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Thread: Female: ENTP or ENFP?

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    Default Female: ENTP or ENFP?

    I'm feeling a bit kerfuddled right now. For the last two or three years I was convinced that I was a very clever and quirky ENTP. I was rather proud of myself actually, hehehe, and it made perfect sense to me. I always saw myself as highly logical, perhaps even cold, but very creative and playful. For a while I thought I was introverted, but I outgrew that. I never doubted that I was a T. Being 'heartless' bugged me a bit (not that ENTPs are all hearltess, it's just that I thought I was), but the intellectual aspect made me smug. :wink:

    Well. . . I had a rather. . .stressful. . .childhood, which required me to block off my emotions as much as possible. As I've gotten older, the process seems to have reversed itself. While falling asleep the other night I was pondering this, and to my horror, I realized that all this time I've been making decisions based on what I thought was logic, I might actually have been following (gasp shock horror) my heart!

    Horrified, but somehow excited at the prospect of not being coldly manipulative, I approached my very deep and wise ( hehe) ISTP father on the subject. I asked him if he'd say I was a thinker or a feeler. Both he and my stepmother simultaneously intoned: "FEELER." My dad added, "You only think you're logical, and you do reason things out, but then you just do whatever feels 'right' to you anyway." My stepmother (ISFJ) went so far as to claim that "half the things I do make no sense at all." Hmph. Typical ISFJ. :wink:

    I'm not convinced. So, here's some description of me...maybe you guys can help:

    • ~bubbly
      ~dry & sarcastic
      ~loves debate (philosophy and soci/anthrop-ology especially)
      ~hates to argue
      ~hates conflict (there's a difference between debate and arguments/conflict!)
      ~good at making friends, but terrible at keeping in touch with them...gets bored, doesn't see the point in maintaining constant contact
      ~late for EVERYTHING
      ~artistic, loves acting, drawing, singing, writing, filming, etc.
      ~loves knowledge, loves to research...a bit of a know-it-all
      ~very sensitive, and very good at concealing it
      ~obsessed with the notion of romance and love in theory, but terribly uncomfortable with letting people too close (trust issues, you think? :wink
      ~very prone to becoming a hermit (lost in la la land) if not actively engaged in anything. . .enjoys for a bit, but then gets kind of. . .insane. In a bad way. Depressed.
      ~defensive of self and others
      ~very skilled at holding back tears (my idiot sister thinks I haven't cried since I was about 14, pfft)
      ~loves people, even the 'jerks'...until the jerks hurt/humiliate/criticize...then just feels bewildered, injured, and spiteful
      ~excellent math skills
      ~tendency to shut down (but not necessarily back down) in hostile environments
      ~wears bright and eccentric clothing (reaction glutton)
      ~tendency to hold back thoughts and snappy remarks to keep peace and avoid a point. (Piss me off too badly, and watch out.)
      ~doesn't drink or do drugs (which nobody believes, due to 'natural drunkenness'...)
      ~despises institutions
      ~needs space and alone time

    Okay. . .thoughts? Opinions? Rolling eyes?


    . . .took me years to figure out. But I suppose this does explain why my NT friends and ISTp father always smirk when I brag about how cooly logical I am. Bastards.

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    I approached my very deep and wise ( hehe) ISTP father on the subject.
    .. I think you were looking for an MBTI board...

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    .. I think you were looking for an MBTI board...
    Erm. . .nope. 'Fraid not. I much prefer socionics. I haven't gone over all the intricacies of it in a while, but I knew it all at one point, and I thought it was a superior system. Sorry about using thinker-feeler rather than logical-ethical, and yada yada yada to the other faux pas I've made.


    Anyway, for practicality's sake, please assume that I'm in the right forum. It would be ever-so-helpful in my search for self-knowledge, you see. :wink:

    . . .took me years to figure out. But I suppose this does explain why my NT friends and ISTp father always smirk when I brag about how cooly logical I am. Bastards.

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    Dreaming One welcome to the forum.

    I shall not use this opportunity to point out any of the major differences between MBTI and Socionics at this time as I am unsure of the level of your knowledge. I am sure if you have any questions one of our fine and experienced forum members would be happy to help.

    Anyway, you sound like you could be an ENFp to me
    (note the lower case "p").

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    Agreed enfp. Entp's wouldn't list liking people as a primary characteristic. Holding back thoughts to keep the peace, needing space and alone time - these 2 seem more enfp.

    Welcome to the forum!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreaming One
    .. I think you were looking for an MBTI board...
    Erm. . .nope. 'Fraid not. I much prefer socionics. I haven't gone over all the intricacies of it in a while, but I knew it all at one point, and I thought it was a superior system. Sorry about using thinker-feeler rather than logical-ethical, and yada yada yada to the other faux pas I've made.


    Anyway, for practicality's sake, please assume that I'm in the right forum. It would be ever-so-helpful in my search for self-knowledge, you see. :wink:
    ... I was pointing out the way you insulted sensors... that's an MBTI thing to do. I could go on and on about that subject, but I won't here. Let's just say that most people on boards like these have a much diffrent view.

    IEE, btw,

    Quote Originally Posted by Monica
    Anyway, you sound like you could be an ENFp to me
    (note the lower case "p").
    I think that rule is kind of stupid, actually. Staying away from those acronyms is the best thing you can do here.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  7. #7
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    hands down ENFp

    That list read like Kim for dummies....
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    ― Anais Nin

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