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Thread: New Test

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    Default New Test

    For each group, choose the one that describes your personality most specifically and accurately. Pay very close attention to the wording.

    Group One

    I am consistent and systematic in my thoughts. I have well-structured speech (and often prefer to communicate in writing than verbally). I am rigid in my everyday life. I suffer when plans change. I believe that people are full of positive potential, which should be discovered and developed.

    I am internally mobilised (as if waiting for a war or an emergency situation). I am conservative in my views. I do not tolerate objections from people. I tend to split people into “us” and “them”.

    I am spontaneous. I don’t like to adapt to procedures. My thinking is conceptual in nature, not methodological.

    I do not like excessive emotions. I try to negotiate rather than to awake excitement.

    Group Two

    I behave in a “preacher-like” manner. I believe in magnificent perspectives. I try to transfer my belief to other people, even when the situation is really bad and gloomy.

    I look after the comfort and well being of my family. I am a passionate fighter for quality. When something is made too quickly, I begin to look for defects and usually find them. I am always in a hurry, always feel the "lack of time” and feel offended when other people criticize my tempo.

    I don’t strive to be consistent and systematic in my thoughts. Instead, I strive for adaptation to ever-changing situations. I prefer not to present my own concepts but rather to criticise other people for imperfect and contradictory concepts. I am an “anti-enthusiasts”. I like to warn people against insufficiently considered, unreasoned spontaneous actions, and hate very much excessive emotions.

    I am emotionally active and try to awake emotions in other people.



    1 INTj/INFj
    2 ISTj/ISFj
    3 ENTp/ESTp
    4 ESFp/ENFp
    5 ENFj/ENTj
    6 ESFj/ESTj
    7 INTp/ISTp
    8 ISFp/INFp


    The Next Stage

    Below is a list of personality type descriptions. Read the descriptions for the personality type connected to the two choices you made above. Choose the personality type description that describes your personality most specifically and accurately. Pay very close attention to the wording.

    I have a good logical ability and a strong capability for analysis. I know how to dig to the essence of things, to reveal their internal structure. I consider all situations of life from a logical viewpoint.

    Quiet introspection describes my nature. I am like a hidden sea of feelings. The world of my feelings is so fine and rich that I don’t need verbal reassurances of someone’s love for me. Even without words I observe, who loves whom and how, who needs or doesn’t need whom. My most important capability is my ability to adapt to my friend’s emotions, to empathise, release emotional tension and to calm down.

    I am able to rationally and adequately choose the best of the available systems or dogmas and to fight for its implementation uncompromisingly. I categorically reject everything that cannot fit into this system. I perfect the system to its ideal state. I am very consistent in the implementation of my system.

    I easily earn other people’s trust. I am polite, tactful, and have good esthetical taste. I knows for sure who loves whom, who hates whom, who wants what, who influences whom and why. I am a moralist. If people do good or evil, I think that they must be “repaid” for these. I value friendship very much and hate disloyalty. With the exception of marriage, if I am in a deep friendship that has become “exhausted”, I find it very difficult to continue that friendship at the same level of deepness. I dislike people that are incapable of loving. I regulate my relations, not as much by words, but by my voice tone and facial expressions. I don’t reveal my emotions much. Often, I don’t maintain eye contact when talking to others. A complicated ethical situation inspires me.

    I am very good at finding new opportunities and possibilities. What I have completed always seems to be less important compared to the dawning perspectives which are irresistible and inexhaustible. I live for the future. I choose to do what is interesting rather than what is lucrative.

    The only thing that interests me is the end result. I am strong-willed and determined. I not ostentatious and do not care about the impression other people have about me. If I do not understand what someone says, I am not hesitant in asking them to repeat themselves. I do everything with passion and what ever I do must be brought to its conclusion. I have the personality of an untamed struggler who must come out on top no matter what the cost. My motto is "One should not avoid difficulties! One needs to learn how to overcome them".

    I have influence over people and gain their love and respect. I am a popular person and gladly lead others. I am assertive. I am aloof in dealing with the objective world and mistrustful towards new scientific ideas. I am aloof towards everything that is objective, which I perceive as too impersonal. I feel much more confident in the field of influencing people.

    I am an ardent enthusiast. I am very spiritual and artistic. I quickly resolve any personal problems. I always rely upon my talent of immediate creativity instead of preparing work in advance. I love situations when new and exciting things to do come up, when it is possible to demonstrate my own (and other people’s) talents, and when one can still expect the most unusual development of events.

    I am a serious person focused on global problems. I see the world in dramatic, and even tragic, colours. I usually expect all kinds of trouble. I address personal problems on a global scale. I often strive to give something back to mankind.

    I work very hard in anything that brings objective results in the future. I work very quickly.

    I am ardent. I have a wide spectrum of powerful emotions. I am capable of staying true to the vision of my youth throughout my life. I create my mood by myself and know how to make it contagious for others. I am emotionally fine, kind and compassionate.

    I am rapid, clear and sober mind. I know how to act in an intelligent and logical way. My nature comprises covert nervousness and high internal emotionality. My motto consists of: force, integrity and a sense of duty. I am very much like a scout – before I act, I collect information using all available channels until I achieve an absolutely clear picture.

    I have a very good imagination, which allows me to imagine things precisely in every detail. My imagination allows me to forecast the future quite well. On observing a particular person and how he acts at various times, I create a precise model in my mind of his behaviour, which allows me to predict his next action. In general, I tend to know everything in advance. If I did not have to warn other people about possible dangers, this would probably make me feel worthless. Opportunities are less interesting to me than warning other people about possible dangers.

    My movements are quiet, precise, and very economical. Other people may think that the results I achieve exceed the effort I put in. I am characterised by non-ostentatious quiet persistence and reliable accomplishment of everything I have commenced, internal responsibility for deeds and modesty. I am not ostentatious in my attitude towards work. I am not demonstrative in revealing my feelings at all. My unhurriedness reflects my general tempo of life – that is, a combination of relaxation and perfection.

    I am amicable, always optimistic and in a good spirit. I don’t impose my will on others and I hide my real feelings. I am always warm, caring and smiling. I don’t like to ask/demand favours. I strive to satisfy my needs through my own efforts.

    I am somewhat of an idealist. I am prone more to reflection than action. I am an individualist. I am less concerned with the present; I am more excited by brilliant perspectives of a bright future. My emotionality is of a high enough level. I understand the feelings of other people very well and do not hide my own feelings. But my emotionality is always somewhat restrained in order to observe the effect it produces. I express emotions not when another person’s patience would get exhausted, but when I consider it necessary. I handle emotions very creatively: for example, I may consider rage to be ethical, and restraint non-ethical in a particular situation.

  2. #2
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    For the first part I chose 3 and 4. They both apply. I dont mind procedures as much as the ENTP or ESTP though. So when compairing the second part I naturally picked ENFP which accurately describes me.


  3. #3



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    I can't take these tests as I can't seem to get out of a pass/fail mode. I actually start to panic picking answers. I can't do it . . . I just can't!
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

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    Someone should make a test based solely on the taker's reaction to it.
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

  6. #6



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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis
    I can't take these tests as I can't seem to get out of a pass/fail mode. I actually start to panic picking answers. I can't do it . . . I just can't!
    *slaps* Pull yourself together woman, the fate of humanity is at sake here!!
    Yeah!! *slaps too* Artemis get it together, cause, cause ...what was this thread about?... OH yeah *slap, slap * pull yourself together! Dont you see the repercusions of this dicussion?


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    *slap* I like it! Yeah. A little BDSM anyone?
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis
    *slap* I like it! Yeah. A little BDSM anyone?
    Meet me at the Holiday Inn, room 135.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis
    *slap* I like it! Yeah. A little BDSM anyone?
    Meet me at the Holiday Inn, room 135.
    You will come to the socionic convention won't you? We are going to Philly next week to talk to a friend who owns several hotels there. Oooo la la.
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

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