this was a particulary helpful description of Ne Polr

... [for] an example of ESI Ne PoLR works live, read the OP to this thread. There is a lot of dwelling on Ni and Fi, ethical analysis of past actions, without considering the positive future potential.

ESI (Ne PoLR): This is what has happened, this is my past. It was full of mistakes and personal failings. This is where I am now. What will happen from this point on makes me feel fearful and apprehensive (it will disturb my present stable state).
ILE (lead Ne): Don't get stuck on the past - instead think about all the positive potential that your present holds! Think about things that could happen and how your situation could change.
ESI: [feels awkward because he/she cannot lucidly conceptualize it, and edges towards the exit]

I think Ne PoLR is best described as an inability to visualize and describe all the "could be's" and "might be's" and a deep running insecurity when the ESI/LSI gets pulled out into this zone.

The difference between LSI and ESI Ne PoLRs is that ESI doesn't consider positive future potential while the LSI doesn't consider negative potential. Thus ESI runs him/herself into a corner and begins complaining about not seeing a positive future, while the LSI keeps running around making mistakes and getting bruises from life, and also complains about how life is bringing him down.

Good example of the later, of LSI's Ne PoLR, is Stalin's reaction to an attack by Nazi Germany that broke their nonviolence pact. He blanked it out and denied that his country could be getting attacked by the Germans. The Red Army did nothing for weeks, people weren't evacuated leading to higher military and general population loses. Stalin could not entertain the "negative" possibility that Hiitler would turn against him. This attack completely blindsided him.
I also agree with these posts. This is exactly how I've seen Se creative and weak intuition show with an ESI woman at my workplace.

Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
the way i notice it with my ESI sister is like if something isn't directly connected to the goal/situation at hand, then its pointless. like she sets a path and any alternate ideas or suggestions of other things to take into consideration are ignored because what matters is the path that has been chosen.
Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
Yep. This is my mom (also ESI). She gets her mind set on something, and it's not so much that she is unwilling to look at other possibilities but that she is simply incapable. And if other people try to suggest other options, it's like they might as well be speaking a foreign language.