One of INTjs weak functions is -/+. Having the - as a weak function is almost like not understanding the concept of evil. INTjs might see a murder victim and not feel sympathy. INTj may find it logically against their beliefs, but will not understand the concept of feeling sad or feeling hatred against the person responsible. INTjs see negative things as being illogical, not as being depressive and emotional. Having + as a weak function means that an INTjs doesn't know how to understand or influence the emotions of an individual positively. This is where an INTj get its lack of the concept of intimacy. In its partial agenda slot, and INTj has -/+. Due to having - as an agenda function, INTjs somewhat have a need to be sarcastic and rude. Due to + being a partial agenda, INTjs have a need to be happy. INTjs have a need to be as happy and hospitable. Having +/- as a PoLR gives INTjs a lot of problems. Having + in the slot hurts a lot of the things that INTjs want to do. An INTj naturally wants to be healthy according to its main agenda(we'll get to that in a second), but having + in its PoLR makes an INTj lack the willpower to get anything done. Because of + being in the PoLR, a lot of INTjs end up being high school dropouts, often times opting to take the GED(USA) in its place or something. In college, INTjs might make decent grades, but their grades could be a lot better if they would attend class. Also, due to having + in the agenda slot, INTjs lack the ability to retaliate. If someone embarrasses an INTjs or something, the INTj will not know how to respond. Having - in their PoLR means that INTjs can live in conditions of discomfort. If someone were to stick a needle through the arm of an INTj, the INTj may not notice it, especially if the INTj is in thought mode (meaning more usage of -Ti and +Te). An INTjs main agenda is +/-. INTjs have a need to be healthy, and to maximize the positive sense that they can get. INTjs will probably enjoy food to a high degree, especially when someone brings it to them (an overweight INTj is one thats in the presence of an ESFj, also if an INTj should want to lose weight they need to get as far away from an ESFj as possible). INTjs, according to their -Se agenda, have a need to overthrow authority. INTjs are capable of initiating a rebellion against a government body. About the agenda though, -/+ and +/-, the PoLR can knock them off their course(this happens with other types as well). The lack of + is so crucial. The INTj will lack the willpower to get through its agendas.