more thoughts on choice:

what ways have we of explaining the status of the poor, the destitute, the mentally ill, the addicted, the down and out, and of whole impoverished nations? is this due to choice? i think not. it has to be part of God's plan. if God is all-knowing and all powerful, then he already knows the outcome. of everything.

this does not alleviate us of personal responsibility for choices by any means. you can't just do nothing and expect God to rescue you. God did indeed give us free will.

the words of the Serenity Prayer come to mind:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

the courage to change the things I can

and the wisdom to know the difference."

'nuff said about that piece it is exquisitely truthful.

on struggle, stress, and strain:

the struggle is what makes life worth living!! i would not trade my picaresque life for my father's genteel in any case. i have needed to thoroughly live through the lessons of my life and wear my scars from this with honor. any decision i've made i stand behind with courage and conviction. the path of the few is a hard one to walk indeed.