Part 1 is here. This is my interpretation (from the Aggressor's point of view):

The Aggressor is constantly watchful for someone who will excite his inner machine - who will electrify his fighting spirit and actuate his inner fortitude. He remains nonchalant and uncommitted until he recieves the correct signal from his partner. Then only does the game begin. He expects of a worthy opponent someone who will neither condescend nor overlook his inner strength and force of will. He desires his partner to be fully cognizant of his victories. Only a Victim who is conscious of the challenge she presents to her Aggressor can fully appreciate the Aggressor's role and appropriately reciprocate. Each challenge presents a further opportunity to taste victory. The Aggressor enjoys the thrill of his own power; enjoys seeing his Victim's defenses dwindle down, piece by piece, until finally, she surrenders. He forges ahead as she softens such that true intimacy can be experienced.

Then all cools, etc. etc. You know the drill.