Quote Originally Posted by sigma
This should help you figure out your type!

I think more about the here and now, physical reality.

I think more about abstract ideas or concepts, the future, the past.
Sounds ok - in theory.

Quote Originally Posted by sigma

I am people-oriented. I use emotions and feelings to persuade people.

I am task-oriented. I use facts and logic to persuade people.


Theoretically it's ok, but I'm not sure if it actually works for self-typing. For instance, I think ISFjs and maybe even INFps might well choose "T". And perhaps several other types.

Quote Originally Posted by sigma
By using reasoning and judgment, I arrange the random happenings of life into definite forms.

I accept the random happenings of life the way they are; my reasoning and judgment doesn't keep pace.
I don't think this will be helpful. Ï think that IPs may well identify with "p"; but not EPs.


Quote Originally Posted by sigma
Ixxj, Exxp
I say what happens at stages A, B and C.

Ixxp, Exxj
I say how stage A leads to stage B, and how stage B leads to stage C.
This looks like good for the static/dynamic distinction, but again, not sure if people will identify with one or the other.