If two people have a dual or identity relationship and had different values, beliefs, etc. would they still get along? Im not really talking about getting along better than people who have conflicting relations AND ALSO have different beliefs, etc. I guess what would constitute getting along would be if you don't mind being in a relationship with them for an extended period of time, don't have trouble understanding them during a conversation, etc.

I have been reassessing how i've typed someone in my family whom I had some conflict with. I have been getting more confused and have been wondering if he wasn't my identical ! and then I began wondering about why I would be having this type of conflict with an identical. I have noticed that I have had some feelings of repulsion with people whom i believed to be my identical-- i see points that i'd rather not have in myself, perhaps. it's all very confusing.

Sorry if theres a bit too much personal info here. But one's upbringing and factors besides the type we're born with is sort of personal. It's what would be most evidently different between me and my family member-- we've had different upbringing, and that'd be the next thing to examine after type maybe.