Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
OK Dio, you want me to focus on the specific subject. You seem to have some delusion that you have special powers beyond anyone else's to divine people's types. And you think you're so good that people should pay you for it. And you think that your powers are so great that you have patented a whole new theory. AND you want to be taken seriously. That is the specific subject. I'm sorry, you're a sweet guy and all, but this is just plain crazy. Your typings are sometimes bizarre, though always amusing, but there's no way people should be paying you to type them. Please let me know if anyone ever really does because I'd be fascinatedI to know who would.

I don't think I have special powers about type theory, but I have special information, that is true, and that infomraton needs to be patented before being shared.

I am suggesting that people Donate what they can to make up for my time spent on the subject.

I don't decide who gets patents or not, the governemnt does that. I don't have a patent yet.

I have tried in the past to make my post interesting and humorous, but that is no longer the case. I don't have the time or patience.

People pay if they want to, they have offred to do so on many occasions but I always thought of that as incovenient until now when I need to raise funds to seek a patent.

Anyways, they would have to pay me LOTS of cash to discuss with you in the future.