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Thread: INTp-ESFp duality discussion and examples (ILI-SEE)

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  1. #11
    Delilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    I don't know. There are a lot of things that people of the same type share with each other. Socionics is a very nice model that describes a lot of things. But not all.

    Life goals are probably better described by instincts. The instincts theory is very compact but I think it thought me more about myself than Socioniocs. But Socionics thought me more about relationships.
    an ILI i'd dated, well my first boyfriend (who also placed third at a later time) i'd place in a player sorta cathegory because he'd always have a girl or two in the backseat so to speak, and anytime it'd fall through with me he'd play their card. another thing he'd do was take initiative always, but very very subtly so i'd had to do a lot of work by, say, making sure the door was open for him to come in so it seemed seamless;

    i found his personality exhilarating and certain things he did and was a part of seemed to me at the time were so because he was very much a part of the social glue yet later i understand partially through socionics: like maybe he was aware of certain social structures and power balances and played to that;

    the thing he did with the 'girl cards' is silly, in retrospect, since i'd always find out - like, i had informers, so to speak, always knew what was going, like he'd call a few of the guys and have a semi-party with few of the girls involving his 'card-girls' and make it all seem it was a general hangout rather than scout-dating;

    i've also considered LIE but the subtlety really tipped the balance to ILI. is that the sort of stuff you have in mind Jarno?

    to me he seemed meandering, thought maybe a lack of long-term strategy on his end though i stilll care about him today i'd rather he'd held me in less of a regard and loved me a bit more rather.
    Last edited by Delilah; 02-05-2017 at 06:44 PM.

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