Is a sense of time relatively abstract to all members of Delta? Does it seem like a resource we can never get a handle on, i.e. time is always hoarded or overspent?

I tend to lose time. I sit down to check email "for a sec" before we leave to pick up dinner... two hours later...

I never calculate how long something will take with any degree of accuracy. I forget a lot of little prerequisite details, then have to waste time trying to take care of them all so I can actually DO the scheduled activity... hours later.

I am chronically late unless it costs me money or causes me to pay the same amount for less time.

I overspend time. I like to schedule things in advance so I can (try to) make sure I make enough time for everything. If someone cancels, I am disappointed but flexible - I have other stuff waiting in queue that can be moved around. If invited to something I don't want to do, I will say "I'll try to make it" then procrastinate or hesitantly make an excuse at the last minute.

My ISTP friends hoard time. They are noncommittal about scheduling because they hate the feeling of impending obligations. But, if on the day of the invite you say "oh, I didn't know you wanted to, so I made other plans", they are a bit affronted. I've learned that any show of interest in the activity (however noncommittally communicated) translates to "yea, ok". If they don't want to, or aren't planning on it, they will say so on the spot.

What invariably happens is that I overschedule, mainly because I misinterpret the level of "interest" from others. Then I'm a flake because I wasn't planning for that event with them. I then have to put it off indefinately, reschedule, make excuses or just not explain and say "I can't".

Very bad thing to do with xSTx types - makes them angry and obstinate because they decide you're a flake. ISTP's think you're toying with them. ESTJ's think you don't respect their time. INFJ's think you just didn't care enough about them.

How can Delta types speak each other's time language in a way that makes sense to all? How can we appropriately communicate interest and explain our own quirks in a way that avoids repeated misunderstandings?