my point is you constantly make judgements of maxim like "he would totally understand my dopey worldview and agree" and "he's a good guy", as if you condescend to sum him up, and its like he probably just thinks you're an idiot but will take your money and indulge your stupid "insights" toward that end. you remind me of every aging zhukov who ever thinks he figured someone out, and yet all you've managed to do is repeat a cliche known by all since 3rd grade. hopefully silke comes in to ooh and ah over your "insight", because its such low hanging fruit, begging for someone to admire it in virtue of its stupidity and who else could see the opportunity for what it is: an obvious invitation to stroke a narcissists' ego and ingratiate oneself in the process. its like free money and telegraphed so completely even IEI can grasp it

looking forward to pt 3, Adam