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Thread: when you determine your own type,

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    Default when you determine your own type,

    is it safe to say that if you've identified your base and creative functions with relative certainty, then your type is a relative certainty?

    ARGH whenever I read type descriptions i get confused, especially with dual seeking functions and hidden agendas.

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    Default Re: when you determine your own type,

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    is it safe to say that if you've identified your base and creative functions with relative certainty, then your type is a relative certainty?

    ARGH whenever I read type descriptions i get confused, especially with dual seeking functions and hidden agendas.
    What are the types you're not sure between? Is it the reason why you asked my type when i named the elements my dream job would contain?

  3. #3
    Creepy-ms. kensington at work.

    Default Re: when you determine your own type,

    Quote Originally Posted by detail
    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    is it safe to say that if you've identified your base and creative functions with relative certainty, then your type is a relative certainty?

    ARGH whenever I read type descriptions i get confused, especially with dual seeking functions and hidden agendas.
    What are the types you're not sure between? Is it the reason why you asked my type when i named the elements my dream job would contain?
    i posted a thread in this section titled "Help with my type". Im confused about INTj and INTp, i considered ENTp as well. When I was into MB typology I was probably like 99% sure I was their INTP. The type description seemed really accurate, and the letters by themselves is how I behave. The other 1% was possibly INFP. But this could be explained by the socionics role function, among other things.

    I think what i've posted in the earlier thread is true, but I could make a case for INTp as well. I feel that like INTps, I am disturbed if something does not fit into the wholeness of a concept, which can be seen as spiritual in nature. I've got some kind of overactive intuition, if it's not my base. I also think I like to warn, to say "wait a minute", like an INTp. Most of all, I think I behave very P. In practical matters of any kind, i will act when prompted by crisis. Only in intellectual pursuits will i forage ahead, restless. i also show signs of "not knowing when to stop arguing". Though this may just be because I don't know what to do with myself sometimes when not doing some sort of verbal activity, or i wish it to continue.

    im verbal-- lalalalla.

    selectively social. But i do think i agree that a psychological type can show signs that are typical of a completely different type.

    Thanks detail.

  4. #4
    Creepy-ms. kensington at work


    oh and i asked youthose questions because i wanted to match what you said to your type, and also because you are slightly intriguing to me

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    oh yeah

    and another thing is that I am very good at describing things and have a good memory for sensual details, which is indicative of Si i think. A very good selective memory, especially short term i think. Si is the 6th function in an INTj's model a but the role function in an INTp's model a. Im not sure which type would be "stronger" in Si, or if that would even be a measure of determining a type between those two.

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    Though this may just be because I don't know what to do with myself sometimes when not doing some sort of verbal activity, or i wish it to continue.

    im verbal-- lalalalla.
    The rationals are the verbal types.

    As for the original question, you could also try and spot out your "weak" points and match that up to a type. Having a role of Fi and PoLR of Se is much diffrent from having a role of Si and a PoLR of Fe. It should be easy to tell which one you are. (I still think LII :wink: ).

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    I am very good at describing things and have a good memory for sensual details, which is indicative of Si i think.
    ... that's more evident of being an introvert than anything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    i know everything i write can bite me in the ass. I didn't want to make it seem like i talk all the time, because i dont-- contrary to what my posts make it seem like. I guess im not sure what having a base perception or judging function means. Because i am perfectly happy with just standing still in time-- whether that's experiencing music or staring at the wall and thinking..

    i really feel most comfortable with symbols-- less confusion than words. Though, symbols can still be "verbal" more than something to be perceived.


    i liked what you, Rocky, said in another thread about introverts and extroverts and how introverts have to relate all information to themselves, and that they (introverts) can speak immediately on topics that they have already completed that relating process for.

    I think i get what you are saying that a good memory is a sign of an introvert. But does it matter what kind of information you remember? Could you explain Si to me more?

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    Well, there are really four types of memory...

    1) Conscious memory of facts and events
    2) associative learning
    3) emotional memories
    4) memories of learned skills

    .. all introverts seem to be strongest in these parts of the brain...

    So what types are really strongest where? It's hard to say for sure. For a generalization, I'd say it goes something like this:

    - Emotional memory (left-brained?)
    - Facts and events (left-brained?)
    - Associative learning (right-brained?)
    - Learned skills (right-brained?)

    Isn't it nice that scientists say that there are four diffrent kinds of memory located in the back of the brain, and we have four diffrent introverted functions that seem to correlate to them?

    Oh, and I wrote a little bit about here;

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  10. #10


    Introverted Feeling - Emotional memory (left-brained?)
    The amygdala plays an important role in memories that are emotional.
    It is MORE accurate to define what specific parts of the brain control each type of memory rather then saying what you did. I also do not like how you describe the different types of memory. I would divide them into the following categories: procedural, and declarative memory.
    Declarative should then be broken into semantic, autobiographical, episodic, and visual memory. Procedural memory depends greatly on the cerebellum and basal ganglia. The hippocampus is thought to be involved in spatial learning and declarative learning.

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    ^^ That's true, but how many of people on here do you think really care about the parts of the brain?

    Procedural memory depends greatly on the cerebellum and basal ganglia.
    In other words, (cerebellum) and (basal ganglia), which I mentioned above.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    rocky, if anything i am more confused by reading the description of seeing through as one's base function.

  13. #13


    ^^ That's true, but how many of people on here do you think really care about the parts of the brain?
    I would think that maybe some people would...
    Isn't it nice that scientists say that there are four diffrent kinds of memory located in the back of the brain, and we have four diffrent introverted functions that seem to correlate to them?
    That does not thoroughly describe nor prove what part of the brain you are talking about, the back of the brain is too general to be of any REAL scientific value. I do not care if the people here do not like the specific names for the parts of the brain... when you DO IT ANY OTHER WAY INACCURACIES SHALL OCCUR.

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    Do you agree that...

    = cerebellum
    = basal ganglia
    = hippocampus
    = amygdala


    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Default Re: when you determine your own type,

    Quote Originally Posted by ms. kensington at work.
    Quote Originally Posted by detail
    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    is it safe to say that if you've identified your base and creative functions with relative certainty, then your type is a relative certainty?

    ARGH whenever I read type descriptions i get confused, especially with dual seeking functions and hidden agendas.
    What are the types you're not sure between? Is it the reason why you asked my type when i named the elements my dream job would contain?
    i posted a thread in this section titled "Help with my type". Im confused about INTj and INTp, i considered ENTp as well. When I was into MB typology I was probably like 99% sure I was their INTP. The type description seemed really accurate, and the letters by themselves is how I behave. The other 1% was possibly INFP. But this could be explained by the socionics role function, among other things.

    I think what i've posted in the earlier thread is true, but I could make a case for INTp as well. I feel that like INTps, I am disturbed if something does not fit into the wholeness of a concept, which can be seen as spiritual in nature. I've got some kind of overactive intuition, if it's not my base. I also think I like to warn, to say "wait a minute", like an INTp. Most of all, I think I behave very P. In practical matters of any kind, i will act when prompted by crisis. Only in intellectual pursuits will i forage ahead, restless. i also show signs of "not knowing when to stop arguing". Though this may just be because I don't know what to do with myself sometimes when not doing some sort of verbal activity, or i wish it to continue.

    im verbal-- lalalalla.

    selectively social. But i do think i agree that a psychological type can show signs that are typical of a completely different type.

    Thanks detail.
    I get an INTj cyber-vibe from you. I know some INTjs who "behave very P". For example my INTj roommate wanted to read 2-3 books a week this semester, and by now he finished only 3. He plays guitar and gets impulses about it too. He can play 5 hours a day 3 days in a row and take his guitar back in his hands only two weeks later. Another of my INTj friends will attempt his philosophy class for the 6th time next semester and is near expulsion from college. Actually, i don't know a single INTj among the almost dozen i know who seems to "behave like a J" (In the way most people usually use the Judger term) until you know them well enough to understand their thought patterns. A mix of as a creative function along with as a PoLR might not "look so J" to the casual observer. Usually, will structure other things than practical ones when combined with as to prove the superficial "judger" definition is wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ms. kensington at work
    oh and i asked youthose questions because i wanted to match what you said to your type, and also because you are slightly intriguing to me
    Quote Originally Posted by detail
    I'm glad my interests became substance in a data pool to understand types better with broader patterns at hand.
    And: Why am i intriguing, if the matter's not too trivial?

  17. #17
    Creepy-ms k



    most probably because you're my mirror

  18. #18
    Creepy-ms k


    i dunno exactly. you seem just considered enough, i suppose

    not too wild

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    and, i am still a little confused about being INTp. I understood that behavior does not determine one's psychological makeup, and I have been trying to determine just how strictly logical i am (what my Ti, if my base, is structuring). As i said i have some kind of overactive intuition, if not my base.

    It's amazing how different environments bring out different sides of you. And i think here im stuck in INTj mode.. *dons serious voice*

    haha. also, I sometimes try to determine my type by how nerdy i think i am. MBTI INTP is like, quintessential nerd. but post-socionics i've been more confused than ever. Luckily or unluckily, people here just think that INTx is nerdy. 8 )

    This nerdiness is not something i am thrilled about.

    i am surprised to hear your roommate, detail, is INTj and is taking 6 semesters to pass a philosophy class (if i understood you correctly). I wish to understand my thought patterns. It's not as if an INTp would do badly at the fields an INTj does well in (if one can make such generalizations). But i'd want to to know what I'm likely to be best at.
    I suspect you were just saying that your roommate procrastinates or acts P.

    the reason i considered ENTp is because, as i said, i have some muther effing overactive imagination/possibility seeing/seeking. I think I read slower because i see all the different meanings of the words. This would in no way be Ni, would it?

    One other thing: I've always considered things in terms of eternity. I thought this was an interesting treatment of time, and wondered where that would fall on the N spectrum.

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    what you wrote in the is Ne an introverted function thread confuses the sh*t out of me. from that, i would say im more ENTp than INTj

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    It's amazing how different environments bring out different sides of you. And i think here im stuck in INTj mode.. *dons serious voice*
    While this is a general statement that holds true for anybody, depending on the amplitude of how it applies to you it could scream alpha. It goes like this: understanding objectively a situation, applying necessary changes to self in order to fit with it's structure, bringing out of a different side of you. Now, you feel what it is to be like this, even though it's contradictory to something else you've "been".

    haha. also, I sometimes try to determine my type by how nerdy i think i am. MBTI INTP is like, quintessential nerd. but post-socionics i've been more confused than ever. Luckily or unluckily, people here just think that INTx is nerdy. 8 )
    I think you know how trivial it is (Thanks to the "law" of exceptions without which life would be boring).

    i am surprised to hear your roommate, detail, is INTj and is taking 6 semesters to pass a philosophy class (if i understood you correctly). I wish to understand my thought patterns. It's not as if an INTp would do badly at the fields an INTj does well in (if one can make such generalizations). But i'd want to to know what I'm likely to be best at.
    I suspect you were just saying that your roommate procrastinates or acts P.
    Yeah i only meant he wasn't structured in his school work. He would have pretty good grades if he went to his classes. Now apply that last sentence to everything INTjs think they don't have to do in order to know they're compentent in the form of "He would <verb> pretty good <measurement unit> IF he transformed the mastery in his thoughts in mastery in action.

    the reason i considered ENTp is because, as i said, i have some muther effing overactive imagination/possibility seeing/seeking. I think I read slower because i see all the different meanings of the words. This would in no way be Ni, would it?
    It can happen for various reasons, but in socionics terms, is the function of those who are "lost in the possibilities"

    One other thing: I've always considered things in terms of eternity. I thought this was an interesting treatment of time, and wondered where that would fall on the N spectrum.
    You would have to be clearer on that one because i can't see what you mean by "considering things in terms of eternity".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington

    what you wrote in the is Ne an introverted function thread confuses the sh*t out of me. from that, i would say im more ENTp than INTj
    I think the problem in my comparison between the two is that since i'm ENTp, i invunlontarily wrote a description that was a little more precise for the ENTp than the one for the INTj. Since i never experienced what it is to be an INTj, i don't know if the additionnal precisions hold true for both experiences. No problem though because they're only mere representations of and depending on their orders on a functionnal level in opposition to how both types experience their existence as their respective types.

  23. #23

    Default INTP

    I am going to explain now from socionics why you are most probably INTP- Critic and not INTJ -Analyst.
    I have not read MBTI as I am so far happy with socionics.

    You said:

    1. You can't stop arguing. Look at your weekest function - . This are emotions. When you argue you need to prove you are right - no matter what topic is about - that will give you a feeling of good emotions and you need good emotions more than many other types - you need ot feel good about yourself. may be it is not a good reason but it must be to do with that weak . According to socionics you must like enthusiastic, confident people with a strong will power. If it is true, than in arguiment you take their role on yourself and just kepp going no matter what...

    2. You said you have got reasonably good developed .
    Although it is your weak function it does not mean you have not abilities to sensations and do not feel what is beautiful or not. On the opposite,
    you care about this, it may be even an ambition for you to dress yourself nice in order to impress or just to make people enjoy estethical feeling. You will not aloow them to be disgusted about the way you look. You will take care of this site - You are critic and you will notice how people are dressed and look and smell around you. Me - not. I dont give a sh... what people think about the way I look. I do it when I want to and how I want to! You do not orientate very well in the world of relationships and emotions. That is why acording to your week functions you are very polite and your appearance is to suppot a good emotion.

    3. The fact that you get carried away with thoughts or intellectual activity may be simply a sign of all people with intuitive logics. All what you need is your mind and your intuition to start the process. If I start thinking to much I get tension in my head and loose the touch with reality. I am sensorical. I have not been born to indulge in a mental activities. It is my weak function: I do it as much as I feel necessary to do it.

    4. According to the Reinin's characteristics of types you are static if you are INTP -Critic and you are Dynamic if you are INTJ - Analyst. Your strongest is directed in time, future and predictions. You are good in making theories (like that one about ethical and logical types...).

    On the opposite, INTJ's is directed into structure. He would rather will try to make sense of your theory by analising it and making it work. Example is HUGO who is working hard to produce a very rational and intellegent , detailed test for types as if he wants to catch not only the shape/type - the way in which we proccess information - but also to give the idea about content. Something which can only bring confusion into the way we understand types.

    5. And the last: if you make money to last -sign of INTJ but if you make them work for you bringing more money - you are INTP.
    I feel as I have said too much .. or I didn't said enough?

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    Default Sorry

    Sorry, that was me.
    School of Associative socionics:

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    I am sorry, I related a theory of logicals and ethicals to you but - it was not you Ms.Kenssington. Otherwise, I do stand behind my description.
    School of Associative socionics:

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    Default Re: INTP

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    I am going to explain now from socionics why you are most probably INTP- Critic and not INTJ -Analyst.
    I have not read MBTI as I am so far happy with socionics.
    I think a lot of MBTI description for INTP matches with socionics INTj.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    You said:

    1. You can't stop arguing. Look at your weekest function - . This are emotions. When you argue you need to prove you are right - no matter what topic is about - that will give you a feeling of good emotions and you need good emotions more than many other types - you need ot feel good about yourself. may be it is not a good reason but it must be to do with that weak . According to socionics you must like enthusiastic, confident people with a strong will power. If it is true, than in arguiment you take their role on yourself and just kepp going no matter what...
    Well, I didn't say I "can't" stop arguing. I do enjoy getting to the essence of things or cutting out crap, and I enjoy doing this verbally, as it's my "weapon of choice". I thought about it and it does make me feel good if I feel I've made some progress or solved a problem by arguing. I sometimes have trouble starting an argument, because I feel it will take too much effort to explain. It is not that I have to be right, per se. I believe I concede if I am wrong fairly quickly, for example. It really is about knowledge seeking for me. I am interested in structure and things make most sense to me if they are presented in a structured format. Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer or anything so I couldn't say that I have created structures. I am unsure if I am better at making theories or structuring. If you were to ask me what is more important, making things useful or making things logically consistent, I would choose the latter. But you see my confusion comes from distiguishing an INTp's need for wholeness of concept with an INTj's need for logical consistency. The line blurs for me when you get into what exactly the logic is. i read somewhere that INTps have a contingent logic. This is what I have been trying to clarify, what exactly this means and how it is different for INTjs.

    However, this is true:

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    2. You said you have got reasonably good developed .
    Although it is your weak function it does not mean you have not abilities to sensations and do not feel what is beautiful or not. On the opposite,
    you care about this, it may be even an ambition for you to dress yourself nice in order to impress or just to make people enjoy estethical feeling. ... You will take care of this site - You are critic and you will notice how people are dressed and look and smell around you. ... You do not orientate very well in the world of relationships and emotions. That is why acording to your week functions you are very polite and your appearance is to suppot a good emotion.
    I believe I have artistic ability. I feel that this is a minor point though that could be explained socionically with an INTj's functional order as well. I believe I am careful to be respectful of others' privacy, which would support good emotions. I am able to critique things aesthetically. What does Si as INTj's 6th function mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    4. According to the Reinin's characteristics of types you are static if you are INTP -Critic and you are Dynamic if you are INTJ - Analyst. Your strongest is directed in time, future and predictions. You are good in making theories (like that one about ethical and logical types...).
    I am unfamiliar with Reinin. Could you give a short description of the static/dynamic dichotomy (or difference)?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    On the opposite, INTJ's is directed into structure. He would rather will try to make sense of your theory by analising it and making it work. Example is HUGO who is working hard to produce a very rational and intellegent , detailed test for types as if he wants to catch not only the shape/type - the way in which we proccess information - but also to give the idea about content. Something which can only bring confusion into the way we understand types.

    5. And the last: if you make money to last -sign of INTJ but if you make them work for you bringing more money - you are INTP.
    I feel as I have said too much .. or I didn't said enough?
    this I don't really understand. But i guess the first part doesn't apply to me since I didn't post that ethics and logics post?

    Let me know what you think about the other thread I posted, too.

    I know I have an overactive intuition, but it seems to be Ne and Ni, i am not sure. I am not sure what kind of thinking I employ either, but I have tested weak on Te, but again, my results are contingent on my understanding of these terms. I may have been biased when taking the test.

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    Default INTP/INTJ

    At the moment I will answer only a few questions as it is late night but i come to it soon.

    What do you mean by overactive intuition?

    Contingency means for me that you take more chances and do the actions which you intuitively feel are right for you. You are flexible in this sense. Your intuition is directed in opening perspectives. So if you have got money and you will see that you can benefit by investing them - you will easily take a risk. Intj is more fixed in this sense. He would rather stick to what he knows and will keep money in the pocket and make it last.

    Intjs are more rigid in this sense. They would rather take what is already existing and will play with it like with a toy, put it apart and then will make it a new toy out of it - playing with structure and not with perspective.

    If Intj will be offered a new job he might be in doubt and will reject it - simply drop it because he is not sure - he does not feel the future that well! Intj do not like to continue arguing - they would rather drop it and say nothing at all. Are you sure that you are an introvert? I have got a data collected from one person ENTP and we could look at it in detail but if you are an introvert we shall better continue with INTP and INTJ
    School of Associative socionics:

  28. #28


    im about split on the examples you gave, but i'd lean towards INTj.

    i took the test at again recently and got primary modes corresponding to an ENTp..

    could you talk more about your data for ENTp?

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    Default ENTP

    Would you like me to post it in your topic or on your private messenger?

    This is for a starter. Let me know how close it matches you? If some ENTP types would come forward to clarify the points -Wellcome. However, my idea is to continue at some point on my topic "Working of the functions" so that we shall have a bank of info about different types.

    Whatever type you are INTP or ENTP you have a powerful intuition which is guiding you through life. If you are ENTP, you might like your quiet times for reading and self education. ENTPs are quiet extroverts who do not influence other people with their emotions but rather like to impress them with their ideas. When they do not get a satisfactory reactions (the people do not show interest in their ideas) ENTPs think that people might not like them. While in reality, people can not comprehend in full what is it all about.

    ENTPs can express their negative emotions freely if they don’t like somebody or something they show it and can be tactless. Later they might feel very sorry for hurting people unnecessary. Although they are on the whole generous and caring people.
    INTPs would rather try to escape unpleasant circumstances because they hate emotional pressure and can go mad very quickly. That is why they always keep cool and look unemotional (as if they are sad or not quite happy with something).

    ENTPs pursue their interest in life and this is reflected on their career. Many interests sometimes means many jobs but still not enough money. The ideas are not always realised into practice. INTPs are on the opposite, they do not miss on any opportunity to do well and make money in order to get more money/business. Their predictions can be mysteriously true.
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    What you say about ENTps being quiet extraverts is true. I am a very introverted extravert.

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    Default Re: ENTP

    Quote Originally Posted by Olga
    When they do not get a satisfactory reactions (the people do not show interest in their ideas) ENTPs think that people might not like them. While in reality, people can not comprehend in full what is it all about.
    This is not so true. I do spend a lot of time trying to educate myself about socionics, though! I think I don't really care what other people think about my ideas, but I get upset if someone thinks I am stupid. I think all can be explained with logic, but the other person must be willing to discuss the issue. If they are not, I will try to diffuse the emotions that are preventing it, or else leave it alone. In this sense, I would match how you described an INTj--I tinker with the structure of an idea and deconstruct, criticize it more than come up with new very original ideas. But i spend most of my time thinking about ideas, rather than inventing products.. which i see the ENTp doing more-- creating physical things. am I wrong about this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Olga
    ENTPs can express their negative emotions freely if they don’t like somebody or something they show it and can be tactless. Later they might feel very sorry for hurting people unnecessary. Although they are on the whole generous and caring people.
    INTPs would rather try to escape unpleasant circumstances because they hate emotional pressure and can go mad very quickly. That is why they always keep cool and look unemotional (as if they are sad or not quite happy with something).
    I agree with both. Big surprise, huh? I think i rarley express anything negatively (towards a person) unless i feel that there is a strong argument behind it. (Most of the time, especially when I was younger, I was VERY opinionated about everything, and vocal about it, too). But I have expressed opinions I didn't know would hurt someone and would feel bad, trying to explain.

    about messenger, im sure things would go smoother if we spoke on messenger.. just let me know which one you use. and ..

    are you working on a book/essay?

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    What I actually mean is private messaging on this site. But may be it is better to stay in the open discussion because people who know ENTP, INTP and INTJ better will hopefully respond and correct if we shall go wrong in our interpretation.

    I am not working on anything at the moment though I really should because I am studying. I just recently went to work full time after long years sitting at home. I had a sheet day today, so do not feel good about myself right now...

    Back to the types. ENTPs are not very practical. They are full of ideas which they not have persistance to fulfil. So if ideas attract you more than their fulfilment - you amy be an ENTP. If you express your negative emotions and do not like to bottle up and avoid conflict so this is again fits to ENTP. So far I do not see the difference between you and ENTP...

    You do not like people to consider you as stupid so you are not stupid but ... sometimes people see me as rude or tactles and this what upsets me because I am not ( - this is my first function!) I believe what happens to me is that I am creative or express myself through my second function and this means I can express myself at times very direct other words I can be pushy - too strong to handle! This what upsets me. And tell me how on earth people can perceive you as stupid while you have your logic and intuition? May be as ENTP you try to be creative through expressing your structural/scientific logic/ideas and if people do not agree/ understand then you feel that they might think you are stupid? Well. we may be in the same boat at times but for different reasons.
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    yeah, i felt it might be better just to keep things more general and keep the discussion here. Even though I am impatient to find my type..

    I feel that what you said about INTps Si role and perhaps the bit about feeling good about arguing to match me. I also feel the statements about ENTps fit me, except I feel that I have more sensitivity than that which you are describing for them. So to find my type I think we'd have to show which type I am most NOT like. Like you said, there are few things that are not matching with ENTp. I feel I match less with INTp, although this may be because I havent considered many aspects except to note my lack of Te...

    But, this is why I continue to think I am an INTj with strong Ne-- because I have the least amount of factors pointing that I am not this type. What had deterred me originally from INTj was because i am under the impression that in socionics you should be acting in a judging manner if your psychology is judging, although it is not set in stone that you must. It was just so pervasive that I felt it may be a sign that I was not a judger. However I continue to think that I prefer to use my Ne and am INTj.

    Is there anything that I could evaluate about myself that would be a strong indicator that I am not INTj?

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    Well you might be an INTJ if the idea of judging is the only thing you don't like. In socionics it is called rational -J and irrational -P. If you have a look at the topic TEST REDONE under the heading of the forum What's my type, then you can choose what are you most rational or irrational.

    If you like arguing - it does not sound like INTJ. INTJ can be quiet for a long time and suddenly unexpected for others they exploid like a bomb without visible reason. INTP's like to argue for the sake of arguing - in a soft manner they can go on and on and on...

    Tell me what people do you like (what qualities?) And please, do the test which I mentioned. It is a very good test and if you know yourself well it will be not difficult to decide on the answer. Looking forward to your reply...
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    Yeah, and remember that J and P aren't "real" dichotomies in that the only point in them is to tell which funciton comes first (Ti, or Ni?). EVERYONE is both judging and percieving; whenever you are using a judging function, you ARE judging, whenever you use a percieving function you ARE percieving. That is why J/P can become so complicated.. I think you are the LII in socionics.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Yeah, and remember that J and P aren't "real" dichotomies in that the only point in them is to tell which funciton comes first (Ti, or Ni?). EVERYONE is both judging and percieving; whenever you are using a judging function, you ARE judging, whenever you use a percieving function you ARE percieving. That is why J/P can become so complicated.. I think you are the LII in socionics.
    that explanation helps, rocky. thanks.

    But.. it doesnt mean that I am rearranging my psyche each time I use Ne over Ti, right? Because a preference for your creative function is just that.., correct?

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    Olga, I am attracted to people who can tolerate me

    im sorry, i cant think of a better answer than that right now...

    on to your test..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Yeah, and remember that J and P aren't "real" dichotomies in that the only point in them is to tell which funciton comes first (Ti, or Ni?). EVERYONE is both judging and percieving; whenever you are using a judging function, you ARE judging, whenever you use a percieving function you ARE percieving. That is why J/P can become so complicated.. I think you are the LII in socionics.
    that explanation helps, rocky. thanks.

    But.. it doesnt mean that I am rearranging my psyche each time I use Ne over Ti, right? Because a preference for your creative function is just that.., correct?
    Well, Jung said that when people start using their second function more heavily, their temperment flips. So a Rational Introvert can temporarily act like an Irrational Extravert. I don't think you really become a diffrentype (like your mirror or whatever), becuase mirros still act very diffrently. Besides, you will always slip back into your dominant function mode.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    what rocky said about what JUNG said was an example from my life.
    This is a reason why peolple find it difficult to understand me because i do change from quiet and peaceful to a fighter: to very different sides of the person. But it does not happen often, there should be the right situation which will trigger /make me use my creative function 'heavily'. For example, if it is an are of my interest or I think I can helpone way or the other. I would be interested how other types use their second function heavily?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olga
    If you like arguing - it does not sound like INTJ. INTJ can be quiet for a long time and suddenly unexpected for others they exploid like a bomb without visible reason. INTP's like to argue for the sake of arguing - in a soft manner they can go on and on and on...
    Interesting. I am usually not very invloved in arguments, or rather, I prefer not to be in the center of it. I prefer to comment during the course of the argument. You also described my temper there, that is VERY calm and suddenly all hell breaks loose. This applies to arguments as well, when I tend to become exceedingly caustic if a certain limit is passed. Sounds like it confirms my idea of myself as an INTj...

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