Quote Originally Posted by PPOD
Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Quote Originally Posted by Suomea
Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
Yeah but have you seen the way he rampaged accross Asia (like an SLE), only to decide that there was a supreme race to be created - one of Macedon-Persian decent (like an ILE), and found cities everywhere (like an 8).
The creation of a supreme race is an ILE thing? ******s an ENFj. If anything I'd say master race type talk is Beta if I were to guess any quadra..... the yearning to be part of what is best.... to be number 1.
I have a suggestion for both of you- shut up.

Children, children. Here is an idea: Stop Being Stupid.

It is gut-riot hilarious to see you fools arguing about the "types" of dead people like Jesus, Socrates and Alexander from NO direct source. What makes it even more adorable is that none of you ever seem to know anything about the 2000+ year old people you are trying to type. Is it any Wonder why I hang around here?
Isn't that what I was saying?