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    Default What do you think of my results?

    Hi, I am new to the forum. I 've taken the test at 3 times, so I thought I 'd post my results here to see what the experts have to say :wink: .

    Starting from the most recent, in descending order :

    One thing that puzzles me is the pattern that seems to follow my results, i.e. the very small number of "strong functions" as opposed to many "weak functions", which I 've seen is usually the other way around in other people's results. I suppose it has some kind of meaning regarding my personality(unstable? undeveloped functions?, fears?, hidden agenda?... ).

    Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

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    Don't worry, you're an SLI . I remember you saying that my description fitted you perfectly.

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    I went ahead and interpreted all of these results according to my new techniques ...

    Now, there is some confusion as to whether you have a preferance or a preferance, but it looks like there is a greater possibility you are preferanced.

    That pretty much narrows it down the following sensible types ...

    ESTp ISTj
    ESTj ISTp
    ESFj ISFp

    If you are preferanced, you could only be an ESFj, ESTj, or ISTp ... if you are preferanced, you could only be an ESTp, ISTj, or ISFp.

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    And by the way, that one result matches the ESTp and ENTp primary and secondary modes, which would make you an ESTp if you are a sensible type and an ENTp if you are an intuitive type ...

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    Default it was me

    Thanks for doing that. Now, from what I know so far, I am definitely not an Extrovert. But fearing I might not have the sufficient information and knowledge, I am leaving the option open. So, how can I be certain about this thing and get the "E" out of my way ? And how can I find out if I am Ti or Te preferanced? Is there a determinant?

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    If the descriptions at are any good, Ti describes me much better than Te

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Thanks for doing that. Now, from what I know so far, I am definitely not an Extrovert. But fearing I might not have the sufficient information and knowledge, I am leaving the option open. So, how can I be certain about this thing and get the "E" out of my way ? And how can I find out if I am Ti or Te preferanced? Is there a determinant?
    Te is practical logic and Ti is systematic logic. Te collects information about things and looks for application and use of it. Ti is about rules and stuctures, and disecting logical ideas.

    Also, Si is about space while Se is about pressure. Si takes in the senses subjectively. It looks at something, takes it in, formulates it's own opinion about it, tries to take a deeper meaning of it, and then turns it outwards and responds on it. Se sees things as they are, without it's subjective imput.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
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    "Also, Si is about space while Se is about pressure. Si takes in the senses subjectively. It looks at something, takes it in, formulates it's own opinion about it, tries to take a deeper meaning of it, and then turns it outwards and responds on it. Se sees things as they are, without it's subjective imput."

    That's probably the best contrast between Si and Se I've _ever_ read.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    The Introverted Sensation Type

    The introverted sensation type is captivated not by the sense object, like the extraverted sensation type is, but by the subjective sense impressions that this object awakens in him. The reverberation and repercussions of the object on his inner world are what his attention focuses on. It is as if a pebble has been thrown into a pond and the ripples spread out throughout the whole inner world of subjectivity, revealing not so much the qualities of the pebble but those of the water it has been thrown in.

    The sense impressions of this type have a different quality. They are not matter-of-fact like those of the extravert, but have overtones of myth, fantasy and deeper subjective values. The introverted sensation type takes what his senses tell him, brings those details into his inner world, weighs them, experiences them in the depth of his inner self, and only after this process has been completed does the world see an outward reaction.

    When I see a friend who is this type and say, "Hi", he looks like he is not reacting at all. He stands there looking blank, but a moment later he greets me. What was happening? Why the lag? He was literally taking in the details of the situation. My presence had to be absorbed and only when his inner world became saturated with those impressions could he give an outward, delayed and extraverted response to my greeting. Once that initial lag is over our conversation runs smoothly.

    Because external stimuli have such an impact on him the introverted sensation type needs to keep his house, office or wherever he spends his time orderly. Neatness is important to his inner psychic comfort. He is uncomfortable in crowds, first because he is introverted, and second because he literally can become overwhelmed by external stimuli if there is too much of it. He needs to know where things are. He also takes very good care of the possessions he has. He values them, not just for what they are as an extraverted sensation type would, but for the added emotional import they have for him. The cherished Christmas tree decorations that have been in the family for years are carefully wrapped in tissue paper and gently placed in a sturdy box until next year. The piece of jewelry given by a loved one is stored in the same velvet-lined box it came in, the love letters have a clean and pressed ribbon around them, and the scribbles of their now-grown three-year-old are saved in a trunk.

    The second and third functions of thinking and feeling help organize and evaluate sense impressions. The introverted sensation type can put a great deal of time on one physical project. Unlike the extraverted intuition type who will get bored or impatient, he keeps at it for months, and he excels where attention to detail and order is important, whether it is the repair of delicate machines, the mastering of complicated inventories or making an especially intricate quilt, sewn and embroidered with infinite care.

    If they choose to build a house the results will be perfect. Each wall, each board, will be carefully measured, skillfully painted, meticulously leveled and plumbed, but it will take him an age. Why? Because each step in the process is not simply done, but is weighed and balanced against the inner image he has inside himself. He might seem slow until you consider the wealth of images and inner sensations he is carrying around and has to sort through. This type makes dinner a quiet ceremony, serves each course with special care, a cup of coffee shared with a friend is not simply a cup of coffee, it is an event, a unique time graced by a beautiful tray and the plate of carefully arranged cookies.

    Once when I went to visit a friend, he was fixing his car. If he had been an extravert he would have had a bunch of tools within easy reach, but he had them all lined up, neatly, in a row. If he had been an intuition type he would have had tools thrown here and there, and he would have been missing some, but they were all there. He had carefully collected them for the exact job he was about to do. He took out the part, carefully cleaned it, made sure all the gaskets were dirt-free, and then he just as carefully put the pieces back together again. But remember, first each piece had to travel within and then come out. When I came by I interrupted his peace, quiet and concentration which was essential for the job. He neither wanted, nor could handle, any extra stimuli. The job was his whole world at the moment. When he saw I wasn't going to go away he gave a quiet sigh and reluctantly turned his back on what he was doing, and then I was his one focus. Later he would pick up where he left off and begin again his interior-exterior dialogue with his engine. The extraverted thinker might do the same repair work, and with something of the same thoroughness, but it would be much more matter-of-fact, it wouldn't matter to him how many people were hanging around, and he wouldn't have to take interior trips as he did it.

    The weakest function of this type is extraverted intuition, which is why he or she hates change. To move to another house, to get another job, to go to another part of the country, is traumatic. He has absorbed all the details of his present situation and is comfortable with them. To make a physical move is to throw what he has come to feel comfortable with out of the window, and he feels he has to start all over again, meaning he has to take all the thousands of new details, one by one, bring them into his inner world, find a place for them there, and then pick up the next stimulus and repeat the process.

    Seen in this light we can understand what an upset such a move is for him. A Safeway store in one town is not the same as a Safeway store in another. It is a whole new experience.

    The introverted sensation type is slow to make friends. You have to approach them gradually and let them get used to you. It is peaceful for me to be around this type because topics are going to be taken up, one at a time, without a rush. When I am with the extraverted intuition type I have a hard time keeping up with all their ideas, but I find I have to tone myself down when I am with an introverted sensation type. Too many comments or stories tire them out.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    "Also, Si is about space while Se is about pressure. Si takes in the senses subjectively. It looks at something, takes it in, formulates it's own opinion about it, tries to take a deeper meaning of it, and then turns it outwards and responds on it. Se sees things as they are, without it's subjective imput."

    That's probably the best contrast between Si and Se I've _ever_ read.
    Wow, thanks.. but isn't the objective/subjetive diffrence just a basic quality of E/I functions?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Te is practical logic and Ti is systematic logic. Te collects information about things and looks for application and use of it. Ti is about rules and stuctures, and disecting logical ideas.

    Also, Si is about space while Se is about pressure. Si takes in the senses subjectively. It looks at something, takes it in, formulates it's own opinion about it, tries to take a deeper meaning of it, and then turns it outwards and responds on it. Se sees things as they are, without it's subjective imput.
    Your description of Te sounds closer. But I think I am good at "disecting logical ideas" too. In regards to Si vs. Se, I don't know. I 'll read the link you just posted and will get back with more info...

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    Winterpark, I added this to my original SLI description. I'm curious, does it sound like you?

    ISTps might have some odd behavior around friends or family. Too much emotional drama can be strenuous to an ISTp. Their unsociability may arise from people not being trustworthy and polite to them, and it increases when others start to question them about their poor social skills. When an ISTp does feel welcome in a group of people, they might even be talkative and friendly. Only the fear of not being accepted will restrain them. When an ISTp feels like he is out of the loop, or that others are verbally hurting him in some way, he might say some insensitive, blunt, things, often without thinking about it. This is because it is a programmed defense mechanism they have, and cannot control it. Unexpectedly, the ISTp’s mood will shoot up when they realize that the other people around them weren’t either offended or left the ISTp behind. It may look cruel to people around them, but this is how an ISTp lets people get closer to them. After the initial contact, the ISTp will try to keep you as a friend as long as they can, secretly valuing deep relationships with people.

    In romantic relationships, ISTps care about small, physical communication. Because they are already paying attention to body language and facial expressions when they are interested in someone, they expect that the other person is in tune with these as well. They also enjoy it when emotions are just understood. They feel relieved when people can understand them without invading their personal space. They may also have a hard time letting their feelings out, so even if you declare that you like the ISTp several times they may not return the favor, sometimes leaving their partner feeling less appreciated than they really are. It may look like it is hard to please an ISTp on the outside, but that’s only because they don’t show it when you do please them. Some ISTps may stop caring for love altogether if they were hurt enough in the past. They may even forget about the possibility of caring for someone again, trying to sooth their mind. IN these extreme cases, the ISTp may only show affection towards pets, because pets never judge you.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Wow, thanks.. but isn't the objective/subjetive diffrence just a basic quality of E/I functions?"

    But the backdrop of the characterization of Si as the subjective picture of space and Se as the objective feeling of pressure seemed to really capture what the objective/subjective dichotomy means in this instance.

    And I appologize for what seems like embellishing, I'm writing a report and as such I'm in what you would call a "bull shitting" mode.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    "Also, Si is about space while Se is about pressure. Si takes in the senses subjectively. It looks at something, takes it in, formulates it's own opinion about it, tries to take a deeper meaning of it, and then turns it outwards and responds on it. Se sees things as they are, without it's subjective imput."

    That's probably the best contrast between Si and Se I've _ever_ read.
    I'm sorry, but in that case, all the other descriptions must really, really suck.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    It's rather sad, but they do.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    It's just that that particular description looks like it came straight out of Jung's book, which means Socionics hasn't changed very much...or at all.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Cone's right here.

    But socionics has changed a lot, just not the description of what a function actually is. Give Jung a lot of credit for that, but socionics is much deeper and more compicated now than Jung's psycholgical types. But why try to change the face of the building blocks Jung gave us?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Winterpark, I added this to my original SLI description. I'm curious, does it sound like you?

    ISTps might have some odd behavior around friends or family. Too much emotional drama can be strenuous to an ISTp. Their unsociability may arise from people not being trustworthy and polite to them, and it increases when others start to question them about their poor social skills. When an ISTp does feel welcome in a group of people, they might even be talkative and friendly. Only the fear of not being accepted will restrain them. When an ISTp feels like he is out of the loop, or that others are verbally hurting him in some way, he might say some insensitive, blunt, things, often without thinking about it. This is because it is a programmed defense mechanism they have, and cannot control it. Unexpectedly, the ISTp’s mood will shoot up when they realize that the other people around them weren’t either offended or left the ISTp behind. It may look cruel to people around them, but this is how an ISTp lets people get closer to them. After the initial contact, the ISTp will try to keep you as a friend as long as they can, secretly valuing deep relationships with people.

    In romantic relationships, ISTps care about small, physical communication. Because they are already paying attention to body language and facial expressions when they are interested in someone, they expect that the other person is in tune with these as well. They also enjoy it when emotions are just understood. They feel relieved when people can understand them without invading their personal space. They may also have a hard time letting their feelings out, so even if you declare that you like the ISTp several times they may not return the favor, sometimes leaving their partner feeling less appreciated than they really are. It may look like it is hard to please an ISTp on the outside, but that’s only because they don’t show it when you do please them. Some ISTps may stop caring for love altogether if they were hurt enough in the past. They may even forget about the possibility of caring for someone again, trying to sooth their mind. IN these extreme cases, the ISTp may only show affection towards pets, because pets never judge you.
    The 1st paragraph sound about right. The "defence mechanism" and the last sentence are very true.

    2nd paragraph. I honestly don't know, cause I haven't been able to put my self in a romantic relationship yet. But knowing myself, I'd say that what you say is pretty accurate of how I would behave.

    "Some ISTps may stop caring for love altogether if they were hurt enough in the past." I think that has happened to me, But not was I only hurt in love, but hurt and dissapointed from people in general. The affection towards pets hasen't come up in my life yet, though. I think I 'm trying to find my way thru "knowledge" and self-exploration...

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    Since you seemed to relate so much to my description, I don't think you really have to worry about any other type besides SLI.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
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    This excerpt from "The Introverted Sensation Type" describes me very well.
    "The weakest function of this type is extraverted intuition, which is why he or she hates change. To move to another house, to get another job, to go to another part of the country, is traumatic. He has absorbed all the details of his present situation and is comfortable with them. To make a physical move is to throw what he has come to feel comfortable with out of the window, and he feels he has to start all over again, meaning he has to take all the thousands of new details, one by one, bring them into his inner world, find a place for them there, and then pick up the next stimulus and repeat the process.

    Seen in this light we can understand what an upset such a move is for him. A Safeway store in one town is not the same as a Safeway store in another. It is a whole new experience."

    The rest is so/so.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Since you seemed to relate so much to my description, I don't think you really have to worry about any other type besides SLI.
    I can't help it :

    ISTps usually develop a growing skepticism over time. This comes from the mistakes they made in the past. Sometimes, the whole idea of “believing” in something becomes so shaky in the mind of an ISTp that they stop believing everything. After this, they become nervous inside, wondering whether or not what they ever believed in was true.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Since you seemed to relate so much to my description, I don't think you really have to worry about any other type besides SLI.
    I can't help it :

    ISTps usually develop a growing skepticism over time. This comes from the mistakes they made in the past. Sometimes, the whole idea of “believing” in something becomes so shaky in the mind of an ISTp that they stop believing everything. After this, they become nervous inside, wondering whether or not what they ever believed in was true.
    I know what you mean. I can start to doubt my own type, even though I know what it is. That's what happens when Ni is your role function. I'm trying to get over it.

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    Ni has nothing to do with it. One doubts his type, because it means that you aren't who you thought you were, and how exciting is that?
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    I just read the "The Introverted Intuition Type" at and there's some things I can relate to. The lack of physical awareness, the triping over objects and the health issues sound very accurate. It sounds like me, when I was younger. And that's how some of my relatives would describe me as a kid. I can still relate to some extent though.

    And what is the role of Ni as a "role" funcion?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark
    I just read the "The Introverted Intuition Type" at and there's some things I can relate to. The lack of physical awareness, the triping over objects and the health issues sound very accurate. It sounds like me, when I was younger. And that's how some of my relatives would describe me as a kid. I can still relate to some extent though.

    And what is the role of Ni as a "role" funcion?
    A person's ROLE function is basically a function by which they feel they must have under some degree of control, because if they demonstrate too much of it they could get into trouble. So, a person tries to restrain it sometimes or they form an inferiority complex about it. Like, someone who has as a Role function may feel inferior around someone who has as a base function and may literally suck up to them or feel like they have authority over them some how.

    A person can also practice using their ROLE function and get better about using it correctly over time, maybe even placing a little confidence in it. But, a person has to work hard at it or it may never develope very well, and it can go limp again if a person does not practice using it.

    By the way, I would not stop exploring other types even if you find other parts about Rocky's description that apply to you. If you are actually preferenced, you can not be ISTp because an ISTp is preferenced.

    Anyhow, I read the description at: and it describes the way I think very very well. I would say it is a very good description. If that relates to you, I would not doubt you are a oriented type.

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    I really doubt Winterpark is eithe SLE or ILE. Maybe the only other type besides SLI is the ILI, but I doubt it.

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    Lately, I've come to think that my "Thinking" is primarely introverted, my "Sensing" - primarely introverted, my "intuition" - extroverted and my "Feeling" - introverted. And I think that Ni & Te are the 2 functions I use THE LEAST. But all of this was before I read rocky's ISTp description, of course . Than I stared thinking I might have a wrong understanding of the functions and I considered the option that I could be an SLI - SiTeFiNe. That description really amazed me, seriously.

    By the way, on the assessment at , I usually get a result that puts my functions in this order : Ti, Fi, Se, Ne, Si, Ni, Te, Fe.

  28. #28


    The previous description puts the order of the functions as SiTeFiNe for an ISTp. Other descriptionss give the order as SiTeNiFe. Can anyone shed any light on this?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    The previous description puts the order of the functions as SiTeFiNe for an ISTp. Other descriptionss give the order as SiTeNiFe. Can anyone shed any light on this?
    Did you mean TiSeNiFe ? That's Myers-Briggs theory.

    btw, here's one thing I have noticed about my Sensing. Sometimes I don't want to notice things . All this sensory input, especially the one coming from people, can be so overwhelming. All these faces making spontaneous eye contact with me, I feel as if they want something from me. I feel I need to respond to every eye-contact, to give some kind of feedback. But many times I don't know how to respond, how to react appropriately. So sometimes I just pull my head down and try not to notice things, try to ignore it all.

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