I don't know. It's just some stuff i was thinking about. The things people around me have done that either annoys the hell out of me, or just doesn't sit right with me... I was thinking that maybe these were related to socionics, because os intertype relations and things pertaining to that. But because i know that everything isn't related to Socionics, I wanted to ask..Are they?

I hate it when people seem to be extremely sheltered.

I hate when people are lazy. Like there could be a buzz of activity around them, and they're just sitting there. And it's even worse if they start to complain that they're bored.

I hate when people aren't curious. They're like "...ok" to EVERYTHING.

I hate when a person treats everything like it's trivial. Their reaction to everything is "...I'll live" It gets to me...

I hate when people criticize stuff. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S STUPID. I was by this one person who was critizing this group of people for "laughing too much" W..T..F

I hate when people give absolutely no help. They give absolutely no opinion on the matter...

I hate unresponsiveness. which is kinda related to the no help and not curious ones.

I hate when people don't think. Like if you ask for an opinion, and there response is "I don't know". or they've said something, and you're asking them to explain, and they're like "I don't know, it just is..." It sounds dumb, and is just plain unhelpful. little tip: THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, or at least know what you think before you speak it...just know what you think period

I hate over-sensitivity. God, STOP THE BITCHING. Most of the people who whine and bitch problems are of their own making anyway...It's especially annoying when all they do is whine, instead of handling it.

I hate when people intrude on my business. Like if i'm doing something, and some random person comes and try to tell me what they think of what i'm doing/am/whatever.... DID I ASK YOU?!?!!?

I hate when people do things but don't give it their all or do it right... Why are "playing" if you're not gonna play? Why go to a dance if you're not gonna dance?

I hate when people expect you to follow their opinion and what not. For instance, I have alot of friends who smoke. I don't smoke, and i really don't care if anybody smokes. But this one person is like"I wouldn't be friends with any body that smoked"
...that just seems extremely snooty and overtly self-righteous...

That's all for now, I can't remember/think of other stuff. If any of this is related to socionics, what type would that point to?

There's other stuff, but they're not in the forefront of my mind right now. So i might add them...might not...Idk...