Hmm. I'm not sure. I think those traits are pretty annoying as well.

Yeah the 'whatever, lets make everything into a joke' makes me re-consider my alpha-ness. I really think I'm Delta because of that. I don't like it when people just act like 'whatever' to people yet they still have the time to be critical and cynical of everything. Of course me being critical about their criticisms isn't really helping but hey I love to vent. And I'm not a really sunshiney person anyway even though when people act all depressed it bugs me. (at the same time though if a sunshiney person tries to turn me into one I hate that as well) I just like being around generally positive, upbeat people that inspire others, but who wouldn't? I really want somebody that has faith in other people, is fun with it, but still has serious ideals that I can aspire to.

I'm really 50% alpha/delta and I just can't decide on even a quadra yet, let alone a type.

As for the sheltered thing. I don't know if that bothers me. Are you talking about social isolation? Being sheltered can help you have hope for humanity which I think is what people need in a chaotic world that doesn't really make sense no matter how much we try to understand things. But if people are sheltered because of ignorance, or they're scared of a group of people ...that makes me angry. My grandmother wouldn't even leave the house because of black people, I kid you not. And I don't want to hear about all the 'black people that bring it on themselves' I already know about that, just like I know about us fags that do more to hurt gay rights than any gay basher ever could, but it's still absolutely no excuse to be a hater.

I think because I'm sheltered I can be a lot more idealistic about how friendships should be and how everything should work out then other people who insist on experiencing the harsh reality of things. They say it just makes them stronger, but I really don't know. They don't look any better than me. =/