Well I guess in a way we were both mutually correcting eachother because as I was pouring my heart out to him he would bring in the more logical part of it and I would come back at him with another emotional counter argument.

We definitely do correct eachother a lot however we may not be aware of it because that's how we naturally are. Us gammas are all about improvement and thus criticize a lot. Usually it works out:

ESFp: "Hey, we should go to the bar tonight!"
INTp: "No."
ESFp: "Why not? C'mon it'd be sooooo much fun! We can go get wasted and meet new people. You know that you've been wanting to do something like that for a while anyway, and plus you haven't been out in a while."
INTp: "My idea of fun doesn't include spending at least $100 to go stand around a bar watching you dance and taking care of you afterwards."
ESFp: "You won't have to take care of me- I promise! Plus I'll get the drinks for tonight. Pleaaaaassssseeeeeee!"
