Quote Originally Posted by labcoat
Quote Originally Posted by Expat
Ok, fair enough.

The redundancy is that if you start from the standard model A, if I tell you that the "classical" model A block is Extraverted Thinking Introverted Intution , I need no other information to know that in that system we have - Extraverted Thinking + Introverted Thinking + Introverted Intution - Extraverted Intution . It's all connected to how the original functions are blocked. So the signs do not give any new information. They don't tell you anything that you didn't know already from looking at the original version of model A.
The new information they give, is that the Te of an ENTj and the Si of the ISTp have something in common. They're essential to understanding what the Reinin dichotomies are really about.
I disagree. We don't need to model that information, it's implicit.