Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
I'm forgetful about the most random things, like when I leave something at a random place and then can't find it anymore. However, when it comes to remembering a theory, it stays in my head forever.

I heard you remember things better when your interested, so I guess an ENFP forgets things when they are bored.
Exactly what I was thinking.
I remember I was going to study something I didn't like in university and so I wasn't that hyped for it. I kept forgetting many things...forgetting many papers, forgetting bringing my bag when I was going to the university. (my unconscious desire)
So yeah it's a matter of interest.

Other than that... I do forget a lot. it's a struggle.
I really think I wouldn't be able to live alone safely and without complications. I forget to take things to be fixed for example and I tend to put off many necessary things which make me hate my life even more.