There may be a problem. It seems that you sometimes confuse socionic definitions and Myers-Briggs definitions, they are somewhat different. And the most important, ENTj in socionics is absolutely not the same as in MBTI. According to MBTI, ENTJ is an intellectual dictator, like Napoleon. According to socionics, he/she is a quick, practice-focused, chasing for new opportunities intellectual.

For Keirsey, a typical ENTJ was Napoleon Bonaparte (ESTp in socionics).

For socionists, typical ENTj are (were): Jack London, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Boris Yeltsin, Uma Thurman, Richard Feynman, Enrico Fermi, etc.

Do you notice the difference?

Sorry, now I write very shortly (have some work), will probably reply in more details 12 hours later.