Quote Originally Posted by confused84 View Post
Its possible.

Tell us more about your Father and some your Isfp friends you have falling outs with.
Dunno, my Dad didn't live up to my standards, i.e. wanting to better himself, having nice habbits/ good public front, sounds shallow, but that's the way it was!

My friends, well we got along so well, I remember thinking about two of them:
a) Okay, that may sound weird to others, but it doesn't bother me at all! Why do I not want to change this person?
b) Wow, that's the most effective shopping trip I've ever had, lol, we were so efficient, I'd never noticed that about shopping with anyone else.

But on both occassions I felt let down, they moved on, and I being my loyal self thought, these are good finds, I will stick by them. I don't understand.