Ok. I see your point well here. Intuition of time (Ni) does indeed manifest itself as prophetical sort of perception of the world and the future, and I have always attributed this to ENTjs, ENFjs, INFps, and INTps' ability to read internal conflict and disorder whether in people (combined with Fe) or in an impersonal entity (such as the economy). However, I have a question for you...Robespierre, Jefferson, and other revolutionary types, did themselves motivate others by their ideals, and were more or less rigidly married to a singular vision of how they thought things SHOULD be. The level of sacrifice they inevitably made was perhaps debateable, but Jefferson WAS the author of the Declaration of Independence (something that he could hardly have avoided had the British won the war), and Robespierre gave his life (although perhaps unintentionally) for the French revolution along with, perhaps, his sanity. It is true that Ne types will rarely promote others making sacrifices in the name of a viewpoint (they let the Ni types do that for them), but they nevertheless are willing to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of that particular ideal, and are therefore not going to discourage others from following what they believe to be true and right. Benjamin Franklin, an ENTp (at least from my perspective), also signed the Declaration of Independence, something that would have surely ended his livelihood had the results of the war been different, like Jefferson. Perhaps it is fair to say that Ne types are somewhat more selective about what they are willing to sacrifice for, but I do not believe that they will avoid making that sacrifice, should they see that ideal as just and for the greater good. Kennedy did speak a lot about sacrifice, and inspired the nation to feel good about itself. He has always come across to me as a man who saw potential in a nation, and was able to make others see it too, something that Ne's do very well in my opinion. He was not as dogmatic in his views, like Reagan, ******, and Guevara, which I think is why SO many people responded to him as a president. He worked fairly well with his opponents, as opposed to crushing them under his weight, as ****** and Reagan did. ENTjs and ENFjs are more than willing to use whatever force they have available to them to make their enemies capitulate, whereas Kennedy did not, making concessions (such as in the Cuban Missile Crisis agreeing to remove missiles in Turkey), in order to bring the crisis to the most logical conclusion (avoiding nuclear war). It is true that the military moves that Kennedy made during the crisis would suggest that he was trying to force the soviets to capitulate, but it is well documented that these moves were HEAVILY influenced by his advisors, and were not decisions he readily, or easily made. ENTjs, although not tryants, in my experience, need to project a constant image of control and power (as dictated by Se). It is not my opinion that Kennedy was a president comfortable in his position of power, not being particularly happy with some of the decisions excersing the power of the US (such as Vietnam which he wanted to pull out of before his assasination) he made. I don't know...perhaps we have different impressions of Kennedy as a president, but I see him as being very different from Reagan or ****** as a leader, whose demonstrations of Ni values are clear.

"The one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is unchangeable or certain."

" The political world is stimulating. It's the most interesting thing you can do. It beats following the dollar."

"The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion."