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Thread: Differences between ESE-ESFj and EIE-ENFj

  1. #41
    bibliophile8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
    One could argue that this is part of their job. While it may make sense that a reporter would break down while interviewing a person who's entire family was killed by a drunk driver or some other tragedy... part of being professional is not letting this like this get to you and be able to cover the story, they want people to be thinking about the person's pain at that time, not how much the anchor them self cried about it.
    That is a good point.

    Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
    I've seen Oprah in the past and I'd say that she shows the most emotion out of any of the talk show hosts, well, other than Ellen Degeneres when that whole dog episode happened.
    That is very interesting. I didn't know that. There's a thread somewhere around here where they were trying to type Oprah. I think its the Famous ENFJs one.

    I guess the part that really bothers me is that they they're trying to appear sorry even though they aren't. But I see your point. It would be distracting if they were overly expressive. And if they just didn't say anything, they would appear entirely heartless. I guess it's just an awkward situation to be in and manage emotionally. Maybe I just don't like the news.

    Could it be Ne polr that I don't like this contradiction? I think I might just want them to either be sorry or not sorry. One or the other.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by bibliophile8 View Post
    Could it be Ne polr that I don't like this contradiction? I think I might just want them to either be sorry or not sorry. One or the other.
    I very often feel the same way biblio! But I don't see a contradiction, I know exactly how I want them to be.
    I want them to behave appropriately (talk seriously about a serious topic, show a minimum of empathy), without faking emotions and presenting things in an unnatural way to maximize the viewers' emotional reactions.

  3. #43
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    ESFjs will run around doing a bunch of shit for people, ENFjs won't- but they give better motivating speeches, and they are honestly better at inspiring people. But when it comes to the nitty gritty, ESFj is inherently better.
    ENFjs like to fight social norms and act more flamboyant...ESFjs are more modest and down to earth

    ESFj is more practical with money and things like that... ENFj is more extravagant.
    Both types however, like their butts kissed. Both types are good at guilt trips. Both types can have a good fashion sense, so you can't judge superficially on that right away. But ESFj will adhere to gender/social norms a lot more than the ENFj usually.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    ESFjs will run around doing a bunch of shit for people, ENFjs won't- but they give better motivating speeches, and they are honestly better at inspiring people. But when it comes to the nitty gritty, ESFj is inherently better.
    ENFjs like to fight social norms and act more flamboyant...ESFjs are more modest and down to earth

    ESFj is more practical with money and things like that... ENFj is more extravagant.
    Both types however, like their butts kissed. Both types are good at guilt trips. Both types can have a good fashion sense, so you can't judge superficially on that right away. But ESFj will adhere to gender/social norms a lot more than the ENFj usually.
    You really can't say that.
    type #33
    but maybe LSE, and maybe E3w4(p)

    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    It's why you have a mana bar, not a rage bar.

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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Honestly the very best distinction on first impression is that EIEs will have a "bite", a darker aura.

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  6. #46
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    My mother is an ESFj and I am ENFj and we are quite different (whatever similarities would only be concocted either through superficial means or through minimal contact).

    ESFjs are more practical, more realistic, more giving (by helping out tangibly), more in the 'here and now' ect. Very optimistic and usually happy.

    ENFjs are more flashy, more idealistic, grandiose (ideas on a global scale), powerful orators, darker emotions, moody, giving (through mentorship and vision), more intense and unique.

    Also ENFjs are always looking towards the future and past, the 'here and now' can be quite a chore, always looking towards future possibilities or 'what could have been?'
    ENFp (IEE, intuitive Subtype)

  7. #47
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    Yeah, what Angel Alliterator said sums it up nicely, imo.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  8. #48
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    Also the two types may not necessarily get along that well all the time, I can sometimes get frustrated with my ESFj mother's lack of vision and seeing the "Big Picture." It's as if they just can't see the future possibilities of things and this sometimes makes them vulnerable and makes them very naive of the motivations of others or potential dangers.

    They are also very inflexible and afraid to move into new territory, which annoys me because I am always looking for the bigger and better things and cannot remain static for too long.

    But what I do like about ESFjs (and SJs in general) is that they are very organized and always keep things tidy, you don't have to be constantly in their case for them to clean up after themselves (they are very self-sufficient).
    ENFp (IEE, intuitive Subtype)

  9. #49
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    EIE's like to ignore people. If undecided about ESE or EIE, by virtue of her ignoring you despite polite introductions such as 'How are you?', she is probably EIE. Snooty they can be..

    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

  10. #50
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    That is quite an ignorant generalization, when people come up to me (no matter who they are and especially if they are strangers) I am always polite (despite how I may be feeling inside).

    If somebody is of a 'higher' position then I am, then I am usually very humble and modest, if somebody is of 'lower rank' then I am then I will still be polite but more distant, cold and evasive.

    Snooty-ness only comes in specific situations with certain people, but that is usually when the ENFj is on the defense and from a distance. When approached by others, ENFjs are polite (there maybe a bit of insincere friendlyness though).

    ENFj are humble and polite in an Noblesse Aristocratic way.
    ENFp (IEE, intuitive Subtype)

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel Alliterator View Post
    That is quite an ignorant generalization, when people come up to me (no matter who they are and especially if they are strangers) I am always polite (despite how I may be feeling inside).

    If somebody is of a 'higher' position then I am, then I am usually very humble and modest, if somebody is of 'lower rank' then I am then I will still be polite but more distant, cold and evasive.

    Snooty-ness only comes in specific situations with certain people, but that is usually when the ENFj is on the defense and from a distance. When approached by others, ENFjs are polite (there maybe a bit of insincere friendlyness though).

    ENFj are humble and polite in an Noblesse Aristocratic way.
    Just winding you up a little with some good ol' Ti hyperbole.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

  12. #52
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    Of course! I know you are! Yet I am still a sucker and take it personally.

    I do love the drama though, spices things up.
    ENFp (IEE, intuitive Subtype)

  13. #53
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    =/ I don't really like how you would be more distant to someone of "lower rank" ? That doesn't sound very nice ... sure, "Aristocratic" and all... I don't identify with that part of being Beta. I think it's a foolish Renin dichotomy that should be shot.

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  14. #54
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    Distant does not mean rudeness or mean-spirited.

    It means you are more detached and cold i.e. more business-like and formal rather then engaging and warm (unless of course the ENFj has a personal liking to the person, then the ENFj takes the role of mentor).

    I am rarely if ever rude to anyone (my mood swings are seen by people who are close to me only), I usually come forward at first as being formal and business-like and then (if I like the person) I will be very intense and warm (sometimes even fiery).
    ENFp (IEE, intuitive Subtype)

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    =/ I don't really like how you would be more distant to someone of "lower rank" ? That doesn't sound very nice ... sure, "Aristocratic" and all... I don't identify with that part of being Beta. I think it's a foolish Renin dichotomy that should be shot.
    You're equating "Aristocratic" with "snobbish", but that's not what Reinin meant.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  16. #56
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    In my experience, the EIE always has a "cause." But it's not the delta kinda cause where it's about enriching people's lives and experiences (), but more of a global, save something kind of cause. They use their expressiveness to bring attention to something that's happening now.

    Don't misunderstand me: any type can seem motivated by a cause. But EIE's seem to emphasize the ability to "do something now" and the idea that "we can change the community/world" more than anyother type I know. It's as though the cause itself is just an excuse to get people motivated and excited about it.

    ESEs, on the other hand, though still with the same goal of expressiveness, rarely seem to be profoundly interested in causes beyond local harmony. Essentially, ESEs, even if very smart, are not likely to get wrapped up in an abstract idea. I find my () useful for distinguishing between the abstract and the concrete, so maybe this distinction doesn't help Gamma and Deltas out too much, but maybe focussing on goals () and motivations () will be useful.

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    Ne-ENTp 7w8 sx/so

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    Default ESE vs. EIE


    As I've been figuring out my type, it came up to discuss the differences and/or similarities between ESE and EIE.

    Any takers? Whatcha got?

    Kelly Jo

  18. #58
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    For one thing - EIEs are negativists and ESEs are positivists.
    EIE - "ah, everything will fail."
    ESE - "hahaha, it's so fun when...."
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    I'll start with the obvious base function.

    I also know someone whom I believe to be ESE that I adore. She's bubbly, outgoing, friendly, caring, down to earth, life of the party, the one organizing our mom's get togethers.

    But, we're different in that she doesn't look at the long range implications of her actions with her kids and she's "neater" than I as well as more frugal with her money, pays attention to her spending habits.

    She is a typical who actually TALKS LIKE THIS ALL OF THE TIME!!!! Really! I call her "an outgoing, obnoxious otter." She's fun to hang out with at the park with the kids but not a lot going on "upstairs" to have any kind of meaningful conversation with.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina View Post
    For one thing - EIEs are negativists and ESEs are positivists.
    EIE - "ah, everything will fail."
    ESE - "hahaha, it's so fun when...."

    Can you elaborate? I'm feeling both and need some clarification...thanks


  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post

    As I've been figuring out my type, it came up to discuss the differences and/or similarities between ESE and EIE.

    Any takers? Whatcha got?

    Kelly Jo
    From an LII perspective, both types are yummy. Ti and Fe really compliment each other as Ti is about order and Fe is about harmony. For an LII, Fe types are the easiest to understand. Couples are expected to get along and not fight or be mean to each other, and Fe generally fulfills the Ti expectation.

    ESE meets the Ti expectation because the ESE does not have any impedements to continual harmony from grandiose plans or care-giving-stopping self doubt. While ESE may have self doubt, it does not stop the actualization of immediate harmony. The ESE has been known to disregard career prospects in favor of family prospects because a good deal of satisfaction comes from creating a positive atmosphere. ESE can be bitchy, but in my experience, it takes a lot of negativity for a long period of time. Indescretions can be easily dismissed by ESE's.

    EIE's are a bit more difficult to understand in that Ni feeding into Fe gives Fe a different nuance or different aspects of Fe are emphasised. Real world examples of EIE are sometimes increadibly bitchy to outsiders or anyone that offends their Fe. Other real world examples are increadibly bubbly and smiley and fantastic to be around. EIE's are generally good at knowing how someone feels and they spend lots of time watching peoples faces. They are sometimes good at predicting how someone is going to emotionally react to a certain situation, which is Ni feeding into Fe again.

    These are just a few things that might help you see the difference between the two. Essentially, your question is about the difference between Si and Ni. Perhaps looking at that distinction is helpful, and making your own generalizations to share with us would be most helpful.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post

    Can you elaborate? I'm feeling both and need some clarification...thanks

    Positivism and negativism are almost like optimism and pessimisms. Negativists see what's missing somewhere and positivists see what can be improved. Both will suggest good changes though.

    FDG recently proposed that negativists find it easier to force themselves to do unpleasant tasks.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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    Look at descriptions of Si and Ni. If you are one of those types, then one of those is your creative function, and the other is a function that you don't value and that gives you some kind of negative reaction when it is expected of you.

    Ok - which of these describes you better?

    The individual prefers to focus on immediate tasks, taking things as they come, rather than try to evaluate the outcome of present trends. Inclination to tell stories or narrate events on a sequential basis, rather than outlining how one event led to another.
    He perceives time in an undifferentiated manner: the past, present, and future are all perceived as being in or near the present. When talking about the future (especially one's longer-term plans), the individual treats it as if it were accessible today and often is not aware of all the developments that must happen first.
    He generally has a poor sense of how long things will take and what the best amount of time to spend on things is. Therefore it is difficult for him to stay on schedule without extensive (even total) pre-planning.

    Individuals who possess introverted sensing as a 4th function tend to be negligent to the effects of and have the view that aspects are of less importance than others for achieving their goals. They put a low priority on the physical, short-distance, here-and-now in relation to longer-distance and longer-term considerations. A typical manifestation is a lack of concern for small aesthetic details, since a greater focus is given on the opinion that, in the longer term, taking care of them is a never-ending exercise. This is also manifested in a relative lack of awareness of the immediate surroundings, as in noticing where objects may be if you don't have to deal with them particularly, and of your own physical sensations.
    A lack of concern for small aesthetic details is more visible in the LIE; in the case of the EIE, the low focus on is more noticeable as a dislike for low-level practical details, such as filling up forms, signing documents, or filling tax returns.
    Due to individuals who possess introverted sensing as a 4th function believing that Si aspects are of less importance, they tend to be thrown off course by unthought of, new or neglected introverted sensing matters.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina View Post
    Positivism and negativism are almost like optimism and pessimisms. Negativists see what's missing somewhere and positivists see what can be improved. Both will suggest good changes though.

    FDG recently proposed that negativists find it easier to force themselves to do unpleasant tasks.
    Oh yes! I absolutely see what's missing! Cool! I *know* what's missing.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    Look at descriptions of Si and Ni. If you are one of those types, then one of those is your creative function, and the other is a function that you don't value and that gives you some kind of negative reaction when it is expected of you.

    Ok - which of these describes you better?

    Yes, I've read those before. I see things in both for me. But this sticks out a lot: "Due to individuals who possess introverted sensing as a 4th function believing that Si aspects are of less importance, they tend to be thrown off course by unthought of, new or neglected introverted sensing matters."

    It goes like this "Oh yeah! Food! I forgot to feed the kids. Quick, grab something to eat" or "Diapers! Wipes! The baby's poop just exploded in her car seat and I always forget to bring stuff like that." But I'm also a woman on a warpath if anyone disturbs my sleeping baby!

    My ESE friend would be "snitty" if someone disturbed her baby and I get mean and nasty. She says things like "Hmmmph! I can't believe he just did that! Oh, she's fine." and I say "WTF do you think you're doing?! Don't you DARE wake my baby up!"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy View Post
    From an LII perspective, both types are yummy. Ti and Fe really compliment each other as Ti is about order and Fe is about harmony. For an LII, Fe types are the easiest to understand. Couples are expected to get along and not fight or be mean to each other, and Fe generally fulfills the Ti expectation..

    ESE meets the Ti expectation because the ESE does not have any impedements to continual harmony from grandiose plans or care-giving-stopping self doubt. While ESE may have self doubt, it does not stop the actualization of immediate harmony. The ESE has been known to disregard career prospects in favor of family prospects because a good deal of satisfaction comes from creating a positive atmosphere. ESE can be bitchy, but in my experience, it takes a lot of negativity for a long period of time. Indescretions can be easily dismissed by ESE's.

    EIE's are a bit more difficult to understand in that Ni feeding into Fe gives Fe a different nuance or different aspects of Fe are emphasised. Real world examples of EIE are sometimes increadibly bitchy to outsiders or anyone that offends their Fe. Other real world examples are increadibly bubbly and smiley and fantastic to be around. EIE's are generally good at knowing how someone feels and they spend lots of time watching peoples faces. They are sometimes good at predicting how someone is going to emotionally react to a certain situation, which is Ni feeding into Fe again.

    These are just a few things that might help you see the difference between the two. Essentially, your question is about the difference between Si and Ni. Perhaps looking at that distinction is helpful, and making your own generalizations to share with us would be most helpful.
    Overall, I like harmony but not for harmony's sake. I'd rather "fight it out" with you until we can agree or agree to disagree and then have mutual respect over it.

    And I know exactly how someone will react emotionally to a certain situation but not valuing harmony for harmony's sake, I will still tend to say what I thinks needs to be said and deal with the emotional reaction that I knew was coming afterwards.


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    OK well here's a difference of Ni between two people. My dad is ENFj and my mother-in-law is ESFj.

    When my dad travels, he goes through and figures out his route ahead of time, and figures what he will do along his trip, and has a pretty good idea of how long he'll need at each spot, so he's really confident when planning trips. My mom is ENTj, so she has creative Ni too, and they travel together generally as they're married and all, so they have an easy time on trips.

    My mother-in-law (whom I adore btw) has this quirky habit of writing out this huge itinerary that goes into incredible detail including how much time we're likely to need for meals, potty breaks, etc. She really has to plan every moment. She has it down to when an airplane lands, and how far she has to go from one terminal to the other and when the other airplane leaves, and whether she'll need to use the bathroom (hates airplane toilets), and where those are located, and how long she's likely to need in there, and whether she'll need a meal, and what restaurants are going to be there, etc. Now, she is open to changing it (she values Ne after all) but then she still has to figure out just how long everything will take and so she keeps referring to her itinerary and checking to see where we've lost or gained time.

    My father-in-law is ISFp (I adore him too), so he's no help on these things. She must be able to tell that I have some knowledge of Ni because she'll email her itinerary to me so I can look it over, but I don't know what to do with that thing. I never never never would make up an itinerary. I make sure I have at least 40 minutes or so between flights and then figure it out on my way. LOL. I just tell her not to worry about it - if we don't have time for a meal between flights, we'll grab something to take on the plane from a take-out place. There are tons of those in airports. (Can you tell we travel with the in-laws a lot? LOL)

    Another example is my daughter's teacher (also ESFj), who called me to find out what snack I was sending with my daughter to school, because she wanted to make sure she'd have enough time for what she wanted to do that day and needed to plan ahead of time how much time the snack would take. To me, that seems a bit silly, I mean the snack will take, what, 10 or 12 minutes depending on what it is. It isn't hard to adjust time a bit here and there to make up for a couple of extra minutes. But for someone with Ni PoLR, the uncertainty about how much time is needed can apparently be a bit stressful. Since learning how stressed she gets about this, I send things that are individually packaged so she doesn't have to worry about the extra time it would take otherwise.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    She must be able to tell that I have some knowledge of Ni because she'll email her itinerary to me so I can look it over, but I don't know what to do with that thing. I never never never would make up an itinerary. I make sure I have at least 40 minutes or so between flights and then figure it out on my way. LOL. I just tell her not to worry about it - if we don't have time for a meal between flights, we'll grab something to take on the plane from a take-out place. There are tons of those in airports.
    So I realized after writing that she is looking for Ne from me (Don't worry about it - if there isn't enough time we'll pick up something from someplace to go) rather than seeking Ni. Funny how it's sometimes hard to see what's happening right in front of your face. I thought she wanted me to actually read the itinerary and tell her whether she'd given enough time. But I've never done that and she still sends me an itinerary to look at each time we go someplace with them.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    My mother-in-law (whom I adore btw) has this quirky habit of writing out this huge itinerary that goes into incredible detail including how much time we're likely to need for meals, potty breaks, etc. She really has to plan every moment. She has it down to when an airplane lands, and how far she has to go from one terminal to the other and when the other airplane leaves, and whether she'll need to use the bathroom (hates airplane toilets), and where those are located, and how long she's likely to need in there, and whether she'll need a meal, and what restaurants are going to be there, etc.

    Another example is my daughter's teacher (also ESFj), who called me to find out what snack I was sending with my daughter to school, because she wanted to make sure she'd have enough time for what she wanted to do that day and needed to plan ahead of time how much time the snack would take. Since learning how stressed she gets about this, I send things that are individually packaged so she doesn't have to worry about the extra time it would take otherwise.
    Your life is so different from mine.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy View Post
    Your life is so different from mine.
    In a socionics way? Or just because I have a mother-in-law and a kid?
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    In a socionics way? Or just because I have a mother-in-law and a kid?
    Mostly the mother-in-law and kid thing. Snacks and conference calls with teachers and toilet issues, etc.

    Socionics too.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy View Post
    From an LII perspective, both types are yummy. Ti and Fe really compliment each other as Ti is about order and Fe is about harmony. For an LII, Fe types are the easiest to understand. Couples are expected to get along and not fight or be mean to each other, and Fe generally fulfills the Ti expectation.

    ESE meets the Ti expectation because the ESE does not have any impedements to continual harmony from grandiose plans or care-giving-stopping self doubt. While ESE may have self doubt, it does not stop the actualization of immediate harmony. The ESE has been known to disregard career prospects in favor of family prospects because a good deal of satisfaction comes from creating a positive atmosphere. ESE can be bitchy, but in my experience, it takes a lot of negativity for a long period of time. Indescretions can be easily dismissed by ESE's.

    EIE's are a bit more difficult to understand in that Ni feeding into Fe gives Fe a different nuance or different aspects of Fe are emphasised. Real world examples of EIE are sometimes increadibly bitchy to outsiders or anyone that offends their Fe. Other real world examples are increadibly bubbly and smiley and fantastic to be around. EIE's are generally good at knowing how someone feels and they spend lots of time watching peoples faces. They are sometimes good at predicting how someone is going to emotionally react to a certain situation, which is Ni feeding into Fe again.

    These are just a few things that might help you see the difference between the two. Essentially, your question is about the difference between Si and Ni. Perhaps looking at that distinction is helpful, and making your own generalizations to share with us would be most helpful.
    Very well written. I especially liked the part in bold. Although simple, it has given me something to ponder on.
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  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    OK well here's a difference of Ni between two people. My dad is ENFj and my mother-in-law is ESFj.

    When my dad travels, he goes through and figures out his route ahead of time, and figures what he will do along his trip, and has a pretty good idea of how long he'll need at each spot, so he's really confident when planning trips. My mom is ENTj, so she has creative Ni too, and they travel together generally as they're married and all, so they have an easy time on trips.

    My mother-in-law (whom I adore btw) has this quirky habit of writing out this huge itinerary that goes into incredible detail including how much time we're likely to need for meals, potty breaks, etc. She really has to plan every moment. She has it down to when an airplane lands, and how far she has to go from one terminal to the other and when the other airplane leaves, and whether she'll need to use the bathroom (hates airplane toilets), and where those are located, and how long she's likely to need in there, and whether she'll need a meal, and what restaurants are going to be there, etc. Now, she is open to changing it (she values Ne after all) but then she still has to figure out just how long everything will take and so she keeps referring to her itinerary and checking to see where we've lost or gained time.

    Another example is my daughter's teacher (also ESFj), who called me to find out what snack I was sending with my daughter to school, because she wanted to make sure she'd have enough time for what she wanted to do that day and needed to plan ahead of time how much time the snack would take. To me, that seems a bit silly, I mean the snack will take, what, 10 or 12 minutes depending on what it is. It isn't hard to adjust time a bit here and there to make up for a couple of extra minutes. But for someone with Ni PoLR, the uncertainty about how much time is needed can apparently be a bit stressful. Since learning how stressed she gets about this, I send things that are individually packaged so she doesn't have to worry about the extra time it would take otherwise.
    Yowsa on the whole mapping out a time itinerary, especially in such detail! I do do it like your dad. I plan things out and then allow the meaning of the moment to dictate what to do next within my plan. But I also couldn't be a teacher because most moments call for something outside of my plan a lot of times. lol I follow the inspirations of the moment in our learning, but still somehow it's within my overall "plan."


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    When I make trip plans, they're rather general. But when I plan for a specific short-time event (experiments), I plan them with minute accuracy. It's just that I know planning it in detail will make such things run more smoothly.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina View Post
    When I make trip plans, they're rather general. But when I plan for a specific short-time event (experiments), I plan them with minute accuracy. It's just that I know planning it in detail will make such things run more smoothly.
    Interesting....I don't plan short-time events...I do allow them to flow. Maybe I'm more go with the flow than I thought...but I'm controlling at the same time...hmmmm. I'm controlling over what I *know* is *best* to happen in each moment. That can't be planned. hmmmm some more....

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_maguoo View Post
    Hey this has probably been covered somewhere else but how can you distinguish an ENFj from an ESFj?
    It depends if you have more difficulty picking up NF or SF overall in your distinguishment process.

    this is assuming a persons ego is in check and they are acting like themselves...

    If you prefer the NF feel then:
    ENFj= FeNi ego logic

    ESFj= FeNe activation tendancies

    If you prefer the SF feel then:
    ESFJ= FeSi ego logic

    ENFj= FeSe activation tendancies

    You can also look for superego tendancies but then it starts to get complicated.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy View Post
    From an LII perspective, both types are yummy. Ti and Fe really compliment each other as Ti is about order and Fe is about harmony. For an LII, Fe types are the easiest to understand. Couples are expected to get along and not fight or be mean to each other, and Fe generally fulfills the Ti expectation.

    ESE meets the Ti expectation because the ESE does not have any impedements to continual harmony from grandiose plans or care-giving-stopping self doubt. While ESE may have self doubt, it does not stop the actualization of immediate harmony. The ESE has been known to disregard career prospects in favor of family prospects because a good deal of satisfaction comes from creating a positive atmosphere. ESE can be bitchy, but in my experience, it takes a lot of negativity for a long period of time. Indescretions can be easily dismissed by ESE's.

    EIE's are a bit more difficult to understand in that Ni feeding into Fe gives Fe a different nuance or different aspects of Fe are emphasised. Real world examples of EIE are sometimes increadibly bitchy to outsiders or anyone that offends their Fe. Other real world examples are increadibly bubbly and smiley and fantastic to be around. EIE's are generally good at knowing how someone feels and they spend lots of time watching peoples faces. They are sometimes good at predicting how someone is going to emotionally react to a certain situation, which is Ni feeding into Fe again.

    These are just a few things that might help you see the difference between the two. Essentially, your question is about the difference between Si and Ni. Perhaps looking at that distinction is helpful, and making your own generalizations to share with us would be most helpful.
    very insightful post

  38. #78
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    There is a lot of good answers in this thread. I want to add what I've seen.

    ESEs seem way more grounded and "in the world". They are more aware of their body and more attentive to their environment. I am jealous of them.

    EIEs are the opposite, they seem removed from the environment. They have fidgety and anxious body language most often.

    You will hear EIEs talk about Ni things; the future, where society is going, "humanity", etc.

    You will hear ESEs talk about Si things; (excuse me while I describe my PoLR) sensory impressions, tastes, health. Many female ESEs I've met are really into skincare and healthy eating.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    ESE vs EIE

    health vs image
    reality vs possibility
    direct vs indirect
    argue vs influence
    facts vs context
    preserve vs change
    win vs conquest
    near-sighted vs far-sighted
    practical vs esoteric
    doer vs performer
    support vs lead
    positive vs moody
    reactive vs pre-emptive
    stylish vs symbolic

    a.k.a. I/O

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    also VS demonstrative, huge difference. is territorial and in the moment and it gets what it wants, is scattered and everywhere but right here. both types use this subconsciously unlike Se and Ne egos, mind you.

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