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    6 18.75%
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    2 6.25%
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    2 6.25%
  • IEE

    4 12.50%
  • EII

    3 9.38%
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    1 3.13%
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Thread: Type me --

  1. #1

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    Default Type me --

    Okay. Cool.

    So I'm not so sure I care too much for VI at all, but i think it'd be fun to see what the 16types forum think I look like.

    For the extra curious, I posted few posts today (grand total of 12 posts!), get to know me the sneaky way.

    Or you can just ask questions!

    *Don't really care about putting pictures up for safety purposes, just don't like to see my silly mug on the forum for too long. unsettling.*

    New computer! Broke it in by playing with the camera.
    Webcam pictures are hard to look natural in. And also, just a note, one of them I was played around with. First one who finds it get a cookie.

    Can you believe my friends call me a poser when I try to smile in my photos? And they take a billion pictures of themselves not smiling in the bathroom. Oh what silly friends I have.

    Kay, I'm excited. Off to work, will be back shortly. Looking forward to see how fast the forum moves!

  2. #2
    UDP's Avatar
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    Intuitive it seems - did you think you were INFj before?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  3. #3
    UDP's Avatar
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    What are your thoughts on your type?

    What temperment do you think is best fit?

    Expat test:
    (1) If you made decent money down the road, what would you want to do with your life? List some goals and how you would want you spend your time. Answer thoroughly and explicitly, as much detail as possible.

    (2) Open this only after you do the first part:

    [spoil:c2ae0d0748]Now, tell what you would do if you were amazingly rich and money was not an option. How would you want to spend your time?[/spoil:c2ae0d0748]

    And the UDP analysis:
    Describe what you want in a relationship. Your ideal person somewhat, and why. Describe what they would do for you - what you think you need help with. And describe your best qualities that you think you have to offer your partner - what strengths do you feel good about? What are you proud of about yourself?
    Also, what erotic role do you think you fit into?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  4. #4
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Can you believe my friends call me a poser when I try to smile in my photos? And they take a billion pictures of themselves not smiling in the bathroom. Oh what silly friends I have.
    Friends can be brutally honest, but I can see where that's coming from. You totally have the INFj 'simply smiles' thing like it's not really a FAKE smile (nor would I call you a poser) it's just ...wait. Let me get the exact sentence, it explains it way better than I can:

    "INFjs do not show intense positive emotions, instead they simply smile. All their facial expressions openly reproach nefarious happenings."

    So yes, take no offense at all to that, it just seems like you are a natural introvert trying to appear friendly to other people, and that's how it usually comes across. INFj makes sense to me now that I think about it, well at least you VI that way.

  5. #5


    I like your cheeks

  6. #6
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Why is everyone else able to see these pictures?
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  7. #7


    we're special

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    Why is everyone else able to see these pictures?
    Our room lights are on and our eyes are open?
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Johari Box

  9. #9
    reyn_til_runa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elle
    And also, just a note, one of them I was played around with. First one who finds it get a cookie.
    figure i'll go for the cookie because i can't tell much about your type from the photos. 2nd photo has some sort of whitish fuzzy glow to it, so this is the one you played with.
    whenever the dog and i see each other we both stop where we are. we regard each other with a mixture of sadness and suspicion and then we feign indifference.

    Jerry, The Zoo Story by Edward Albee

  10. #10
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    Thanks guys.

    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsandDoves
    Friends can be brutally honest, but I can see where that's coming from. You totally have the INFj 'simply smiles' thing like it's not really a FAKE smile (nor would I call you a poser) it's just ...wait. Let me get the exact sentence, it explains it way better than I can:

    "INFjs do not show intense positive emotions, instead they simply smile. All their facial expressions openly reproach nefarious happenings."

    So yes, take no offense at all to that, it just seems like you are a natural introvert trying to appear friendly to other people, and that's how it usually comes across. INFj makes sense to me now that I think about it, well at least you VI that way.
    Thanks, vote one for non-poser. It makes sense that I would VI in the 'simply smiling' kinda way. That was what I was going for. Trying to look natural.

    What concerns me a little bit is that I seem like an introvert trying to be friendly? Not taken in offense at all of course! - I'm openly asking for opinions of my type, starting a thread, posting pictures up, so I can be a big girl about it. But I'm not sure if I like what it means, I hope I'm not coming across as insincere.

    Reyn, the second one I actually didn't touch, that's just my glowing skin against harsh fluorescent lighting. It was the third one! I'm surprised, because there's a visible difference between my skin in the first and second one. I'm not as... dreamy and saturated in real life, unfortunately

    but you get a free video cuz i'm nice like that.
    ... C is for Cookie!

    Also - I'm surprised only Starfall thought I was a sensing type. thought I was a shoein for SEI. I guess I can't VI myself very well. But anyway, I'm glad I don't project any . That would be false advertising.

    Poll count as of now: generally most agree I'm intuitive. Most probably an IEI. SEE? wth?

    Starfall! I can't a fly! I swear!

    OK. Great questions UDP, thanks! I'm glad that most of you held off until I gave more information. Just posting pictures up without any description doesn't give much context. Well - here's the context!

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    What are your thoughts on your type

    So I VI as EII is the general agreement. I don't have a problem with that, I love EIIs! They're awesome. One of my closest friends, have typed herself as an EII, and we're very similar. Perhaps even the same type, not really sure. We haven't talked about socionics for a long while though, so that may have changed, still she's quite EII. Got all the in the world and then some, with playful sometimes. And also my cousin, Patricia, who I am very close to also, seems to be a Fi type too. Possibly ESI. I'm still getting used to typing people.

    Uh... So yeah. There are differences in how we talk and interact. Whenever we get together, my EII friend and me, it's always quite the humanist get together. We go to plays, galleries, thrift shopping, talk about the meaning of life, all that good stuff. She actually introduced me to socionics through Jung, who we admired and love, and is enshrined upon both of our hearts. When we talk - we're usually on the same page, seems like I lead the conversations with the questions, and she fills in her side of things, and I take that, and embellish it some more, and then it goes on, we make a million and one inside jokes (it's like we have our own language). And she's really one of the only people I feel really comfortable with enough to be as open and silly. I have a very small comfort zone.

    But it's growing! Or at least I hope I'm moving to that direction. Me and that same friend, typed me as an ILI from the beginning. Mostly because I was a little girl-cynic in my earlier days. I still have biting humor, but I've toned it down. I may also be ILI because my are very strong. And I'm prone to long periods of being very reflective, and very detached... and I have Te humor and apply it liberally when I like you enough to make fun of you like that. And also, I was volunteering for this place for almost a year, and I was a total ILI. all the unresponsiveness of (x100) and strict business sexiness of . I just.. couldn't get comfortable. They were mostly alphas too. I think. Lots of Fe, Si. Felt like they were demanding lots of Si and Fe too.

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    What temperment do you think is best fit?
    Ep>Ip. Very close though, because I don't initiate all the time, and don't mind if other people do. But I take initiative if I have interest. I like introverts, and seek them out, because I'm more outgoing and open around them. Extreme extraverts like my ESTp friend Hiba, I appreciate their energy levels and enthusiasm, but they tire and sometimes annoy me.

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Expat test:
    (1) If you made decent money down the road, what would you want to do with your life? List some goals and how you would want you spend your time. Answer thoroughly and explicitly, as much detail as possible.
    Sell off my house, home and any possible dependent child I may have. And then I would go on a trek to Tibet. Spend some time getting to know the zen ways of buddist monks. I'd move right over to India and get some awesome cooking tips, and try to not cry from seeing all the poor starved children on the streets. Possibly start a movement to feed them. And then go straight over to the Ukraine, and say hello to Rick. Learn some Ukraine. Try some borsht. Sword fight with jesus in the alps. Then come back to the canucks in Canada and write my autobiography: "Jesus in the Alps & What he was doing there."

    To be honest, if I'm sitting on a pile on of money when I'm older, I probably wouldn't be doing too many different things, except travelling some more, and possibly quitting my job, but probably not if it's challenging and interesting. I believe in doing the most you can at any given moment. So If I'm not doing whatever I want to be doing at the moment, I'm working towards it.

    And I just revealed the hidden content: what??? Whoops. Was I supposed to assume some limit (in monetary and insanity means) because I didn't. Same thing still applies. But I may buy an island for myself or something this time. And have PARTIES PARTIES PARTIES. tea parties, that is.

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    And the UDP analysis:
    Describe what you want in a relationship. Your ideal person somewhat, and why. Describe what they would do for you - what you think you need help with. And describe your best qualities that you think you have to offer your partner - what strengths do you feel good about? What are you proud of about yourself?
    Also, what erotic role do you think you fit into?
    I want to love and be loved.

    Ideal person: someone who'll make it worth my while. I don't think it's helpful to have only one single definition of your 'ideal' partner, or even yourself. I'm almost certain I'm a delta, and I like betas. They have lots of good qualities, and I think if you're open and sufficiently mature, you can handle and give out any kind of information. But I guess the question is wht would be the most comfy situation? I really don't know. I've dated some intuitives, and they're a little flightly, though ENTp & ENFps seem like lots of fun. I like sensors, but some of them bore me. My dad's an SLI, and he's cool. He lets me do my own thang. I like that.

    Erotic stylez: I'm a total goofball, clearly. in my ego!

    CONCLUSION: I'm young. I have a lot of life left to live, personality probably develops substantially once you start providing for yourself, and making lots of major decisions for yourself. Haven't reached that point yet, but I'm excited and more than ready to.

    So - what're your thoughts? Has your initial typings change? Want to talk about how?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bionic goat
    I like your cheeks
    Quote Originally Posted by normal
    Haha. Thanks. I got them from my dad, but I don think it looks nearly as cute on him, some 40-odd year old man, as they do me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    What do you offer to a relationship (or something like that)?
    Whoops, brain blips.

    My alligator smiles, and my charming good looks, obviously!

    I like to bake cookies and put faces on them. I can feed you and amuse you!

    I give good hugs too.

  13. #13
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    You do look EII to me but you come off as IEE.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  14. #14
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    She's ENFp out the ass, folks.

    Dress pretty, play dirty ღ

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
    She's ENFp out the ass, folks.
    I think the scientific term is "wazoo."
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

    Retired from posting and drawing Social Security. E-mail or PM to contact.

    I pity your souls

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elro
    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
    She's ENFp out the ass, folks.
    I think the scientific term is "wazoo."
    Science is sexy.

    That was fun!
    Party's over, thanks.

    Learned I can fool people into thinking I'm an INFj and spring my sharp and pointy onto unsuspecting people. Awesome.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by elle
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    What do you offer to a relationship (or something like that)?
    Whoops, brain blips.

    My alligator smiles, and my charming good looks, obviously!

    I like to bake cookies and put faces on them. I can feed you and amuse you!

    I give good hugs too.
    Sounds good to me.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  18. #18
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I've found best friends are usually Identicals really, but genuine true love is Duals. (a person that you really love and also really lust, the best of all worlds, your other half, etc.) Conflictors are the people you think you'd get along with and you show chemistry in the beginning, but the fire quickly changes to hate once you crack below the surface. And yes, you will almost always totally and completely ignore your dual in a group of other people, you have to just stick around at a time to really know what they're about, and then you can find out how much you need them.

    I know I've heard people say 'that example is too text book-y' but I've seen it happen in real life lots of times, just because something is in a text book doesn't mean it's crap that doesn't exist in the real world. =) I mean I could bore you with details, but the general sense is true.

  19. #19
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    And the beautiful thing about the internet, as long as you act like your natural self, even if we can't decipher things we could face to face, it's much easier to see the intertype relationships play out. It's like, they can happen a lot faster with no other barriers because we're just really sharing our minds here, ya know?

    People tend to think that somebody 'in real life' will be this totally different person than they are online, but I've found that's not really the case. "When people show you who they are, believe them." That's a quote from Maya Angelou than INFjs tend to like lol. We will just be a subdued version of our online selves, but the general aura of a person is still there.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    You do look EII to me but you come off as IEE.
    Yeah, the way she writes reminds me of a leading .

    I'm liking her already. :wink: (Not that kind of like, so don't get the wrong idea. )

  21. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves

    You give me so much Fi, its so cute.
    And yeah, I totally think identical/mirrors make good friends. My INFj friend and I are very close, and very similar interests and opinions, and the way we hold ourselves. There's an instant comfort and compatibility thing I have with her. It's cool, but gets a little boring sometimes, so I go overboard with the Ne.

    And Duals being complete soul-mates - I'm not sure I completely buy it. I may just be young, inexperienced and naive- but I can understand how it might work, if my natural functions are NeFi, which means I'm probably not the best at and would appreciate Si given in a Te way. Or vice-versa. And it would be a two-way street, SiTe would naturally be receptive to my But I don't think socionics is the be all and end all of relationships. Lots of stuff can change the dual dynamic, stuff that socionics has little or no hold on, religious values, life experience, maturity, etc etc. I like Si and Te stuff, pursuing it makes me feel healthy and secure. I don't -need- someone to do that stuff for me, in fact I may prefer them not to. I'm way too independent to want that kind of... dependency. And anyway to think of people completely in terms of functions, symbols, and not as the persons they are, is a step in the wrong direction. It takes the humanity out the whole process. Lots of the nuances of human psyche can be overlooked like this.

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Quote Originally Posted by Slackermom
    You do look EII to me but you come off as IEE.
    Yeah, the way she writes reminds me of a leading Extraverted Intution .

    I'm liking her already. :wink: (Not that kind of like, so don't get the wrong idea. )

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