Quote Originally Posted by FDG
In any case, good call Logos. Just make sure not to tell awkward jokes about number theory. An INTj I know was doing so well, until he started telling those maths jokes nobody except me understood.
Thanks, but I can assure you that I have no desire or knowledge of math jokes to tell. As a matter of fact, I do not have a large collection of jokes in general.

Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
What an INTj shouldn't do also bears mentioning. There has to be some content to what an INTj is saying. INTjs should not merely express an opinion about something (e.g., "That movie was awesome."), that kind of behavior is best left to ESFps. Yet having no opinion whatsoever is just as bad (more INTp than INTj). The golden mean is to have reached a well-reasoned, impersonal conclusion about a topic that is interesting to other people.
Would you mind expanding this section, because this would be quite interesting.