Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
Yeah same question here. I haven't read up on all of this new sub-type stuff yet.
FWIW, I find the DCNH subtypes vastly more useful than the two-subtype system, which is so vague and inaccurate as to be useless. My opinion, though.

Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
It's hard enough to figure out what socionics type people are, idk why some people somehow think they can take that next step so easily. I think I've even heard people type others as "dominant subtype." That seems devastatingly delusional to me. Subtypes are supposed to describe variances within a base type. If you don't know the base type, how can you know what subtype they are?
The DCNH subtypes have an element of how you present yourself initially. For me, the first thing I can spot in someone is their temperament, since that's always the most visible aspect externally. Similarly, irrespective of base type, each DCNH subtype has very specific external characteristics, so it's occasionally possible to pick out their subtype before you've settled for sure on their base type.

The vast majority of people I snap-type though I wouldn't even have a clue as to their subtype, though. Usually it's only people I know personally, and within those the people I know better.