Quote Originally Posted by happytobestraining View Post
I disagree. I don't know much about her husband but I thought he was EII. Her songs are about poor Fi. She says in interviews that she goes off of feeling. I think she goes off of and exaggerates the strength of her HA
He's LSI.
She only talks and sings about feelings and seems driven by them in everything. She cares deeply about personal authenticity and while her relationships are volatile she tries hard to maintain them. Her relationship with her husband had some downs and even though an SLE would cognitively be closer to him (EII is ridiculous for him he doesn't look or act like one, he is definitely Se creative and most likely LSI > ESI), her Fi has helped her keep the relationship. If an SLE went through the same rockiness they would just leave and wouldn't bother trying to go through that mess because it requires Fi.
I see her regularly typed as ESFP in MBTI as well.
Sorry to kill your boner.
Her songs contain 8/reactive triad emotionality which is easy to mistake for SLE or other things.