Quote Originally Posted by little red riding hood
Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
some of us are here spiritually, to experience a flowing life without many obstacles psychological and otherwise. others of us are here to experience more struggle and strain - i believe there is a meaning to this which supercedes socionics.
are you saying you believe in karma? life after death? the neverending cycle of samsara?
not exactly - i'm a christian.

i believe that God has a plan and a reason for everything he does.

some people God has decided will live a more flowing life with fewer obstacles. my father is an example. he picked a career which exactly uses his personality strengths and he married his dual 45 years ago. my parents are in their late 60's and they were able to capitalize on many positive economic trends during their lifetimes, especially with real estate and due to their inheritance. (i'm not saying there's anything wrong with this, by the way, and in no way do i begrudge this). their lifestyle is rather genteel in nature.

while my life certainly could be a lot worse, but by comparison to my parents, it has been much more fraught with challenge, obstacles, stress, and strain, due to my choices at least in part, but also due in part to age i am in the time that i'm living in. probably due to a lot of other factors as well. i have chosen to do things which are incongruent with my socionics personality, in my career, in my personal life, in my selection of a marriage partner. my lifestyle is rather picaresque. i believe that i make these choices in order to seek out truths, to reconcile them to one another, and to communicate understanding to others. it's funny entp is known as "the seeker" and i would have to say that i am at my best when playing this role out.

the infp man that i am seeing right now is the same as i am. he also has felt compelled to go against the flow of his socionics type in many ways, and his life shows that. we don't know the larger purpose of why we do the things we do, except perhaps through contemplation and prayer. so we began to talk about the meaning of this.

i spoke with my father about he and my mother and whether he felt he needs her for his dual seeking function. he said if it was not for her, then he would almost certainly fall short in his dual seeking area and experience negative consequences. so they have come to depend on one another. when they are parted by death, i expect that the other one will closely follow since they have become so interdependent.

so my conception of God's plan is that each of us is, in some ways, destined to live out a lifecycle, the meaning of which could be beyond our grasp. the best tcomprehension that i have of God's plan for me is that i am compelled to share the wisdom and humility of my seeking with others. i see this happen almost every day. i am sure that i have already helped to save at least 2 marriages since my divorce a year ago.

socionics is scientific in that it answers the what and the how of the way we interact with others. the answers to the questions of who and why belong in the realm of the spiritual, which i believe supercedes socionics or man-made explanations of meaning.