Okay. Cool.

So I'm not so sure I care too much for VI at all, but i think it'd be fun to see what the 16types forum think I look like.

For the extra curious, I posted few posts today (grand total of 12 posts!), get to know me the sneaky way.

Or you can just ask questions!

*Don't really care about putting pictures up for safety purposes, just don't like to see my silly mug on the forum for too long. unsettling.*

New computer! Broke it in by playing with the camera.
Webcam pictures are hard to look natural in. And also, just a note, one of them I was played around with. First one who finds it get a cookie.

Can you believe my friends call me a poser when I try to smile in my photos? And they take a billion pictures of themselves not smiling in the bathroom. Oh what silly friends I have.

Kay, I'm excited. Off to work, will be back shortly. Looking forward to see how fast the forum moves!