That boy is gayer than Christmas. And no I don't want care that he's homosexual (because really, would I ever meet him in real life? Probably not), but God later down the road you know you're gonna hear something about him and homosexuality in one form or another. (I bet there's already stories all over the place) I just can't sense whether it will be positive or negative yet, it's really up to him- but Dear Lord that man has some gay-ass energy inside him.

He has to keep up a public image of heterosexuality most likely to keep the $$$ rolling for his straight obsessed teeny bopper fans. OMG LYKE HE KAN'T BE KEI HE IZ SO CUTE.

If I'm wrong,, you know damn well I'm not wrong at all. If there is one thing that I'm good at, it's being gay. I am the vampire gayer.

I agree with him 110% on how to impress girls ::cough:: other guys though.

He could be a really good role model for gay teens if he comes out of the closet, as he's gay (and yeah kinda obvious about it but to me it's pretty subtle and warm, I like that guy a lot), but instead we have that one stereotypical blonde fag that wears that shitty-ass beret that no other gay man really likes anyway. I hate life.