She's IEI, of this I am absolutely certain.

Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
Ni-INFp seems pretty apparent to me as her type; I'm curious why some people would assume she's INTp.
Apparently IEI-Ni are mistaken for ILI quite commonly:
Fiona Apple Quotes

My guess is either a lack of looking into her and giving a quick typing, or misunderstanding how Fe works, or how it works in the creative position.

As soon as you open up that quote page, a list of related authors include 3 confirmed INFps - Tupac, Eminem, and Kurt Cobain, with Michael Jackson, Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix as other possible INFps although I don't know nearly enough about the last ones mentioned to make any type of distinction. There may even be others but I'm not aware of them(Bob Dylan?).

Anywho, the correlation to INFp musicians is overwhelming - if you take the body of her quotes as a whole, you get a clear image of an enneagram 4.

I don't see any Te focus whatsoever, if anything I see weak Te, however her focus on people, her insecurities, her emotions, and relationships is apparent. She has had emotional displays - meltdowns on stage, an impromptu emotional speech which led to media backlash - long periods of procrastination where she has done nothing, an all or nothing mentality, an intensity in emotions , and given advice and quotes which blatently contradict Fe PoLR and Te creative.

She has an apparent focus on authenticity that screams beta and isn't indicative of gamma - in the sense that she emphasizes the importance of authenticity in self expression(go with yourself impromptu speech - which she did to the alienation of the media industry and possible supporters Fe>Fi ) over the 'moral stiffness' of gamma and Fi - in where a certain kind of censorship is emphasized for relational harmony.