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Thread: Are these traits related to socionics?

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    Default Are these traits related to socionics?

    I don't know. It's just some stuff i was thinking about. The things people around me have done that either annoys the hell out of me, or just doesn't sit right with me... I was thinking that maybe these were related to socionics, because os intertype relations and things pertaining to that. But because i know that everything isn't related to Socionics, I wanted to ask..Are they?

    I hate it when people seem to be extremely sheltered.

    I hate when people are lazy. Like there could be a buzz of activity around them, and they're just sitting there. And it's even worse if they start to complain that they're bored.

    I hate when people aren't curious. They're like "...ok" to EVERYTHING.

    I hate when a person treats everything like it's trivial. Their reaction to everything is "...I'll live" It gets to me...

    I hate when people criticize stuff. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S STUPID. I was by this one person who was critizing this group of people for "laughing too much" W..T..F

    I hate when people give absolutely no help. They give absolutely no opinion on the matter...

    I hate unresponsiveness. which is kinda related to the no help and not curious ones.

    I hate when people don't think. Like if you ask for an opinion, and there response is "I don't know". or they've said something, and you're asking them to explain, and they're like "I don't know, it just is..." It sounds dumb, and is just plain unhelpful. little tip: THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, or at least know what you think before you speak it...just know what you think period

    I hate over-sensitivity. God, STOP THE BITCHING. Most of the people who whine and bitch problems are of their own making anyway...It's especially annoying when all they do is whine, instead of handling it.

    I hate when people intrude on my business. Like if i'm doing something, and some random person comes and try to tell me what they think of what i'm doing/am/whatever.... DID I ASK YOU?!?!!?

    I hate when people do things but don't give it their all or do it right... Why are "playing" if you're not gonna play? Why go to a dance if you're not gonna dance?

    I hate when people expect you to follow their opinion and what not. For instance, I have alot of friends who smoke. I don't smoke, and i really don't care if anybody smokes. But this one person is like"I wouldn't be friends with any body that smoked"
    ...that just seems extremely snooty and overtly self-righteous...

    That's all for now, I can't remember/think of other stuff. If any of this is related to socionics, what type would that point to?

    There's other stuff, but they're not in the forefront of my mind right now. So i might add them...might not...Idk...

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    I was gonna say "What, are you some sort of ESTj?"

    But then I realized it would also fit with ENFj possibly, and maybe just Ej in general.

    So, yeah, I guess it could be related to socionics, and Exxj type. You not only want to do things, but do them right.

  3. #3
    Joy's Avatar
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    I was extremely sheltered for most of my life.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  4. #4
    jessica129's Avatar
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    A really annoying J of some sort.

    No offense.

  5. #5
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    You bitch, whine, and you're being lazy doing this instead of something more productive.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I was extremely sheltered for most of my life.
    It's not the being extremely sheltered, it's just the whole seeming. Like you just can't do anything without somebody's help or guidance...

    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
    A really annoying J of some sort.

    No offense.
    None taken. At all...

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    You bitch, whine, and you're being lazy doing this instead of something more productive.
    huh...? I never said I was always productive, or not lazy...But i did imply that if i was gonna be doing something, then I'd do it right, instead of just fuck around with it....

    Quote Originally Posted by Transigent
    I was gonna say "What, are you some sort of ESTj?"

    But then I realized it would also fit with ENFj possibly, and maybe just Ej in general.

    So, yeah, I guess it could be related to socionics, and Exxj type. You not only want to do things, but do them right.
    So from this, would you be certain of at least Exxj temperament?

  7. #7
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Hmm. I'm not sure. I think those traits are pretty annoying as well.

    Yeah the 'whatever, lets make everything into a joke' makes me re-consider my alpha-ness. I really think I'm Delta because of that. I don't like it when people just act like 'whatever' to people yet they still have the time to be critical and cynical of everything. Of course me being critical about their criticisms isn't really helping but hey I love to vent. And I'm not a really sunshiney person anyway even though when people act all depressed it bugs me. (at the same time though if a sunshiney person tries to turn me into one I hate that as well) I just like being around generally positive, upbeat people that inspire others, but who wouldn't? I really want somebody that has faith in other people, is fun with it, but still has serious ideals that I can aspire to.

    I'm really 50% alpha/delta and I just can't decide on even a quadra yet, let alone a type.

    As for the sheltered thing. I don't know if that bothers me. Are you talking about social isolation? Being sheltered can help you have hope for humanity which I think is what people need in a chaotic world that doesn't really make sense no matter how much we try to understand things. But if people are sheltered because of ignorance, or they're scared of a group of people ...that makes me angry. My grandmother wouldn't even leave the house because of black people, I kid you not. And I don't want to hear about all the 'black people that bring it on themselves' I already know about that, just like I know about us fags that do more to hurt gay rights than any gay basher ever could, but it's still absolutely no excuse to be a hater.

    I think because I'm sheltered I can be a lot more idealistic about how friendships should be and how everything should work out then other people who insist on experiencing the harsh reality of things. They say it just makes them stronger, but I really don't know. They don't look any better than me. =/

  8. #8
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I hate over-sensitivity. God, STOP THE BITCHING. Most of the people who whine and bitch problems are of their own making anyway...It's especially annoying when all they do is whine, instead of handling it.
    Okay here's where I think you're full of shit. You can't really get help with anything or become a better person unless you admit that you're sensitive to some things, because that's the only way growth can occur. I suffer from social phobia, and until I admitted that and I was vulnerable against it and not some perfect strong man with a big dick like I want to be, I was stuck in my circle. I had to admit 'okay I'm afraid, and it doesn't make me a pussy- what do I do with it? I AM sensitive around other people...very much so. I can't 'get better' unless I first admit that sensitivity, however. I can't grow unless I do bitch and vent about what bothers me about other people.

    Whining helps me handle things. If I couldn't whine, I wouldn't get anything done and I wouldn't face my fears at all. =/

    Emo-ness is really fine in moderation, honestly. Why people don't get that is beyond me. I guess it's more external/capitalist American extroverted bull-headedness. Whatever. We're one of the most pathetic non-third world country for a reason. *drinks a faggy canadian drink in front of a hicky american breeder*

    I still have my sense of humor. I love that about me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
    I hate over-sensitivity. God, STOP THE BITCHING. Most of the people who whine and bitch problems are of their own making anyway...It's especially annoying when all they do is whine, instead of handling it.
    Okay here's where I think you're full of shit. You can't really get help with anything or become a better person unless you admit that you're sensitive to some things, because that's the only way growth can occur. I suffer from social phobia, and until I admitted that and I was vulnerable against it and not some perfect strong man with a big dick like I want to be, I was stuck in my circle. I had to admit 'okay I'm afraid, and it doesn't make me a pussy- what do I do with it? I AM sensitive around other people...very much so. I can't 'get better' unless I first admit that sensitivity, however. I can't grow unless I do bitch and vent about what bothers me about other people.

    Whining helps me handle things. If I couldn't whine, I wouldn't get anything done and I wouldn't face my fears at all. =/

    Emo-ness is really fine in moderation, honestly. Why people don't get that is beyond me. I guess it's more external/capitalist American extroverted bull-headedness. Whatever. We're one of the most pathetic non-third world country for a reason. *drinks a faggy canadian drink in front of a hicky american breeder*

    I still have my sense of humor. I love that about me.
    I'm fine with admitting I'm weak in some things..even insecure...But how will I get better by constantly telling people how weak I am?? I'm fine with admitting things to myself, not for improvement though, just to be honest with myself...
    I'm gay, too. And that's one of my insecurities, kinda..I hate telling people, but if I'm asked I have to tell them...Doing that makes me feel like I've conquered that insecurity...
    Whining doesn't help me at all...It just makes me either avoid the problem or just postpone it...

    An example of the kind of whining I'm referring to... Say you failed a test or just did worst then you expected... Now unless the teacher messed up, no amount of whining will change that grade.... So after you've got the test back, and looked through it for errors, there is nothing else to be done. Whether you got the best marks or the worst, you can't change it...So there is no need to worry about it. You can worry the consequences of the grade, but if you're already walking down the road, stopping is only going to postpone you getting to your destination, It's not gonna change the road you're on...

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
    Hmm. I'm not sure. I think those traits are pretty annoying as well.

    Yeah the 'whatever, lets make everything into a joke' makes me re-consider my alpha-ness. I really think I'm Delta because of that. I don't like it when people just act like 'whatever' to people yet they still have the time to be critical and cynical of everything. Of course me being critical about their criticisms isn't really helping but hey I love to vent. And I'm not a really sunshiney person anyway even though when people act all depressed it bugs me. (at the same time though if a sunshiney person tries to turn me into one I hate that as well) I just like being around generally positive, upbeat people that inspire others, but who wouldn't? I really want somebody that has faith in other people, is fun with it, but still has serious ideals that I can aspire to.

    I'm really 50% alpha/delta and I just can't decide on even a quadra yet, let alone a type.

    As for the sheltered thing. I don't know if that bothers me. Are you talking about social isolation? Being sheltered can help you have hope for humanity which I think is what people need in a chaotic world that doesn't really make sense no matter how much we try to understand things. But if people are sheltered because of ignorance, or they're scared of a group of people ...that makes me angry. My grandmother wouldn't even leave the house because of black people, I kid you not. And I don't want to hear about all the 'black people that bring it on themselves' I already know about that, just like I know about us fags that do more to hurt gay rights than any gay basher ever could, but it's still absolutely no excuse to be a hater.

    I think because I'm sheltered I can be a lot more idealistic about how friendships should be and how everything should work out then other people who insist on experiencing the harsh reality of things. They say it just makes them stronger, but I really don't know. They don't look any better than me. =/
    Bolded = I agree completely

    I'm not talking about social isolation. I'm talking about self-inflicted shelterage. When the person themselves refuse to consider any other perspective that isn't their own. When they're closed off to anything new/interesting. When they keep themselves from trying different things... Stuff like that...

  11. #11
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    That bothers me too. I think it's some sort of weak though.

  12. #12
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    You have always seemed Beta to me, BulletsandDoves. Your username even screams some kind of Beta NF. The way you are very open about your life, your sense of humor, how you seem to push boundaries.

    Dress pretty, play dirty ღ

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    I push boundaries? Moi? Really? (be still my ego)

    I guess I do. I don't know. I didn't think I was that powerful to be honest. I do like the manly affections of ESTps though but god, who wouldn't? ++

    Anyway my screen name is from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode in which she transformed a bullet coming right at her into the a dove using her magic powers. It's kinda how I view the world, a bunch of bullets coming at me, and it's up to me to turn them into pretty doves. I would say 'dovesintobullets' but there's just some bullets I don't want to turn, and I want them to hit me instead.

    (I'll go over to the beta thread and check it out) Maybe I'll feel like home there. I still need to choose a quadra lol. Beta seems to be more group-y. I'm not sure how much that applies to me though.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
    I push boundaries? Moi? Really? (be still my ego)

    I guess I do. I don't know. I didn't think I was that powerful to be honest. I do like the manly affections of ESTps though but god, who wouldn't? ++

    Anyway my screen name is from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode in which she transformed a bullet coming right at her into the a dove using her magic powers. It's kinda how I view the world, a bunch of bullets coming at me, and it's up to me to turn them into pretty doves. I would say 'dovesintobullets' but there's just some bullets I don't want to turn, and I want them to hit me instead.
    wasn't that Willow? Buffy didn't really have magical powers. (I don't really remember that part to tell the truth, but if you refesh my memory on the episode I'm sure I'll remember (I've seen the series through like three or four times ) (even though I liked Angel better ))

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    She did in the season 4 finale when Xander, Willow, Giles and Buffy teamed up their personal strengths together to create one uber-Buffy. It was very inspiring. ;D

    I kinda liked Angel but I just felt like they didn't know where to go with it. That kind of bugs me. It's like 'shit or get off the pot.'

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
    She did in the season 4 finale when Xander, Willow, Giles and Buffy teamed up their personal strengths together to create one uber-Buffy. It was very inspiring. ;D
    lol Ok that's actually the episode that popped into my mind when I first read that. I just didn't exactly remember that scene. It was when she was fighting with Adam in the underground base right?

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    Yep that's the one. I loved that scene. =)

  18. #18


    BTW I'm in love with black haired veiny evil Willow... *swoons* Plus Vampire willow from the alternate universe... hell just Willow in general. When she gets all strung out on the magiks... Hawt

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    Hmm. I'm in love with Xander. I have a huge crush on him kinda. But he's a bit too scaredy-cat. I'd have to get him drunk first. He'd be all "I'M NOT GAY I'M NOT GAY I'M NOT GAY- Oh damn!"

    I like Angel too. I am SO over Spike though. He only has a good body. His insides are annoying as hell.

    Willow is an interesting character. They planned for her to go scary and veiny since the beginning of the series. It shocked me because when I first saw her, I never guessed she'd be bad. I guess it was obvious considering how ...sweet they made her, but it still surprised me!

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
    Willow is an interesting character. They planned for her to go scary and veiny since the beginning of the series. It shocked me because when I first saw her, I never guessed she'd be bad. I guess it was obvious considering how ...sweet they made her, but it still surprised me!
    addiction + vengence over a loved ones murder = bad news

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    I seem to attract people (of all genders) with addictive personalities. Why is that? I have no clue. But people that get hooked on drugs or 'bad magic' always end up being my friends. I have no idea...

  22. #22


    I'm attracted to those kinds of people because they've got the most interresting personalities IMO. I like a person with problems... to me that makes them more real and humble... or something like that. To tell the truth... it's the strung out look that I find just irresistable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePeddler
    Whining doesn't help me at all...It just makes me either avoid the problem or just postpone it...

    An example of the kind of whining I'm referring to... Say you failed a test or just did worst then you expected... Now unless the teacher messed up, no amount of whining will change that grade.... So after you've got the test back, and looked through it for errors, there is nothing else to be done. Whether you got the best marks or the worst, you can't change it...So there is no need to worry about it. You can worry the consequences of the grade, but if you're already walking down the road, stopping is only going to postpone you getting to your destination, It's not gonna change the road you're on...
    I agree. People whining for long periods is just plain annoying sometimes.

  24. #24
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    I'm attracted to those kinds of people because they've got the most interresting personalities IMO. I like a person with problems... to me that makes them more real and humble... or something like that. To tell the truth... it's the strung out look that I find just irresistable.
    Totally agree with people who have problems being more real. So true.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Under cerulean skies...

  25. #25
    aka-kitsune's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    I'm attracted to those kinds of people because they've got the most interresting personalities IMO. I like a person with problems... to me that makes them more real and humble... or something like that. To tell the truth... it's the strung out look that I find just irresistable.
    Totally agree with people who have problems being more real. So true.
    Having problems is perfectly understandable. Escapism into drugs and alcohol because you're not actually dealing with your problems is something entirely different. I've been attracted to more than my share of "wounded bird syndrome" cases. I was always very drawn to their underlying sensitivity/vulnerability. Eventually, it just old, though. There was a point where it was no longer intense, just pathetic and sad.

    One of these guys told me he could NEVER be with someone who didn't smoke pot (I don't). One of my ESTp duals, btw.
    socio: INFp - IEI
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

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