I think it's a funny thing (you know Ganin's "uncovered" descriptions...)

For example :

ILI - Intuitive-Logical Introtim

- most unsociable of all types
- lazy do-nothing
- all ILI have Asperger Syndrome, they lack empathy (in contrast to LII, which are very friendly and empathetic)
- says only boring things that most people don't want to hear
- when female, faints when over-stimulated (although I have the case of a SEI female, this is mostly an ILI-like thing)
- hateful and hostile
- very difficult to socialise with
- when female, snivels for minor things, like SEI females
- physically weak
- frequently does things which are not accepted by society
- emotionally unstable
- when male, submits too easily to women
- doesn't need to drink alcohol, because an ILI seems drunk all the time
- bureaucratic and legalistic, slightly less narrow-minded than LSI but still narrow-minded
- egocentric, only thinks "me, my, mine, myself, etc."
- high IQ, but low EQ, in contrast to LII, which has slightly lower IQ but average EQ.
- needs efforts to appear friendly with others (I know a girl...)
- communicates like a machine (I know another girl...)
- withdrawn loner

You can send your own offensive type descriptions, I'm glad to read them.