Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
So you're ISTj? I think the bigger question is, are you using your dual-seeking function of Fe to connect to other people? Ah haha, can you see the irony?

Just kidding, you're just trying to understand them better, most likely using Ti if you're ISTj.

And, on the topic, yes that would be an example of an INFj trying to use Te.
Functions - Wikisocion
"If someone experiences a deficiency of it in his environment, he may attempt to supply it himself, but become soon exhausted."

Does your INFj friend lack people in his life who use Te? Parents, friends, coworkers, etc?
Yeah, I feel like I use Fe quite a bit...I've noticed that I try to get some type of reaction from people in my blogs and facebook statuses, heh. Overall though I suck at Fe

But yeah, my INFj friend is trying to become a pastor and he relies on me quite a bit to carry out his vision, which can be exhausting. He centers a lot of his things on connecting to people through tons of activities and projects. I feel like he is looking for Te-oriented people.

Thanks for the replies everyone