Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
Can Ne PoLR manifest as a kind of disinterest in imaginative wanderings that have nothing to do with the immediate situation or otherwise no practical use? For instance, having no interest in imagining where all the cars on the freeway might be going, thinking about the past or future, or hearing stories about people they will never meet?

Can it manifest as a kind of acceptance of reality, having no regrets, not wondering about how things could have been different, and not worrying about alternatives much when making choices? Just choosing one thing and going with it as if it were the only path one could choose, trusting fate, as one sees no point in regret or imagining that things could happen differently?

Can Ne PoLR involve a strong disinclination to make any guesses or inferences, connect the dots, or jump to conclusions? Feeling uncertain about anything that isn't fact, and not wanting to presume one knows more than they do? Feeling open-minded in the sense of acknowledging what they don't know, and that the unknown could be anything as far as they know, but not wanting to guess at what it may be?
All told this sounds most like an SLI. "Not worrying", "no regrets", "acceptance of reality" is sort of the antithesis of Ne Vulnerable. Ne Vulnerable means you dislike unknown factors and try to avoid them by controlling your environment or sticking to what you know. The last paragraph sounds like valued Te with low Ne. Other Te ego types might also fit.