Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
That could just be weak Ne, not Ne polr. Do you feel scared when things don't go according to plan? How are you around Ne egos ? How are you at brainstorming or randomly having fun with people, eg. impromptu dance moves? If you were to suddenly lose your job what would you do next? It might help to get a third person's opinion on your body language, too, as Ne polrs seem to have to have a stable, calm presence while Ne egos are somewhat more fidgety. There's also eye gaze to look out for. ESIs and LSIs have a "settling" gaze, Ne egos' eyes dart around a lot.
If things don't go to plan, it depends on the situation as to whether that would bother me e.g I prefer to just go with the flow when I'm just having fun with other people, whereas if I am waiting around for someone or something I start to get pretty anxious. As for brainstorming, I can do this, I can come up with creative and unusual ideas, but I don't think it's just Ne that does this. The thing about having random fun with people I'm torn about. If i'm with close friends I'll randomly do crazy shit to make them laugh, if it's somebody behaving like that around me who I don't really know I wouldn't be very receptive to it. In fact if i'm in a bad mood it can piss me off. This thread is going to make me sound horrible :/ haha. I have a typical IJ/EJ posture. I don't think that's as relevant though. If I lost my job I would see it as an opportunity to do something new. But i'm 20 and don't have any responsibilities...

Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
this doesn't strongly resonate with me but i dunno if that means anything since i don't think i'm an exemplar of ne polr. i've been thinking for awhile about writing about ne polr in order to flesh out my thoughts since my idea of how it could work in me is pretty slippery. this seems like a good place to do it. i'm not sure where to start so i'll just respond directly to the OP for now. i don't really have anything to contribute except my own experiences so if that feels like a hijack or something it can be ignored : p
Noo, please do post your experiences and understanding, it's a good way to work through ideas, and it's interesting.

breaking from routine and new things, it depends. i'm happy with this stuff when its my idea but i'm not usually receptive to this kind of thing from other people. i dont really love surprises and i haaate pranks. i sometimes like hearing a few realistic options but too many suggestions or especially ones that aren't really applicable to me feels demeaning..when somebodys like, "why don't you just paint your kitchen wall beige?" when i live in an apt and can't paint the wall. i hate that.
I would agree with this. I forgot to mention the need for things to be applicable, otherwise I have a tendency to disregard them.

i want to understand the world as it is both objectively and implicitly. i can't force myself to identify with one over the other. i want to understand the world objectively for the purpose of navigating in it effectively, so maybe that is just Te. i want to understand it implicitly because i'm not a robot and because when i can see how there are patterns that lie underneath i feel like there is more of a reason to doing things.
There's a difference between wanting to understand life and the world and the patterns between everything, which all people have an interest in, and valuing the implicit potentiality of objects in a way that you disregard or don't see it's objective properties. That's the difference between Ne egos and Se egos, in my understanding. Se sees first and foremost what IT IS, and then puts it into a framework of understanding.

i wouldn't use the word "rules," but its pretty close. actually i'm not sure i think about how it will develop at all. when i read this, i pictured a concert because that's something i'd get excited about, and it was just a snapshot picture of a crowd. and that was it, developments didn't enter my thoughts. thinking about how it could develop, my mind starts searching for more detail like who i am there with and who is playing, wanting to zoom in for context. and then, since i don't actually have any concrete plans for a concert atm, my inclination is to daydream some kind of plot. (is this Ne ---> Si?)
I don't first and foremost think about how it would develop, I probably wouldn't think about that at all unless I had too. I just see the static images and relate to that what I know, and what I feel about it. It's usually just a snapshot in my head, and then I change the subject back to something else.

hm. with my eii friend when she talks about something she's excited about in the future, her enthusiasm is catchy and i don't play it down or discourage it at all.

but then with my sli ex when he would talk about getting changes to the house made or whatever and i knew from experience that the chances were low that he would actually follow through with what he was talking about, i got really impatient and i didn't want to hear about things that might get my hopes up or add contingencies to consider and then not even actually happen. but for him it was fun just to think about and imagine. but it really stressed me out. similar to having "maybe" plans (and worrying about conflict with other plans) or ambiguity or not getting straight answers. if this is ne polr related then yea i probably am. it feels deep rooted so maybe its more of an enneagram thing.
I like talking about future trends and developments if it serves a practical benefit to myself or others. Talking about specific events purely because they're exciting, even if they might not happen, is weird to me. When Ne do this I can see why they're excited and can share in that to an extent, but I can't see everything that they can, so it can look to them like I don't care. I also dislike ambiguity.

i don't feel jealous of anybody that can see potentiality in things, i don't think. if they can both see the potentiality and make it happen i might feel jealous or admiring or something.
I'm jealous in a sense that they can appreciate life in a way I can't.

Also I'm describing things in a pretty robotic way, it doesn't mean that's exactly how I experience it