Hey, what's the alarm for? Nuclear war! Hide! We may just be lucky and be able to survive, and wouldn't it be marvellous to see the world afterwards?
Ahh, that's just my alarm clock.
Can't I sleep just a little longer? No, I've already been late for 1st period. But first period is study hall! Yeah, but I'm supposed to be there. Ah, dammit.

Hey, this guy quoted my post, and even added a "lol" smiley! I feel so powerful...

If I just try a little harder, I know I can read that person's mind...

Yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it, shut up, SHUT UP!
*Smiles politely and nods*

Hey, you guy, if you don't like me, why bother to say hello? No need to pretend, I can see you dislike me in your face and I can hear it in your voice. Why bother with lies?

Ok, teahcer, I get it. We all get it. now, will you just hand out that test?

That guy is so dim, he makes it impossible to read merely by being in the same room.

Arghh, why do they insist on talking, I just want to read!

Shut up, dog.
Get off my keyboard, cat!
Little sister, I know you're hyperactive, but is it impossible to keep your mouth closed??
*Pets dog*
*Lets cat out*
*Chats politely with sister*

And now for some SF...
Hey, y'all, that guy's evil, don't let him trick you! Oh, no, they killed a guy, I feel so sorry for him... They're gonna get him... HOORAY, the world is safe! ...for now...

I wonder if there's any chocolate left?
What about a can of coke?

No! They're back! Quick, turn off the computer, throw away the wrappers and the can... Yes, just like that.

Hey, I just realized how we can build _____!

Hey, I just had this brilliant idea about _______!

Hey, I just now understood _____'s theory of ______!

That theory is bullcrap.

Grumpy? Me? I'm happy! Can't you see it? Happy! No, I'm perfectly fine. Yes, I'm quite sure I don't want to go to the game tonight. Socialize, why? I get enough in touch with people through movies and chatrooms. No, I'm not going to excercise. Yes, I realize it's an unhealthy food. No, I'm not going to eat more of that yucky stuff over there just because it's healthy.

At last, all the others have left, some time for myself!
*Watches SF: B5, SW...*
*Goes online*
Ahh, what a fantastic day this has been! Time to go to bed.

Why, oh why must that clock tick so loudly?
Turn of that heater, what are you, nuts, that noise could kill a cow!
That stripe of light fro mthe door is really annoying me.
Why couldn't those blenders be just a little bit thicker?