend so much time there. At the time I thought that working full time would have been preferable to going to school. If I did my homework, it was usually in the last five minutes of the class I had before the class in which assignment was due, or sometimes at the beginning of that class. Homework and studying just seemed so pointless to me.

The subjects I enjoyed most in high school and college were Biology, Algebra, Child Development, Composition, English, Critical Thinking, Psychology, Entrepreneurship, Foods, Economics, Social Studies, Interpersonal Communication, and classes related to my current field. The classes I disliked most were gym class, art, sewing, and classes related to other careers that I didn't end up pursuing. Gym class was my least favorite by far, and I paid other people to do a lot of my art projects.

I can't decide whether I'm introverted or extroverted. When I'm talking to someone, I am usually extroverted, especially if someone gets me going about something I'm interested in, usually related to my philosophies about life, my goals, or a subject related to my field. Sometimes I enjoy going to parties or bars, but not as much as I did when I was younger. Most of the time I prefer to just stay at home with my husband and kids though, and if I go somewhere it's usually family oriented. Going out to parties, bars, and clubs just doesn't sound enjoyable anymore. Most of the socializing I do with adults is with my colleagues. I tend to get involved in big projects at work if it's something that I think needs to be done. I'm also very involved in a couple of trade associations. I end up in leadership roles on occasion. I don't feel like I need to be in charge of others, but if I see something that I think should be done, the easiest way for me to do it is to take on a leadership role and delegate a lot of the responsibilities to people who are willing to do stuff but don't have much initiative.

I think I'm intuitive. I'm not as connected to the physical world as most people seem to be, which sometimes causes trouble for me. Most of the people who get to know me say that I'm unusual or strange or something like that. I usually feel a little flattered when they say that, but I don't try to be weird. I just am what I am. Things that I pride myself in are my knowledge related to my field, my goal orientation, my trustworthiness, my directness, my ability to learn quickly, and my boldness. I'm not proud to admit that I've got a fiery temper, can be impatient and irritated at small things, and procrastinate on things that I don't feel like doing.

I'm not really sure what else to write about that would help in figuring out my type.