Since I’ve been unsure about my type for about a month I decided to describe myself and ask you for help. You may think of me as an idiot who can’t figure out his type on his own but I don’t care ‘cause nobody on this forum knows me (thank God!). Before I write about myself I’ll tell you how sure I am about every single dichotomies and what types I was in the past.

In the beginning – when I didn’t know anything about MBTI and socionics – I made a Myers-Brings test and thought I was ENTP because I was an information-junkie at the time (now I’m not anymore, I haven’t watched evening-news since ages) and I decided that the sentence ‘Feel deprived when cut off from interaction with the outside world’ suits me well. Then my friend made me realize that I cannot be ENTp. So I thought about me as an INTP. After discovering socionics I remained INTp. But about a month ago when I read a lot about Kurt Cobain I realized how much INFp there is in me. I know it is a shame to be divided between rational INTp and emotional INFp but I’m so in the middle! (which suits more to an INTp – I know) It depends on my mood whether I think I’m ILI or IEI.
Current letter-dichotomies probability chart (WTF?!):
I – 98%
N – 80%
T – 60%
p – 100%

1. I think my favourite film is ‘Lord of War’ because it made me realize how the dark side of trade looks/works. I also enjoyed ‘Candy’, ‘Closer’, ‘The Dreamers’, ‘Schuh des Manitu, Der’, ‘Garden State’, ‘Imaginary Heroes’ etc.
2. One of my major weaknesses is indecisiveness. I just hate to make final decisions or…not necessarily final – any decisions. I have problems even with choosing a strawberry yoghurt or a chocolate one. I can’t decide who I want to be in the future and how will I live although I’ve been thinking about it a lot. If I have to make a choice without having much time to think I usually pick up the gauntlet (choose the more ambiguous option) thinking ‘Que sera, sera, I can do it’ and then regret it.
3. Second of my major weaknesses is laziness. I hate to force myself do to something. Everyday I make resolutions for another day and the rest of my life but they never come into reality. I’ve always been a B-student because I’ve been to lazy to study a little to get As.
4. The worst feeling in the world is embarrassment. I feel embarrassed really often. It not only because I have a talent to do/say embarrassing and goofy things but I just think really care what others think of me…but again I’m not sure :/…maybe I don’t… (see! that’s the problem!)
5. I can get goofily excided, laugh shake my hands. And then feel more like a child than a man. :/ That is my another problem. I hate to feel that unmanly but I often do. What can I do if I feel like acting so foolishly when I should keep my mind rationally-thinking?
6. My atheism is based on science. Everything is so clear without God! Got is simply an irrational creation of a human mind that made him believe that there is a reason to live when human kind became intelligent enough to realize the pointlessness of the existence. Why I didn’t kill myself? My instincts don’t let me do that, I think. And actually I like living. Live is all I got and I’m glad I can enjoy it. I wrote lots of long articles about religion but in Polish so I can’t paste them.
7. I’m a maniac of Darwin’s theory of evolution. I could say it’s my religion. Everything we do is an effect of evolution. Our morality, feelings...the hole being! I write about that lots of articles either.
8. My poems are more or less literal but they always tell some story. Here’s an example (this one isn’t really good but it’s written in English):,...684,index.html
(I know that both INFps and INTps are dynamics but maybe you consider some other type for me.)
9. I think I’m more a Te-vegetarian than Fe, because I realize that killing is a part of nature so I don’t consider haunting for food or raising animals on traditional farms as a bad thing. I just don’t want to eat meat that comes from farms where animals suffer all their lives being treated so cruelly.
10.I’ve always dreamed about being a celebrity trying to find some privacy. In my imagination there are lots of people around my trying to make some photo, talk to me and I’m just hiding under a hood enjoying the ‘unwanted’ attention.
11. I reckon that happiness is the most important value in live. If I’ll be pool, lonely, hated etc. but happy – it’s gonna be great.
12. I like to say thinks like ‘I want you to realise (‘cause I know how hard it is for you to realise anything) that this book doesn’t have pictures. Do you still want to borrow it?’ But I hardly ever criticize anyone. Live and let live, anyone can to whatever they want. I’m an absolute liberalist. I joke about others but it isn’t serious at all so I can joke about some person’s modesty, cheerfulness etc.
13. I don’t know anyone who gets late more often than I do. I’m always late!

If you’ve read it all: THANKS A LOT! (I wouldn’t do it) And if posted an answer: God bless you!

Bonus: Last note from my diary. I know you don’t understand but I posted it if you’d like to take a look at my handwriting.