Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr
Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
What about those that type themselves INFp and ENFj .... aka me. Do you think I'm another type? I believe EIEs are more likely to mistype as a ego type but IEIs know themselves.
I think you're ISFp... you seem way too comfortable with being INFp.... :wink: Si has nothing to do with grace or clumsiness either. You are also not as confrontational...
Also, your time here.. to become INFp, has it made you more or less comfortable with yourself... wait.... you're probably more comfortable right...
Si-role or Si-dominant... I think you might have mistaken your in-securities for your motives.. You motive for learning about yourself? Was it to become comfortable?

The thing is.. INFp... don't /want/ to be comfortable with themselves...

You're young.. you want stuff to be exciting right now in your life. Your hormones are kicking it up a notch. But once you settle and rest and really reflect on what you really want, I think you'll find you're going to be comfortable with comfort.

Oh yea... I have a ulterior motive... I am going to build a ray to turn all cute INFp's girls into ISFp's and mount this ray on sharks. SharksWithLazersPewPewPew
You're kidding, right?