I quite deliberately left out other animals, as I'm neither a dog nor a parrot, and hence can make no judgments on their soul or lack of one. I'll leave it up to their possible respective deities, further evolutionary processes and/or possible mental processes to determine this.

Quote Originally Posted by Slava
So can a dog, that ballances the impulse with possibility of death. There are just more internal layers of processing in humans more analog weighing systems.
Yes, but a dog can't commit suicide deliberately. I could go right now and stab myself in the heart, if that proves anything. (Ok, I'd probably not stab myself. That is just a horrible thought. But, say, shoot myself, instead) I wouldn't have any great motivation or reason. Whereas a dog with opposable thumbs that had magically gotten a loaded gun, the understanding of what it does and the mental capacity to use it against itself would never be able to. We have the same mental blocks as the "lesser" (Not really lesser, just a figure of speech) animals. However, we can override them.

Quote Originally Posted by Slava
Because like I said there are many more layers to the processing. For example a letter arrives at a house, that doesn't mean a letter will be sent out in reply. Maybe its junk mail and is ignored, maybe its just a thank you card, or maybe its a bill and must then be replied to.
Yes. But we can choose to react to stimulation or not to, to a certain degree. I can watch a movie that makes me sad. I choose for myself whether I cry or not (Usually not), whereas a regular I=O machine would look at the variables and make the same decision again.

Quote Originally Posted by Slava
What makes self programming devices to human? My car's ECU computer system learns and tweaks data tables based on the environmental changes, in fact it can even rev the engine all on its own in order to sweep every RPM so that it can learn all the engine values at all possible angular speeds. So what?
Yes, but it doesn't ponder the meaning of RPMs and make up its own hokey theories. And it can't choose not to.

Quote Originally Posted by Slava
What is self awareness? Is that like when a robot sees itself in the mirror and logically comes to the conclusion that its a machine?
Self awareness is when you can say "I" and mean it. Self awareness is when the robot can look in the mirror and, by any means, come to the conclusion that what it sees is itself. Of course, if it is preprogrammed to see anything that has certain aspects with it as "reflection=me", then this test wouldn't work. It would have to have been derived from other lines of programming by itself.
Sentience is when it can look into the mirror, see itself, and truly understand the implications: "Holy baloney, that little silvery guy over there, that's me!"

Quote Originally Posted by Slava
My car has a check engine light, and I'm pretty sure another computer could fix my car after retrieving the error codes and doing diagnostics.
Good luck having that process run constantly with the only input being disintegrated goo form a hole in the roof, though. Also, that computer would have to be a separate entity.

Quote Originally Posted by slava
So what suddenly happened to make us so different from other animals? Why are we so special? If we are better through evolution then can you accept that humans can be compared to one another in ability and overall rank?
Nothing. Random evolutionary patterns. bits and pieces of info stored over the ages. Very unusual conditions. We aren't better than the other animals, we are just different. Although i must admit that I (Wahoo, I'm sentient!) personally am very glad that I'm human.
As for being equal, whoopdeedoo ! Cause that's not exactly the same thing I've been going around saying to anybody who would listen for years. ****** was no less a good person being than Gandhi was, and Martin Luther King, Jr., no better than Count Vlad Tepes. It is all about mental dysfunction and disproportionate portrayal.

As for the soul, who said it was eternal? I just said it continued existing after death.