Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
I'm already a warm and caring being, but only when I want. An INTj can be very empathetic, you know ?
Well, I was actually kind of serious when I said emulate other people. I know that's what I do -- most of the time, I don't give a crap about what people are talking about, but I know how to look concerned and how to soften my voice, look them in the eye and say "No matter what, I'll always be here for you." and all that crap. So, kudos for having a heart.

Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
I don't like self-development. Self-development is really based on social adaptation, and stipulates that, to be successful, you must be over-compliant and pay attention to minor things like eye movement. do you know NLP ?
Neuro-linguistic programming, God-damn-you Tony Robbins and your hideous teeth.
Yeah, I know of NLP. I actually enjoy reading about stuff like body language and what-not, I view it as yet another tool that I have at my disposal. And I tend to naturally pay attention to everything (fairly strong eidetic memory) so it doesn't inconvenience me any.

Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
I like emotional people, they don't like me because they think I'm heartless lol. you know I-types don't really like to waste time...
The trick here is to pair yourself up with someone who is warm and friendly, and work as a team. For example, my buddy Victor and I work great as a team. I feed him information and otherwise take in the environment, he acts upon the environment, charms the world and does what needs to be done.