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Thread: Test for your type

  1. #1
    Olga's Avatar
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    Default Test for your type

    Hi, I have translated one of the tests from socionics. It is not the best one but worth to try. Sorry for mistakes if any.

    From each pair of descriptions ( 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8) choose only one and write down the number . You will get a row of four numbers. This number will be related to one of 16 types.

    1. Your ability to work is usually the same and changes only for a certain reason. Your are consistent in your work and usually finish everything you start. The rules and a discipline do not bother you. You like when things are in order.

    2. Your working ability depends on your mood, which can change without visible reasons. You got times when you feel very enthusiastic which change to the times when you feel without any drive to act. You act spontaneously, believing in your luck . You do not like to follow rigid schedule or strict rules.

    3. You do not like to talk about feelings and relationships. Believe that mind superior to feelings. You do not like to talk about your private life or life of other people.

    4. You tend to compromise in business for good relationship. You are interested in feelings and relationships. You try to say nice words to people or do favours for them.

    5. You are realistic. You don’t like unproved theories and fantasy. You are very practical, active and confident in yourself. You prefer not to do many things at once but concentrate on one thing at a time. You like to work with your hands. You check the results of what you have done and what the others did.

    6.You are good at predicting the future. You remember often the past. You are interested in new things and changing world. You not impulsive but tend to reflect on things, have doubts. You prefer to wait for the right time to come. You are more interested in theory than in practice.

    7. You careful, well controlled and reserved with new people. You do not like to show off and demonstrate your talents/abilities. You do not feel confident to talk in front of a group of people. You hold yourself back in the argument thinking you may something what you might later regret.

    8. You are feel easy and comfortable with new people. You are friendly and get on well with people. As the result you know a lot of people and get on very well with many of them. You always glad to meet new people. It is easier for you to understand other people than yourself. You are relaxed, sincere, can be impulsive. You tend to take a risk, make mistakes and find it difficult to control yourself at times.

    The answer:
    1357 - ISTJ
    1358 - ESTJ
    2357 - ISTP
    2367 - INTP
    1457 - ISFJ
    1467- INFJ
    1367 - INTJ
    1368 - ENTJ
    2358 - ESTP
    2368 - ENTP
    1458 - ESFJ
    1468- ENFJ
    2457 - ISFP
    2467 - INFP
    2458 - ESFP
    2468 - ENFP
    School of Associative socionics:

  2. #2

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    The first set was a complete toss up for me. So, x367 = INTx.
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
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    2457 - ISFP
    ISFp, SiFe, , or SEI....whatever we're calling ourselves these days.

  5. #5
    Olga's Avatar
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    Default Details about test

    Just for you to compare from the other tests I would like to tell what each pair means:
    1-2 rational/irrational;
    3-4 logical/ethical
    5-6 sensorical/intuitive
    7-8 introversion/extraversion

    Please, indicate what pair creates confusion for you and, please, write your type if you know it or what type you think you are. Thank you.
    School of Associative socionics:

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    The test seemed to work well

    - 2368 = ENTp

  7. #7
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    That test was easy for me.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  8. #8
    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Test for your type

    I got 2368 .. with 5 and 6 being the most difficult to choose between. followed by 1 and 2. Followed by 3 and 4.

    Quote Originally Posted by Olga
    Hi, I have translated one of the tests from socionics. It is not the best one but worth to try. Sorry for mistakes if any.

    From each pair of descriptions ( 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8) choose only one and write down the number . You will get a row of four numbers. This number will be related to one of 16 types.

    1. Your ability to work is usually the same and changes only for a certain reason. Your are consistent in your work and usually finish everything you start. The rules and a discipline do not bother you. You like when things are in order.

    2. Your working ability depends on your mood, which can change without visible reasons. You got times when you feel very enthusiastic which change to the times when you feel without any drive to act. You act spontaneously, believing in your luck . You do not like to follow rigid schedule or strict rules.
    Working ability can change, based on being aware of things happening in the future, or not directly in front of me.

    I feel very enthusiastic when I have a clear path forwards. And when I don't I have no drive to act, until I create a clear path forwards.

    I act spontaneously - but believing in my confidence, and abilities .. over luck.

    I don't like to follow other peoples rigid schedules or strict rules. I don't like unknowns either though.

    I like it when things are in order. And I generally know what changes my ability to work. But I still try to get by anyway.

    If things are "hanging over me", then I want to get rid of those things, before I continue doing other things. Sometimes this isn't possible.

    And I have mini-vents, inside my head, whilst smoking a cigarette, on a break etc.

    3. You do not like to talk about feelings and relationships. Believe that mind superior to feelings. You do not like to talk about your private life or life of other people.

    4. You tend to compromise in business for good relationship. You are interested in feelings and relationships. You try to say nice words to people or do favours for them.
    The strongest influence here came from business. Business isn't a time for relationship building, so much as maximising work productivity.

    If this involves talking about feelings, and relationships, this can be done. But it must be quick, and gain towards the solution.

    At the end of the work day, I'm happy to talk about feelings, and relationships. I like to ensure that people I know and care for, are moving forwards in their lives, and not stagnating. If this means saying nice words, or doing favours. I am happy to do them, as long as I can see it moving towards something better - or as continuing harmonous relationships.

    5. You are realistic. You don’t like unproved theories and fantasy. You are very practical, active and confident in yourself. You prefer not to do many things at once but concentrate on one thing at a time. You like to work with your hands. You check the results of what you have done and what the others did.

    6.You are good at predicting the future. You remember often the past. You are interested in new things and changing world. You not impulsive but tend to reflect on things, have doubts. You prefer to wait for the right time to come. You are more interested in theory than in practice.
    I'd like to say that I'm realistic. And I don't like getting too stuck in theories when there is work to be done. I like to get to the point, and accomplish things.

    I feel more comfortable, if I'm physically active. And I do compare what I have done to what other people have done. If they're falling behind, and I'm going to end up waiting on them, I'd rather help them move ahead in advance then get stuck behind, waiting for them, with nothing to do.

    I'm "reasonable" at predicting the future - and I do use the past, to help me towards present or future ideals. I m impulsive. And I hate waiting for the right time to come.

    I do reflect on things, and have some doubts, after I've been working hard. I want to make sure that I didn't miss anything. And make sure that I can improve on them for next time.

    I also want to sort out the next path forwards. Or at least the start of the next path forwards. And anything that has to be prepared.

    7. You careful, well controlled and reserved with new people. You do not like to show off and demonstrate your talents/abilities. You do not feel confident to talk in front of a group of people. You hold yourself back in the argument thinking you may something what you might later regret.
    I'm like this when working sometimes.

    8. You are feel easy and comfortable with new people. You are friendly and get on well with people. As the result you know a lot of people and get on very well with many of them. You always glad to meet new people. It is easier for you to understand other people than yourself. You are relaxed, sincere, can be impulsive. You tend to take a risk, make mistakes and find it difficult to control yourself at times.
    I'm usually glad to meet new people. But some people really piss me off. Sometimes I'd rather just hang out with people I already know.

    It is easier to understand other people than myself, or at least how they're going to fit into my picture.

    I'm also not very relaxed, or sincere.

    I like taking calculated risks. And sometimes I do find it hard to control myself, but I usually just increase muscle tension. Or vent.

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    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    i knew what the test was testing right away so it couldn't work for me
    I can't take any more tests related to socionics or mbti . . . I'm never sure of where my answers are coming from anymore since I know the theories too wel..

  11. #11


    1367 So seems to have worked.

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