Quote Originally Posted by Kim
Quote Originally Posted by Darklord
If you want a space on the ship, I'm happy to oblige. I'm more worried that I'll never have anybody saving the world by my side . I've been in the US for three months, and I'm only now starting to make two relatively stable friends.
You know, it was absolutely the same for me when I was an exchange student in the US. It's a different "friendship culture" and the dynamics in schools are so different. It's not you. It's the cultural differences.
Hmm... I don't know.
Quote Originally Posted by Kim
I've been to school for twelve years, and never had a girl interested in me. Though, I must confess that the very thought ruins my "feeling-radar" . Even if a girl was interested in me, I'd likely take it as jest.
In this case, it's you, not them! :wink: I see that in sooooo many introverts I know. I have always been more attracted to the shy, brainy guys, but I never knew how to approach and I was always afraid of getting rejected ("I'm not smart enough" "They think I'm too sugary"). It's as tough for the girls as it is for you! :wink:
When it comes to nerdy boys, you can be nearly certain they will not turn you away! At least not if they are F nerds.
Besides, you're definitely smart enough!
When it comes to me, though, I think the girls would hesitate any way. You haven't seen me in RL. That would certainly change your opinion.
Let me put it this way: I have met people who looked worse than me. But not many.
Quote Originally Posted by Kim
By now, I'm 100% unsure what you meant with what you have said in this thread, joke or truth or both. If it was real, I'll be walking on pink clouds for months to come .
Do walk on pink clouds because you are the type of man I would be very interested in: Shy, intelligent, funny, non-pretentious, eloquent and super-cute! The comment was in jest only because you are quite a bit younger than I am.
I think I just sprouted angel wings...
Seriously, I will save this thread somewhere and read it whenever I feel down. It will be enough to bring me out of anything, even a full-scale depression.
Quote Originally Posted by Kim
On top of that, I'm shy and reclusive, with a tendency to come with biting remarks when feeling threatened. Is it any wonder that I'd likely feel intimidated? However, since this wasn't face-to-face, I felt I could handle it. If it can make you feel better, I must tell you that that is about as far out of my shell as I've ever been.
You know, I really appreciate your honesty because I have to be reminded that I cannot always blurt out what comes into my head. Imagine this: I meet an INTj, I kiss him, I ask him the same thing. Was he freaked out? Hell yes! Did I have any right to freak him out like that? No, I didn't and to this day I'm embarrassed (although it's been addressed and all). My impulsiveness gets the best of me and I act without thinking...Not a good thing. I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. But, ehm, my positive emotions only come out like that when I really like people!
I can probably say that this INTj was very flattered, even as he was embarassed and intimidated. And, for what it's worth, I admire that impulsiveness, at the same time as I am jealous of it. If I just could go around telling what I felt like you ... That's what makes you ENFps the envy of the world (No, shut up, evil NTs! They are).
Quote Originally Posted by Kim
Honestly, when you ask the question "Want to make out?"... There is no way I can handle it! I lose my words, and start sounding like a babbling fool. Can you imagine any better way to turn the girl off?
Actually, I would find it very charming! LIke you said scatteredness can be charming. I really really like non-pretentious people.
Thank you. It is good to hear that even such "qualities" can be appreciated .
Quote Originally Posted by Kim
Listen to me rambling... I sound like a total fool.
No, you just sound insecure. Keep in mind that girls are insecure, too. Give them a chance!

Again, sorry! I will stop throwing inappropriate (well, I'll try at least)!
Hey, Fi is my dominant function, no sweat :wink: . I can handle it... I hope.

I know that girls are insecure, too. Intellectually. My Ti knows it. My Fi does not. I know it, but I don't understand it. It's like trying to follow a Moebius strip with your eyes.