Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark
Quote Originally Posted by posablethumb
Quote Originally Posted by heath
I think Si quadra types seem more mellow. They aren't usually callous, or resolute like se quadra types. I'd say Rational types seem more mellow than irrationals. this is based on rationals more consistent emotional state, and not letting the situations around them destroy their internal state. This could definitely make a person seem mellow.
yeas i agree that rationals have a more consistent emotional state, but this is exactly what can destroy them because it might not be what the situation calls for and then ending up with them going to victim mode. it's like black and white, there is no grey area for them to compromise.
I am pretty much like that, actually. (Most of the time, at least.)
That could be because ixxp temperament try to keep themselves at a peaceful and inactive level. moments where an ixxp temperament feels betrayed could be because of the highstrung emotions/energies they percieved at the time as disruptive to their inner peace (typical of exxj temperament, why ixxp are conflict with exxj, in your case enfj ), because they are very sensitive to the struggle of keeping their innerstate peaceful. there are helpful articles of temperaments of types on wikisocion.org